CaptBevvil - I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about.
This, and the OT less than the PT, but all of them to a major extent (and most of hollywood) does focus on hitting the sword and flashyness, more than actual technique. I fenced for about a year and a half.
"You also arn't talking about your typical one-handed sword either."
Yes, he is.. All fencing is done with a one-handed weapon. Eppe, foil, and saber are all one handed.
"Furthermore, it's not like fencing where your aim is to score a direct hit to a persons chest (with a thrust). It requires more skill and tactics. "
That's just Foil. With Eppe, you can hit anywhere from head to toe. (with a thrust) Saber you hit with the blade of the sword. Also, there is a rediculous amount more strategy and skill required in fencing than most people believe. Being really fast at swinging/stabbing a sword just doesn't cut it.
"This is not to mention that it might be tactically advantagous to attacking another's lightsaber to knock it out of the way and open them up to a quick attack to their body."
This is very true. Fencing uses this technique of knocking a sword out of the way and then attacking (when defending, it's called a parry and riposte, if memory serves). The issue a lot of people have with lightsaber duels is that when you attack, you're attacking their lightsaber, and then you keep attacking their lightsaber. Watch how, especially Anikan and Yoda, fight (they just come to mind.) It's a flurry of blows against the saber, but nothing comes after it. So it's just wasted, useless motion. If the blocking sword wasn't there, it wouldn't hit. And if they hit it out of the way, they just hit the sword again.
"There's often the complain too from so called "professional instructors" in regards to all of the fancy footwork (twirling, spinning, flipping, etc). "
No, the professionals are pretty much right. Flipping, spinning, twirling etc is pretty much horrible for sword fighting. Think about it. You're either in, or close to, stabbing range at all time. If you do a spin, or more stupidly a flip, without the aide of some supernatural, Force-like power, you can't block the stab that's going to rid you of your life. All of that flash just wastes time and exerts energy.
Connecting with the next...
"Obviously they've never studied much Martial Arts."
Fencing is very different from (most) martial arts/MA weapons. The spinning is there to gather inertia and force, and makes a more impactful blow. Spinning with nunchaku is a neccessity, to keep the motion going and to gather more force and inertia. Spinning with a sword is pretty much just clumsy.
All that being said, there are exceptions to all of that. But mostly, coming from someone who has experience in fencing and various martial arts...
Oh, yeah, And I remember when that movie first came out. A bit pre-EPII, I think... It really is a well put together fanfic.