I'm a big Tekken fan, but King of Fighters has always been my favorite. 2D is really where button-mashing-games is at.
Oh, and SC is REALLY fun, and I'm uber good at it.
I'm not the BEST fighting game player, but I really do damn well against some good players. I once played the head KoF player of this arcade in Ohara Japan. He'd won medals at their Arcade, and when he found out there was an American at the arcade, he actually DROVE to the arcade to play me. Needless to say, I smashed him. Multiple times. With any character he wanted me to be. Then he took me over to the latest Tekken game not yet released in the US. I didn't even know half of the moves for some of the characters, and really didn't understand some of the odd power-up things he was doing, and I STILL beat him. Albiet not as well as I creamed him on KoF, but I still didn't lose a single full 3-bout-round.
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