Soon to be banned via neo-conservative conspiracy
Posts: 3,241
What I find funny is people are all like "Oh there is no romance in AotC, it's like they marry for no reason" or whatever, yet in both Spider-Man movies, especially the first, its like Mary Jane is a slut and will do anyone just to get to Peter. First movie she was with Harry and suddenly "Im in love with you" and in the 2nd, she ditched her fiancee. But no one insulting that pathetic romance.
And as far as Hayden going evil and Palpatine saying "Hey turn to the dark side, you get a cooler outfit..." and he goes "Ok", keep in mind in AotC he was complaining about the Jedi and how he was being "held back" and all that. Well before the slaughtering of the Tusken Raiders, he was pissed off at the Jedi and mad at them, displaying signs of anger/frustration. Hell, even in the first movie, with his sarcasm towards Yoda and all.
The only thing that pissed me off, or at least the big thing, with EP3 was Yoda not talking to Qui-Gon Jinn in the book. It's like "Yeah btw Obi-Wan, I can talk to Qui-Gon Jinn still, but we won't bother to like have this huge climatic moment where he actually speaks and the audience heres him, thereby helping explain why we disappear when we die. No, Im just gonna say 2 lines to explain the disappearing trick."
The OT and the new ones are 2 seperate stories. Indeed EP3 was designed to bridge the gap and show how Vader became Vader, but they were different. We can't go and try to compare them to each other, because they are different lines and really, when you think about it, they have little to nothing in common as far as plot.
EP 1-3, the rise of the Sith and fall of the Jedi.
EP 4-6, the fall of the Sith and return of the Jedi.
Notice the basic plot difference? And how did this thread turn from Dragonball to this?
I can't think of anything to put here right now.