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ForumsDiscussion Forum → George Lucas' next big hit!
George Lucas' next big hit!
2006-04-01, 11:07 PM #1
Hugo Weaving and Christian Bale star in...


Actually no. But it scared the hell out of me when I first saw it.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-04-02, 1:29 AM #2
Believe me when I say that I've followed this. I used to be really... really... *er* really into DB. I manage to hide it now, but just barely. Every now and then, something comes out... like a haze of geekiness before my eyes, clouding my judgement and then I say something that I later regret...
If this is serious (the calendar says no) then I have only one thing to say.

-Hugo Weaving needs to be Cell.
2006-04-02, 4:51 AM #3
Mmmmmm, someone should purge that article.
2006-04-02, 5:42 AM #4
well its not on IMDB so that doesn't bode well for it being in production in time for 2008.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-04-02, 5:52 AM #5
Who's Geoge Lucas?

2006-04-02, 10:44 AM #6
i doubt it, the only reason that ep 1-3 did well is not because they were good movies, but because they were leaching off the popularity of the original 3 movies... Any new series that lucas starts (i see he didn't write this, just producing) will probably flop, beacause a movie Actually has to be GOOD in order to catch on.
2006-04-02, 10:50 AM #7
You guys realize there is 0 chance this is real.

Hugo Weaving? Christian Bale? George Lucas? DRAGONBALL? No, just no...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-04-02, 10:50 AM #8
I'm curious as to why it's called Dragonball when Vegeta was in Dragonball Z...

Dragonball wasn't a half-bad show. Dragonball Z was horrid.
2006-04-02, 10:55 AM #9
Prank or not, I could actually believe George Lucas producing or even directing one :p
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-04-02, 11:41 AM #10
Spiral, Rev of the Sith was awesome.

Stop dumping on my dreams :(
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-04-02, 12:04 PM #11
People always diss the prequel movies. What was so bad about them? Nothing, quit complaining.


They were entertaining to EVERYONE else I know, I dont know why people on massassi have a problem with them. I thought they were badass.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-04-02, 12:20 PM #12
Hayden Christensen's acting sucked, if you're really picky about that sort of thing.

I'm not, but even so it bothered me sometimes ("sand". uggh)

2006-04-02, 12:30 PM #13
To be fair, Hayden would probably be a lot better under the direction of a good director. It can be very difficult to act without proper direction, which George Lucas did not provide.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-04-02, 5:16 PM #14
They've already made 2 live action Dragonball movies.

And they both suck.

In fact there is a movie review here for one of them.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-02, 8:57 PM #15
Lucas is a director. He does what he does. He expects the actors to do their jobs. When a director does this, he doesn't get what he wants unless he's working with amazing actors. There was good acting in the prequel movies, it's just that none of it involved Hayden Christensen or Natalie Portman. Episode 3 was the best of them, and the other two are not that bad.

That's why Ang Lee wins best director at this years oscars. He took two lousy actors and he helped them act. With lucas, it's about this storyline and what it has to do the characters. in movies unlike the ones lucas makes it's more along the lines of characters and what they do in this story they're in.

Now. Here's the difference. Lucas must get his story. That's how he see's it. Lucas must just see this dream of his. The moments star wars which most people complain about are foolish.

First things last. It's a good story. It's got twists and turns and all that. And it's got two storylines going on at once. There's a really great story offscreen of deception and doing evil things. and these things conncect in the movies and both sides are thinkging about how they are going to play the other side and as it turns out, they were all just a ploy. Palp wins in the end and vader is vader.

Two things. Our beloved trilogies. Knowing what we know about star wars when episode 1 comes out.... people say "that wasn't enough like star wars." Well.....

Let's see what happens..... oh... here's Episode 2.... but we hate Hayden's acting... so that one isn't real star wars either.

So nobody cares to look at the first two flicks anymore.

Episode 3 comes out. Episode 3. Now that's what we've been waiting for. That seems a lot like ESB.

Can't people just deal with the fact that the prequels are different. And they are just as "star wars" as any other movie. They started with 10 years gap..... and a lot can happen in 10 years. Of course it seemed different but my god when ROTS runs in there it ties them up.

I love all the the movies. But.... right now....I am feeling the later stages of ambien sleep medication.....
>>untie shoes
2006-04-02, 9:51 PM #16
As a bit of a geek for DBZ, I think Hugh and Ray would be awesome! Hell, since seeing Ep1-3 Jedi Saber Fighting, it reminds me alot of the intensity of DBZ fights.

OMFG, Just searched who Hugo Weaving was. HIM AS CELL WOULD RULE!

[/day dreaming]
-Hell Raiser
2006-04-02, 9:52 PM #17
Originally posted by Emon:
To be fair, Hayden would probably be a lot better under the direction of a good director. It can be very difficult to act without proper direction, which George Lucas did not provide.

Eh... I saw him in Shattered Glass and I thought that he did a poor job in that too. ;)
2006-04-02, 10:15 PM #18
What I find funny is people are all like "Oh there is no romance in AotC, it's like they marry for no reason" or whatever, yet in both Spider-Man movies, especially the first, its like Mary Jane is a slut and will do anyone just to get to Peter. First movie she was with Harry and suddenly "Im in love with you" and in the 2nd, she ditched her fiancee. But no one insulting that pathetic romance.

And as far as Hayden going evil and Palpatine saying "Hey turn to the dark side, you get a cooler outfit..." and he goes "Ok", keep in mind in AotC he was complaining about the Jedi and how he was being "held back" and all that. Well before the slaughtering of the Tusken Raiders, he was pissed off at the Jedi and mad at them, displaying signs of anger/frustration. Hell, even in the first movie, with his sarcasm towards Yoda and all.

The only thing that pissed me off, or at least the big thing, with EP3 was Yoda not talking to Qui-Gon Jinn in the book. It's like "Yeah btw Obi-Wan, I can talk to Qui-Gon Jinn still, but we won't bother to like have this huge climatic moment where he actually speaks and the audience heres him, thereby helping explain why we disappear when we die. No, Im just gonna say 2 lines to explain the disappearing trick."

The OT and the new ones are 2 seperate stories. Indeed EP3 was designed to bridge the gap and show how Vader became Vader, but they were different. We can't go and try to compare them to each other, because they are different lines and really, when you think about it, they have little to nothing in common as far as plot.

EP 1-3, the rise of the Sith and fall of the Jedi.

EP 4-6, the fall of the Sith and return of the Jedi.

Notice the basic plot difference? And how did this thread turn from Dragonball to this?
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-02, 11:16 PM #19
Originally posted by Wuss:
Eh... I saw him in Shattered Glass and I thought that he did a poor job in that too. ;)

Holy crap, I didn't know he starred in that till now.
2006-04-03, 6:29 AM #20
I would like to see Goku as Keanu Reeves if such a movie was being make. I mean after all, the fight at the end of Revolutions was reminiscient of a DBZ fight. I agree that Hugo should be Cell too.

Originally posted by THRAWN:
What I find funny is people are all like "Oh there is no romance in AotC, it's like they marry for no reason" or whatever, yet in both Spider-Man movies, especially the first, its like Mary Jane is a slut and will do anyone just to get to Peter. First movie she was with Harry and suddenly "Im in love with you" and in the 2nd, she ditched her fiancee. But no one insulting that pathetic romance.

Somehow I always have the feeling that Mary Jane really liked Peter. She was just waiting for him to make a move on her so she can be sure that Peter felt the same way about her. However for the most part, Peter has never made a move on her other than giving her looks and taking pictures of her (speaking of which it was kind of disturbing the number of photos he has of her on his mirror in the second movie). I believe he mentioned to Harry himself, but how he never made that move. So because of Peter's indecisivness, MJ decided to keep their relationship on a friend's level since she was not sure if he was interested in her (not seeing her play made her think he did not care about her).

Now about AotC, I never heard that "they married for no reason" argument before. However, most people do think that the romance is done rather poorly. This is due in part to all the horrible lines Anakin has when he was trying to be romantic. He tries too hard at certain point to be poetic and it fails miserably (not to mention the line felt out of place). Aside from this reason, I do see how the two fall in love with one another. Anakin and Padme share the situation of being part of an influential organization. It comes at a cost though since their professions affect their personal lives with these restraining rules and expectations. Perhaps the "frolicking and rolling down the hills of Naboo" symbolizes their freedom from having to be a jedi or a senator. Keep in mind that Padme and Anakin are together throughout nearly the entire movie so it is possible that made them more closer.

Then again I could be completely wrong and that both romances were instead poorly done.
2006-04-03, 6:42 AM #21
I think I just puked a little in my mouth.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-04-03, 8:55 AM #22
I have no beefs with Ep1-3. I thouroughly enjoyed them and stand the DVDs proudly next to my 4-6 DVDs. I'm a sucker for fast intense fights, and man, Ep3 was fast and intense. :D I thought Ep1 was cool with Maul, but man, Maul ain't got squat on Vader.
-Hell Raiser
2006-04-03, 10:39 AM #23
I think we should deluge the talk page with a show of support for this entry. I've already started.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-04-03, 10:47 AM #24
Originally posted by THRAWN:
What I find funny is people are all like "Oh there is no romance in AotC, it's like they marry for no reason" or whatever, yet in both Spider-Man movies, especially the first, its like Mary Jane is a slut and will do anyone just to get to Peter. First movie she was with Harry and suddenly "Im in love with you" and in the 2nd, she ditched her fiancee. But no one insulting that pathetic romance.

And as far as Hayden going evil and Palpatine saying "Hey turn to the dark side, you get a cooler outfit..." and he goes "Ok", keep in mind in AotC he was complaining about the Jedi and how he was being "held back" and all that. Well before the slaughtering of the Tusken Raiders, he was pissed off at the Jedi and mad at them, displaying signs of anger/frustration. Hell, even in the first movie, with his sarcasm towards Yoda and all.

The only thing that pissed me off, or at least the big thing, with EP3 was Yoda not talking to Qui-Gon Jinn in the book. It's like "Yeah btw Obi-Wan, I can talk to Qui-Gon Jinn still, but we won't bother to like have this huge climatic moment where he actually speaks and the audience heres him, thereby helping explain why we disappear when we die. No, Im just gonna say 2 lines to explain the disappearing trick."

The OT and the new ones are 2 seperate stories. Indeed EP3 was designed to bridge the gap and show how Vader became Vader, but they were different. We can't go and try to compare them to each other, because they are different lines and really, when you think about it, they have little to nothing in common as far as plot.

EP 1-3, the rise of the Sith and fall of the Jedi.

EP 4-6, the fall of the Sith and return of the Jedi.

Notice the basic plot difference? And how did this thread turn from Dragonball to this?

q f t
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-04-04, 10:12 AM #25
Yeah Hugo Weeving would be a badass Cell.

But *IF* they made the movie...which saga would they choose? Would they just do the first saga with Goku finding out he isn't human? Or would the movie start off with him already Super Sayian, and him fighting Cell or Buu? If they did the movies like the series, the first movie about him not being human, the second about Freeza, etc. it could work out, providing the movie didn't bomb.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-04, 1:18 PM #26
It'd be a nice little series of movies. Specially since all the 'garbage talk' and crap would be cut out. You CAN easily summerize each saga into a 2 hour movie IMHO.
-Hell Raiser
2006-04-04, 3:03 PM #27
i remember hearing about fox purchasing the rights to make a live action DBZ movie a while ago. then heard nothing further for a while. then one night I dremt that i watched it. the next time i looked for information on it, it had gone further into development.

Also, a lack of an IMDB page proves nothing. jeff waynes War of the worlds CGI movie based on his musical is being made, and it has no page on IMDB. It doesnt even have a wikipedia page.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-04-04, 8:03 PM #28
I would like to point out that lucas did not direct Empire nor Jedi. I think his strong point is... err.. was writing
2006-04-04, 10:15 PM #29
What is up with you people and these silly japan cartoons?

Except Future Trunks owns you all. Hugo Weaving would make a better SSJ Vegeta than a Cell me thinks.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-04-04, 11:52 PM #30
Yeah, the fight at the end of Revolutions convinced me that a DBZ movie was possible. However, DBZ had become wildly unpopular just that year, as the American translation had just ended it's run on Cartoon Network.
I can see Ray Park as Vegeta. He has the short-dude-with-the-cah-raaaazy-moves thing down.
I had a little article I worte about the whole thing somewhere that laid out a series of movies that went through DBZ to GT, but it sucked, in retrospect.
Dunno. Some parts were good.
Like, I figured that it would be best to summarize DB in a little anime/CGI sorta intro thing over the opening credits, just sorta skin the story as best as can be done.
And the other thing I suggested which nobody seemed to fond of was ending the first movie with the Vegeta/Nappa fight just about to start. Because that's how the anime seemed to go a lot.

-My god, that "five minutes" fight on Namek was the longest, most over the top thing I had ever seen to that point. Still stands as crazy to this day.
2006-04-05, 3:08 AM #31
Originally posted by Spiral:
I would like to point out that lucas did not direct Empire nor Jedi. I think his strong point is... err.. was writing

Out of all 6 A New Hope was my fav :). Then Return then Empire, I think Lucas directed the first one, I could be wrong though.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-04-05, 4:57 AM #32
Yeah that last fight on Namek was nuts, it went for something like 6 weeks worth of episodes.
2006-04-05, 7:01 AM #33
I think I read on massassi it being called Drag-On-Ball Z.
Sorry for the lousy German

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