I remember a news segmant on a major network reporting on how gaming increases reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to track multiple objects at once. This, reportadily, makes those who play video games (especially simulator type games) "safer drivers."
So, they are not all bad, but the good ones seem to get drowned out..
I will add, that I have come very close to being in several accidents where people weren't watching where they were going (particularily, not breaking in time). I have swerved off the road to keep people from hitting me on several occassions. In only one of the cases was there a collision:
I was rolling in behind traffic as they were starting off from a traffic light. Suddenly, several vehicles up, a moving van decides to slam on the breaks (for no apparent reason), this causes everyone behind him to do the same. Instinctively, everytime I have to break hard, I look into the rearview mirror. In it, I see a black mustang bearing down hard. I could deduce in this quick glance that based on it's speed and distance, it wouldn't have time to stop in time. So, I am left with a choice and I have to act quickly. Do I swerve into the right-hand lane and risk getting hit by another car that's in that lane (that I didn't notice in my mirrors cause of my blind spot)? Do I brace myself for inpact? Or do I attempt to quickly climb up onto the median? Quickly, I twist the wheel to the left and give the car some gas. A half a second later, BAM, the mustang makes contact, sending me across the median, over a No U-turn sign, and hitting a stopped car on the other side in the rear passenger door. The only person that got hurt was the guy driving the mustang. He put his arm up right before the collision and the air bag hit it with enough force to leave a nice big bruise on his arm.
Ahead of me, was a small blue nessian with a very cute brunette in it who got out to see if she needed to stay or not. Of course, like a dumb ***, I told her that it was fine and she could go ahead (I'm assuming she was with the rest of us students on the way to class that got detoured due to construction on the bridge several miles back). Ahead of her was a large utility truck. Of which, the nose of her car would have fit nicely underneath if I had held my ground and did nothing (the mustang would have hit me and I would have hit her, etc). She probably would have been decapitated. *sigh* I'd probably be married to her today if I had told her to stay instead of the lovely wife I have now (I'm not complaining, just saying). Anyhow. My car took the worst beating. Mind you, it didn't take very much beating in the front since the majority of the impact was dispersed between him hitting me at a glance (since I was in the process of trying to get up on the median), me accelerating, going against gravity, and running over the No U-turn sign. The rear was somewhat dented from where the mustang hit, but not bad. Oh yeah, but the bottom part of the No U-Turn sign is what "totaled" the car out. It went through the bottom of the car, severing the break line and "pushed" up on the bottom of my seat (it punctured all the way through the bottom of the car, and almost my seat too).
Anyhow, I'm not sure why I just typed all that. I guess just to prove the point that if it weren't for my fast reflexes (from playing Battlefield 1942, at the time), the accident would have been 100 times worse. Granted, the lady across the median would not have been affected, but the dent in your rear passenger door was a small price to pay when weighed against the safety of a human life.