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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Graphic Card Recomendations?
Graphic Card Recomendations?
2006-04-04, 8:41 PM #1
Im saving up 400 dollars (Canadian) for upgrading my rigs graphics card and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what would be a good card to upgrade to.
2006-04-04, 9:01 PM #2
PCI-E? 7900GT if you can find it for that, 7800GTX if you can't, and 7800GT if you can't find that.

AGP? Don't bother. Upgrade your entire system.
2006-04-04, 9:02 PM #3
Yeah, PCI-E

Futureshop 7800 GT OC?

Is that a good deal?
2006-04-04, 9:09 PM #4
That's not bad. Only about 30 dollars off of the average US equivalent.
2006-04-04, 10:08 PM #5
7900gt for a buck cheaper =P
2006-04-04, 10:14 PM #6
Oh btw, i know their web site is shotty looking, and infact their shop looks straight out ghetto. But they are solid and far from shady = ]
2006-04-04, 11:50 PM #7
Is that in Canadian prices?

Also, how well would these cards work with Oblivion.
2006-04-05, 5:51 AM #8
I have an XFX 7800gt 256 mb. It works great. Bought it for $300 American. Don't know what the Canadian equivlent is, (hopefully someone on the border of U.S. and CA knows.
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2006-04-05, 6:25 AM #9
In this day and age, I'd say get a 512mb card. The right kinds are that much more expensive than the higher 256mb cars and it does make a difference.

Sapphire x1900xt have some very good prices and I'm very happy with mine. Though nVidia do provide more support, (example : Oblivion performance drivers).

7900GT is great
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-04-05, 7:35 AM #10
I kind of wish I had waited and gotten a 512 7800GTX.
2006-04-05, 8:19 AM #11
Ati seem to hold the performance crown in Oblivion at the moment ( but Nvidia isn't exactly doing poorly...
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-04-05, 8:41 AM #12
[QUOTE=James Bond]Ati seem to hold the performance crown in Oblivion at the moment ( but Nvidia isn't exactly doing poorly...[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately for ATi, nVidia stands to corner the market on the two biggest engines today--UE3 and Doom 3. That could be bad for ATi in the future.
2006-04-05, 10:58 AM #13
Originally posted by Overlord:
Is that in Canadian prices?

Also, how well would these cards work with Oblivion.

Yup, its in CAD.

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