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ForumsDiscussion Forum → In MoTS...
In MoTS...
2004-06-17, 4:50 AM #1
How long does it take dark Mara to drown? I'm playing the Dromund Kaas Swamp level, and I lured her into the water, and I swear, she must have been at the bottom for like half an hour. Oh well, I'm gonna go eat my lunch and then see if she's still alive.

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-17, 4:58 AM #2
Its supposed to take a long time, just kill her with your saber--be crazy with it and you will win

nil nip nada zip zero naught lip zil
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2004-06-17, 5:09 AM #3
I could be wrong (in fact I haven't checked this for ages []), but I believe her actor cog uses the ReturnEx(0) statement in the "damaged" message block to process any damage that isn't energy/power/impact/fire/saber or force....

For those of you that don't speak cog, that means she's invulnerable to anything other than those mentioned above []. With this in mind, you may as well go and get another bite to eat... []

As I say, I could be wrong - t'is been ages since I checked her actor class cog... []


"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." - gothicX
"jackpot is an evil evil man... so evil, in fact, that he's awesome." - Seb

"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
|| AI Builder: compatible with both JK & MotS || My website ||
2004-06-17, 5:17 AM #4
Well, the drowning did eventually kill her. Next challenge: getting past the vornskrs(sp?)

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-17, 5:22 AM #5
Mwuahaha.... just killed the vornskr, all I had to do was find a ledge and use lightsaber throw repeatedly. Now I'm trying the same tactic on one of those stupid statue guys.

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-17, 5:33 AM #6
*has a nostalgia seizure*

You're entering a world of pain.

"I have no clue why people trust statistics like that. 99% of the time they are made up." - Raoul Duke
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2004-06-17, 5:41 AM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by lucky_jackpot:
...For those of you that don't speak cog...</font>

Those kinds of people 1) dont exist, or 2) are irrelevent... []

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-06-17, 5:44 AM #8
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS here:
I HATE Vornskrs. Those damn things make a pit bull look like a puppy on prozac.

They sneak up on you, and they can jump straight up to hit you when you are about 10 jku above them. If I had a conc or a raildet (or even a repeater or strifle in a worst case scenario), they wouldn't be a problem, but if i only have a saber and force, they are very hard.

As for the undead sith, the first time I saw them, I was like "WTF?" b/c they weren't in the manual. However, it would have been better if they fought hand to hand with you instead of merely shooting force lightning. I only have to force-push them into a wall to kill them.

The noghri being in the sith temple made no sense, b/c why would they be there? Also, logicall, wouldn't their presence activate the sith statues long before you got there?


I hated the last 5 levels of MotS (the last two pirate levels and the swamps), with the exception of the statues, which were really cool []. Dark Mara was a @#$%@, vornskyrs were cheap, and the worst part was --- I hadn't discovered the advantage of using the mouse, strafing, and hotkeyed force powers!

I wonder if I can beat levels 12+ now... (I got stuck at Dark Mara and had to use invul [] ) ... except the vornskyrs still scare the crap out of me []

nytfyre m0d || f33l t3h p0w3r || t3h l0st c0gz || OMF > *

[This message has been edited by Darth Slaw (edited June 17, 2004).]
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-06-17, 6:44 AM #9
Lol, same here Slaw. They scare the crap outta me too. I found the Vornskrs so hard to kill the first time, that I ended up doing those fights in slowmo, which is actually pretty cool, lol.

I love the last couple of levels though. The ambience is awesome. The statues are aces, the puzzles in the temple are pretty tough, yeah, the last couple of levels were definitely what I had been hoping for in MotS. []

There are so many good things about MotS. Playing as Mara (superb voice-acting), the Multiplayer levels (awesomeness, especially Reactor and Bespin, the version that includes the gantry as well as the carbofreezer). The new ForcePowers.

The only thing that does really suck about MotS (i.m.o.) is that you can only choose 2 out of 4 powers in a row. This makes certain combinations impossible. It's a shame, because I always want 3 powers from the second row, but I can only choose 2. It's impossible to make a realistic Vader this way, you need grip, saberthrow, and pull, and theyre all in the same 'row', so you have to drop one of these.

Oh and worst of all, no Force Throw []

=Council Member=
+Order of Reborn Jedi+

Long live JK! =Best Game Ever=
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2004-06-17, 8:13 AM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by GBK:
Those kinds of people 1) dont exist, or 2) are irrelevent... []



Try not, do; or do not.
Math is infinitely finite, while the universe is finitely infinite. PI = QED
2004-06-17, 2:41 PM #11
I always hated that level with a passion. It was scary as hell.

Ya know ive noticed that turning into a grown up just means you have more power to change your body into crap.
Light And Darkness|Remnant Temple Part A|A work in progress
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-06-17, 2:44 PM #12 MoTS?!?

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited June 17, 2004).]
2004-06-17, 2:53 PM #13
I... Hate... Mynocks...

*Shivers in a corner*

Titan A.E.
Titan A.E.
2004-06-17, 4:05 PM #14
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
There are so many good things about MotS...the Multiplayer levels (awesomeness, especially Reactor and Bespin, the version that includes the gantry as well as the carbofreezer).</font>

I could never understand why MotS MP never caught on more than it did.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right." -Isaac Asimov
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2004-06-17, 4:35 PM #15
KFY > *

"Ever since I was a boy, I have always kept your laws, now I want to follow you and join you in your noble cause. Jesus turned to him and said, 'Sell all you have give to the poor.' Rich young ruler hung his head, not to follow, walked instead." - Vanishing Lesson
Think while it's still legal.
2004-06-17, 11:11 PM #16
I don't know about anyone else, but I always find that in virtually every game, there's always some sort of critters that (although not overly difficult to kill) are just small, annoying and downright creepy... [] (I have a frail heart [])

In JK, it was the Mynocks (*runs over and join Cosmic Castaway*), in MotS it was the leaping Vornskrs.

I still remember my first encounters with both [] - in JK it was level 3 (Return to Sulon) where the acid bath was and seeing something in the distance I shot at it with the ST-Rifle and missed abysmally. A moment later I was inundated with the fast, erratic flying fiends and carping myself like mad. It unnerved me just walking past the first dead one's carcass [] [].

For MotS, I still haven't finished it (I only got as far as a Mara retrieving the jedi holocron, before my machine crashed and needed a reformat []), but whilst I was designing a city level, I thought I'd see the whole set of MotS resources and as I'd never encountered a vornskr, thought "what the heck..." and gave it a whirl. Yes, I was torn to shreds in seconds and (after recomposing myself) loaded up and tried again, this time armed with force powers - "surely persuasion would work" I thought. I decided that maybe that wasn't a good idea after seeing the "Press Fire to Restart" message... []

Anyways - maximum thread tangent reached - but oh, vintage gaming nostalgia []


"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." - gothicX
"jackpot is an evil evil man... so evil, in fact, that he's awesome." - Seb

"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
|| AI Builder: compatible with both JK & MotS || My website ||
2004-06-18, 4:11 AM #17
Acording to what i've read from the thrawn trilogy, vornskr's can sense the force and have a strong ability to hunt force using the force actualy draws them to you.

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-06-18, 4:45 AM #18
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Grant:
Acording to what i've read from the thrawn trilogy, vornskr's can sense the force and have a strong ability to hunt force using the force actualy draws them to you.


Damn, I guess I'll have to stop using force seeing. BUT IT'S SO DARK!!!

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-18, 4:57 AM #19
Am I the only one, who when using Force Persuasion, in both JK and MotS, never had any luck? I'd always be spotted, ALWAYS, no matter who I was fighting. Stormies, Grans, Rodians, everyone would see me. Man, this sucks to, 'cause it's a cool power. []

Titan A.E.
Titan A.E.
2004-06-18, 5:22 AM #20
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Friend14:


I kid, I kid! []

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-06-18, 5:37 AM #21
Man.... im still on the second asteriod level []

"The quality of the levels you make is determined by the skill of the person not by the editor in which they use!"
-Michael Kyle

MAK Studios 3D
2004-06-18, 6:17 AM #22
Alright, I'll admit it, I'm stuck. In the Catacombs level, at the set of doors that is directly across from the doors you originally come in (in the huge chamber space).

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-18, 6:36 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by kyle90:
Alright, I'll admit it, I'm stuck. In the Catacombs level, at the set of doors that is directly across from the doors you originally come in (in the huge chamber space).


is this the one where you have two statues on the ledge in front of you? You should see two reliefs set into the wall, one on each side of the door. Activate them and they will change.

This puzzle is sort of like a combination lock. You have to find the right sequences of images for the doors to open. The statues will zap you for each wrong combo, so have force heal ready.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
2004-06-18, 10:42 AM #24
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cosmic Castaway:
I... Hate... Mynocks...

*Shivers in a corner*

*joins CC*

I think I should reword my last post -- I said I hated the last 5 levels... well, I did hate levels 10 and 11, for the most part, and I hated playing the last 3 -- I probably would've enjoyed just watching them more. I can't play AND be scared stiff at the same time -- I get killed easy.

I love persuasion though; persuasion + blinding = pwnage. My friends all hated me for using persuasion, blinding them, and attacking and killing them, all with force speed on [] They're like "if you see your screen go white, it's him, and you're screwed"

Woohoo! I beat all of BoaM yesterday!

nytfyre m0d || f33l t3h p0w3r || t3h l0st c0gz || OMF > *
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-06-18, 11:32 AM #25
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
is this the one where you have two statues on the ledge in front of you? You should see two reliefs set into the wall, one on each side of the door. Activate them and they will change.

This puzzle is sort of like a combination lock. You have to find the right sequences of images for the doors to open. The statues will zap you for each wrong combo, so have force heal ready.


Okay, I figured it out. I had forgotten to go to the left when you first enter the big room, and after I did that it let me do the combination lock thingy. The funny thing was, I got the combination wrong the first time, and it tried to zap me but missed. So I clicked it a bunch more and it missed every time.

On a somewhat related note, those force-lightning zombie dudes are annoying. Force heal was definitely handy when I was fighting them off. Although in the room where like six of them come out of the walls, I was able to trick the AI in about half of them to just stand there while I killed them.

As well, I discovered how to mess with the vornskrs' AI. They won't follow you up stairs, and sometimes not even around corners. If they don't follow you around a corner, they will sit there and eventually start walkiung back to where they started. Makes it really easy to run up behind them and get a good swing in with the lightsaber. And of course when they get stuck at the bottom of stairs, lightsaber throw is all you need. (There was one vornskr that was only about half a JKU away from me, I wasn't on stairs or anything, and all he did was sit there while I threw the saber at him. Weird).

Anyways, now that I've got past all that, I'm trying to kill Kyle. How much health does he have? (I guess I'll have to check the template file or wherever that is.)

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-18, 1:18 PM #26
Alright, I guess I just beat it. I dunno what happened, Kyle just turned off his lightsaber all of a sudden, but my saber didn't seem to be hurting him, so I started punching him, and then it ended, played the last cutscene, and went to the credits. Kind of anticlimactic, punching a guy to death after all the epic lightsaber battles...

Oh, and does anyone know how to slow down the cutscenes? They play superfast, and I can't even figure out what is going on.

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-06-18, 2:00 PM #27
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by kyle90:

On a somewhat related note, those force-lightning zombie dudes are annoying. Force heal was definitely handy when I was fighting them off. Although in the room where like six of them come out of the walls, I was able to trick the AI in about half of them to just stand there while I killed them.


Use full-strength force push on them, and push them into a wall.

With that method, they're so easy to kill.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

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