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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Daylight Savings
Daylight Savings
2006-04-01, 7:34 PM #1
Does anyone here NOT participate in the daylight savings time-change?

I've always been told that even certain parts of the U.S. doesn't do it, but I never knew if it was true or not. I didn't know if any other countries did it either.

Anyway, because of the time-change (clocks ahead one hour), I've now got to go to bed, or I'm going to be totally exhausted tomorrow.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-04-01, 7:41 PM #2
Screw that, I'm not participating. THEY CAN'T MAKE ME LIVE LIFE AN HOUR EARLIER!
2006-04-01, 7:45 PM #3
The entire state of Arizona doesn't time switch.

Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-04-01, 7:45 PM #4
Arizona and Hawaii don't do it. Thanks for reminding me by the way :D
2006-04-01, 7:46 PM #5
we changed this time last week
2006-04-01, 7:59 PM #6
Originally posted by Space_Bandit:
Arizona and Hawaii don't do it. Thanks for reminding me by the way :D

No prob. :)
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-04-01, 8:16 PM #7
Already changed my clocks.

Arizona has bigger problems to worry about. They can't be distracted by a clock change twice a year.
2006-04-01, 8:18 PM #8
Indiana doesn't change.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-04-01, 8:20 PM #9
Yay for another hour of light. This will mean an extra long practive for my lacrosse team on Monday. I predict lots of ruuing.
Pissed Off?
2006-04-01, 8:45 PM #10
Yay, just in time for springbreak. I <3 longer days.

2006-04-01, 8:59 PM #11
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
Already changed my clocks.

Arizona has bigger problems to worry about. They can't be distracted by a clock change twice a year.

They DO have a rather large hole in their state.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-04-01, 9:34 PM #12
Yay, I don't have to change my time.

You guys suck.
2006-04-01, 9:48 PM #13
Why does Arizona not follow this time change like every other normal state?
2006-04-01, 10:33 PM #14
And we thought Utah was the weird/stupid state.
2006-04-01, 10:34 PM #15
Damnit, 1 hours less to sleep. :(
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-04-01, 10:38 PM #16
No changes in Saskatchewan.
Quote Originally Posted by Chaz Ghostle
some gay men prefer to have partners with smaller, softer bodies[. . .]It really all comes down to what you like.
2006-04-01, 10:50 PM #17
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Indiana doesn't change.

All of them but one county is changing this year for the first time in like 30 years.

The one county is pissed.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-04-01, 10:52 PM #18
I'm gonna wait 7 minutes and see if Windows changes my clock.
2006-04-01, 10:59 PM #19
Bleh, really useless thing to me :/
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-04-01, 11:02 PM #20

[01:59:53] <+Anovis> [stuff]
[03:00:08] <+Anovis> [more stuff]
tofu sucks
2006-04-01, 11:05 PM #21
i wish i was in that one county! we just switced for the first time this year ;(
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
2006-04-01, 11:07 PM #22
2006-04-01, 11:08 PM #23
Originally posted by Greenboy:
Yay, just in time for springbreak. I <3 longer days.

Yes, I like longer days. But the day after the time change isn't longer!!! You just get up earlier. :p
Ok ok. Its longer. But only by like 30 seconds. This is because we are tipping toward the sun. It has nothign to do with daylight savings.
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-04-01, 11:08 PM #24
I am the master of TIME!
2006-04-02, 1:02 AM #25
DST is good because it means we use a little less electricity. But hey, it means you lose an hour sleep which you get back later. So meh.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-04-02, 1:03 AM #26
The USA changed the time today? It happened a week ago here.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-04-02, 1:22 AM #27
Times, they are a-changing.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-04-02, 3:38 AM #28
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Indiana doesn't change.

North western Indiana changes.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-04-02, 3:48 AM #29
Oh man, I was wondering earlier today when the time change would happen. I thought it was like next week or something. Now it is almost 4 instead of almost 3 :(
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-04-02, 2:18 PM #30
well our daylight savings time just ended. so yay.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-04-02, 2:19 PM #31
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Indiana doesn't change.

They do now. Just decided to, in fact.
2006-04-03, 12:47 AM #32
Originally posted by lassev:
The USA changed the time today? It happened a week ago here.

Yeah, well we were the ones who came up with daylight savings... Go ben franklin. He was a pimp. Especially in france.
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-04-03, 1:31 AM #33
[QUOTE=Double Helix]Yeah, well we were the ones who came up with daylight savings... Go ben franklin.[/QUOTE]

How can that be? If we changed the time a week before you, how can you still say you invented it? You came up with the idea a week later!
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-04-03, 2:12 AM #34
Originally posted by alpha1:
well our daylight savings time just ended. so yay.

I was just thinking "WTF? Are you in Australia or something?" when I remembered that, well... yeah. :$
2006-04-03, 11:08 AM #35
[QUOTE=Double Helix]Yeah, well we were the ones who came up with daylight savings... Go ben franklin. He was a pimp. Especially in france.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, William Willet.
2006-04-03, 11:57 AM #36
Originally posted by Baconfish:

probably true, but wikipedia isn't the most reliable of sources.

anyway why would people refuse to do it when everyone else in their city is doing it? wouldn't that completly mess up your schedule 24/7?? (I'm referring to the people who are seemingly just not doing it, unless they're just kidding)

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