Note: I don't expect these to be made. Hell, I don't even think half of them are possible, or really worth the time. Regardless, here's a big list of ideas I've compiled over the past few days of playing. Any suggestions? What do you think should be added to this list? Also note that I'm not trying to CHANGE the game per se, just enhance what's already there.
Special New Weapons:
A crazed inventor in the library of the Blades Temple will claim he’s working on a “new entertainment,” but he needs a very rare mineral to develop his idea. The inventor will not know where exactly the mineral is found, but promises an amazing new technology to rival all others.
4 grades of this mineral will be available, yielding 4 different products. The mineral can be mined from the same gold/silver deposits. Some obscure merchants will sell the mineral, not knowing what it is. It can also be found in abundance on fire-elemental creatures.
The easiest to find will yield Fireworks. Fireworks can be sold for fantastic amounts of money, lit in cities to raise the overall attitude the town has towards you, and causes enemies and creatures to come to you in the wilderness. The more of the first grade of mineral is used in the making of the firework, the more powerful the effect is.
The second will yield a powder that can be applied to any weapon as if an enchantment, giving the weapon “burning” properties. The amount of the 2nd grade of mineral used determines the length of burning damage inflicted.
The third yields an explosive potion that can be thrown, applied to an arrow for an explosive impact, or tossed via sling. Different amounts of the 3rd grade mineral make the explosive potion more powerful.
The final grade of mineral can be forged into a large round casing. This can be used as an explosive detonator, requiring a torch. Different amounts of the mineral create more powerful detonators. The grade of detonator determines the grade of locks that can be blown.
Once all types of the mineral are found, the inventor will suggest that the technology can be advanced even further. He recalls a certain ancient book describing a thing called a “Cannon.” Such devices have been created by the Akavair using powerful magic, a trade long lost. The inventor believes that this new non-magical mineral will be able to replicate the lost magical devices, and even improve upon them, making a portable cannon. But, of course, this coot doesn’t have any clue where the book is. All book merchants won’t have any clue what you’re talking about, except one. He will, no matter your disposition, claim he doesn’t know what you’re talking about, but the question will remain gold, as if he knows more. You will have to sneak into his shop at night and retrieve the book from behind a bookshelf in his shop. Bringing it back to the inventor gives the coot a crazy idea. He wants to create a black-powder firearm! He requires 25 gold nuggets, and 20 silver nuggets to build his creation at that! If these items are retrieved, the inventor will fashion you your very own hand-cannon.
The firearm has 5 major uses depending upon the type of ammunition used. Very slow reload, making this a one-time-use in battle, reloaded between major-fights. The low abundance of ammunition also lends to the balance of this weapon in the game. To add to the balance of the game, while degrading slowly, the gun cannot be repaired. A new firearm will need to be forged by the inventor if the original reaches zero. The damage and range of the weapon also degrades with the weapon’s health.
Fireworks of the highest grade can be fired for a bit of damage with a confusion and burn effect.
Powder of the highest grade can be fired for a wide-spread short range damage and burn effect.
Potions/poisons can be lobbed for an area-of-effect damage at a much greater distance.
Casings can be lobbed for a mortar effect with high damage.
The inventor will fashion a new ammunition that uses very little of the highest grade mineral. This ammunition also requires silver or gold to craft. A single nugget of gold along with one of the highest grade mineral will yield a box of golden slugs. These take the same long amount of time to load as other ammunition, but are far more abundant. A single long-range projectile with high damage, burning, and confusion fires from the weapon. The gun itself can also be used as a medium level melee weapon.
Weapon Change:
Dual wielding one handed weapons.
New Weapons:
More damage and range, slower reload. Melee attacks are available with the weapon, including spiked-variations.
Throwing stars/daggers/axes
Fast Attack, Fast Reload, Lower damage, low distance.
very Slow Attack, high range, high damage, slow projectile.
Very long attack, high range. Poisons and rocks are ammunition.
Very high range, Very High Damage, slow projectile.
For horse-to-horse combat.
Armor Change:
Cloth can be worn over armor. To avoid clipping, armor is visually unequipped.
3 rings, and 1 necklace can be worn at a time. 7 non-enchanted rings and 2 non-enchanted necklaces are also able to be equipped.
Bracelets and anklets will be added.
Vampirism is an icon in the upper right corner.
Indication when time-based quests are available, including champion arena matches.
Thieves Guild members will pick pocket high-profile items from you. If you're a part of the Thieves Guild, this isn't a problem. If you sleep/wait in a public place, or 10 gold inn, you can be pick pocketed while you sleep. The next time your inventory is accessed, a message will appear, warning you of a missing item.
If you are pick pocketed in public, guards will attempt to kill the thieves. Once they are slain, your item can be retrieved from them.
Thieves will also steal from other players.
If you are not a part of the dark brotherhood, you may be assassinated! The amount of fame you generate will determine the likelihood of being attacked. sleeping or resting in public places, or 10 gold inns may put you at risk. The more fame you have, the more powerful the assassin will be. Killing that assassin will result in an immediate appearance of the black cloaked man who will ask you to join the guild by killing Rufio.
New Skills:
The awareness skill will aware you of a pickpocket, or cheat. Your awareness skill will be put up against the pickpocket's sneak skill, and the cheat’s ability. Cheats are indicated by a popup message. Your awareness skill also determines the distance at which you will notice a trap. Normally, thieves will glow red after they have stolen from you, and an indicator will warn players that a trap is near. An apprentice of awareness will see a faded glow around a trap, and are notified when a thief has stolen from them via popup. Journeymen of awareness show all sneaking enemies as glowing-red, and grants a very close-distance detection.
The firearm skill will determine how fast you reload your firearm, and how likely it is to backfire when being loaded. This skill is quickly leveled the more the firearm is successfully loaded, and lowered the more the gun backfires. An apprentice of firearm will take half damage when the firearm backfires. A journeyman of firearm will not have the firearm backfire.
The slavery compassion skill indicates how well you treat your slave. The higher this value, the less likely your slave will run away while you sleep, or cry for help while in the cities. The skill quickly leveled by the health items you give him, armor you equip him, and accessories you give him. Damaging the slave will lower this skill. An apprentice of slavery compassion will deter the slave from crying out in public. A Journeyman of slavery compassion will be able to sleep soundly knowing that there is no chance that the slave will escape.
Cheating allows a player to change the tides of a game. Cheating compares your skill level to the other player’s awareness skill. This skill is leveled the more you successfully cheat. Normally, a player can pocket and place a card. An apprentice of cheating can miscount a stone, and a journeyman of cheat can use weighted dice.
The music skill allows you to craft songs and play greater songs. This skill is improved with each song played. The higher the skill, the better the enchantments available to the player for sheet-music. An apprentice in music can use two or more enchantments per song. A journeyman in music can play multiple different songs, allowing the different attributes to stack.
Own a Shop:
The warehouse in the Imperial City is replaced by a "Shop for Sale." Purchasing the shop also introduces you to your NPC shop salesperson. This person takes a certain commission of your sales while in turn running your shop for you. You then have a number of decisions to make. Which items will be sold at your store? Each month, a merchant visits your shop. Your salesperson will purchase a certain amount of goods that will be available for purchase at your shop. Your mercantile skill determines the price at which the merchant sells at. The sales of your goods will depend on their availability in the market district. Crafted/Alchemic items sell based upon the level they were crafted at. Rare enchanted items found on your travels sell at great amounts. Your store can be broken into if you are not a member of the thieves’ guild.
You have the option of joining the market guild, giving you small trading quests. A horse and carriage would be required to move a large amount of goods through a very dangerous trade-rout.
Black Horse Currier Jobs:
The black horse currier will offer a set of commissioned jobs that require you to distribute a certain number of a black horse newspapers. Other small tasks such as materials gathering, investigation, and inelegance gathering will be rewarding quests for the player to accomplish.
Horse Fighting:
You will be able to attack while on horseback. Lances and horse-armor will allow you to fight other mounted characters.
More Beggars:
More street beggars will be found in the game, accommodating new quests and such. They will also accommodate the game's original quests, providing the same general information.
Some inns may double as a brothel, with a lady or two standing by the stairs. Male brothels will be rare, or specific to a certain town. Personality bonus' as well as disease chances are possible. The amount of money paid determines the "quality" of effects. Prostitutes also double as Beggar informants. There will be randomized quests involving prostitutes.
A small shack near Morrowind will house an old man who still believes in slavery. A barbarian, bard, or archer slave-cat will be available for purchase. They will have an option to “receive” things when talked to. Potions, armor, and weapons will be equipped or used, and can be taken away. The likelihood of the slave running away while you sleep or cry for help in the city is based upon your slavery compassion skill. Cat-people will refuse to speak to you when your slave is around, and will call for the guards on site. Slaves can be told to “wait,” or can even be “let go.” A freed slave may decide to remain with the player depending upon their opinion of the player, as well as his slavery compassion skill. Only one slave is available at a time.
Some players will play a game with you, allowing you to bet an item or cash. Games are somewhat based on your luck attribute.
Stones [Backgammon], Tiles [Checkers], Cups [Find the ball], Dice, and Cards [5 Card Poker] are all games that players will play.
A gambler’s guild is located in the Imperial city, in the park area. Tournaments and titles will be available from this guild, giving you a chance at fame, and raising your luck attribute. Being caught cheating will result in your banishment from the guild.
A new guild will be available to the player by speaking with one of the many traveling bards scattered randomly throughout the continent. Joining the guild of bards gives you access to the traveling guilds network of music-trading. Quests will yield new amazing pieces for you to play, instruments for you to use, and mediums. Mediums are schools of music that are comparable to the schools of magic.
The player can create sheet music by obtaining a quill, parchment, and ink-well. With these 3 items, different enchantments can be applied to a piece of music. The different schools of enchantments are accessible based upon the mediums the player has obtained through the guild. Confusion, charm, hate, and actual physical pain are all capable through the music enchanting. A sheet of music can be copied and traded with other bards for cash, improving the guild’s library and network.
Music must be played like a magical scroll, only the scroll is infinite, and only usable while an instrument is equipped. Different instruments have different ranges, effect different races, and have different weights and proficiencies. Musical instruments that are enchanted can only be obtained through the bard guild.
A book will be found in a camp entitled “The Honor of a Hunter.” Reading the book will begin a quest with the same title. A number of “Dire” creatures will be listed in the book with instructions on how to track them. Certain plants the animal eats, the preferred climate of the creature, and the best method of disposing of the creature is all that the player is given. With this information, the player will track and kill 26 different dire animals. Each will have fantastical body parts that grant the player certain abilities by equipping them. Bears, boars, lions, and other dire creatures will be found throughout the world. Killing the creature also gives the player a “Trophy-part” that can be sold to the 3 brothers in the imperial city. When a trophy is sold, a deliverable trophy for your home or store is available for a small price. Trophy heads, stuffed statues, and bed-coverings will all be types of trophies. Killing these dire animals greatly improves your fame.
Traveling Circus:
A traveling band of musicians, performers, and strange animals will be happy to invite a player into their circus. If joined, messages telling the player that the circus is performing in certain cities will pop up. If the player decides to perform, several small mini-games will either gain the approval of the audience, or have them refute the player. The amount of interest the audience shows determines how much gold they throw at the circus. You’re paid after each performance based on how much the circus made. Smaller cities may not even be worth the attempt. Each year, however, the circus visits the “Arena” for a famous harvest festival with dances and music outside the arena, and amazing stories and events inside. There are 5 main circus events that can be practiced any time the circus is camped. Each professional at their job will be happy to teach you how to participate in their particular field:
Knife Throwing
Throw knives or shoot arrows at a very brave girl without actually hitting her. Other objects are also positioned for accuracy shooting/throwing. Killing the girl results in an automatic banishment from the circus. The amount of successful knives thrown accurately determines the amount of gold received.
Juggling [SKILL]
Any and all objects can be juggled. Torches, potions, and apples are commonly juggled items. A mini-game of timed-clicking will allow the player to juggle a decided amount of objects. The more objects, the faster the player must click. An apprentice of juggling must only click once for each round the objects make. A journeyman of juggling no longer needs to keep the rotation going, but must instead fire objects far into the air with a click of a button, making sure that they are under the falling object on it’s descent down. Successful juggling clicks will level this skill quickly. The level in juggling and the length of time juggling determines the gold received.
Acting [SKILL]
A few of the circus-performers tend to put on a play for their show. There are several different plays that the player can memorize, making sure to keep the lines in order. Successfully completing a play without any incorrectly stated lines will quickly level this skill. An apprentice of acting will only have to choose from 3 lines on his turn, rather than the entire list of that play’s lines. A journeyman in acting has only one line to choose. The level in acting determines how much gold is received.
Fencing [SKILL]
A part of acting, as well as a separate attraction all together, fencing requires the player to fight another actor with fake swords. Attacking only when the enemy blocks, and blocking when the enemy attacks will level this skill. Depending on the play, “killing” or “dying” should be timed depending upon the crowd’s disposition. When the crowd is cheering it’s most, the player should either take the fall and not block an attack and “die” or attack the enemy while not defending to “kill” him. An apprentice of fencing will be able to move at the same rate while blocking as they do while attacking. A journeyman of fencing automatically blocks all attacks unless the crowd is at it’s fullest cheer. The level of fencing determines the multiplier to the play’s gold received.
Reliant on music skill and song selection. The appropriate use of the song determines the amount of gold received.
The circus travels a good deal of the time, with body-guards that protect them along roads. Merchants in the circus sell some amazingly rare wears for a low price, and purchase questionable items as well. A particular animal-keeper in the circus will pay amazingly high prices if you can capture certain animals for the show.
Capture/Trapping [SKILL]
Similar to hunting, the animal-keeper requires you hunt down 10 rare and strange creatures. She provides certain traps for certain creatures, as well as their logical location. Placing traps and checking up on them frequently will ensure that the animal snared is living. Smaller animals can be trapped, drugged, and retrieved. Other, larger animals must be lured, tamed, and ridden to the circus. The final animal is the unicorn, tamed and ridden to the circus. All animals, however, can be trapped and kept as pets at the player’s home or shop. An apprentice in trapping will receive notifications when an animal is trapped in a trap, and will also be able to use an Elven whistle-tune to calm enraged animals from attacking. A journeyman in trapping will be given indicators of animal locations, and animals won’t attack the player.
The hourglass obtained on the dark brotherhood quest can be held on to and over a period of time, transform the player into a liche. The slow transformation will give different attributes at a very slow rate. Until full lichdom is achieved, the player will be entirely effected by the smallest disease, instantaneously killing him. Water also has this effect on the liche. Light also causes a problem for the liche. In the latest stages of lichdom, any damage at all means death for the player. As these negative effects take place, the player looks older and older. Once the oldest stage is met, the player turns into a skeleton, but can still wear armor. With the deterioration of the body, the player’s ability to carry large amounts on his person greatly drops. Despite these negative effects on the path to becoming a liche, the positives are numerous. Dramatically improved strength aids the player, making a single fist from the liche a soul-trapping kill. Soul stones appear in the user’s inventory with each kill. Speed and athletics are maximized, allowing the player to run any lengths and jump amazing distances. Heavy or light armor aside, the player can sneak without a sound, as his body is no longer heavy enough to cause sound. Magic is quadrupled in strength, as is the player’s MP. Once the player turns completely into a liche, he is truly invincible. The 2 years of negative effects have been worth the amazing power the player now possesses. The only negative? Entire towns will attack the player, no questions asked. It is impossible to exist in the civilized world as a liche. There really isn’t a reason to, either.
The final dire creature to be hunted, a half-man half-wolf creature is the last of his kind, left over from the episode in Morrowind. He lives alone in an empty mansion in the outskirts of the continent. In his human form, he’s a timid fellow who wishes he could stop hurting the ones he loves. Lying in her place of death, his wife’s remains rot, her wedding ring among the bones. His child’s bones are found in the woods behind his home, left there to rot with his father’s silver dagger lying there. On certain nights, however, when the two moons are visible in the sky, he turns into a dire wolf. His yellow eyes deceive him as a human, for now he hunts for blood. Killing him in this form grants the player his trophy, but could also grant a curse. Being bitten by the wolf turns the player into a werewolf. Speed, strength, and athletics are simple and permanent bonus’ granted by the form. Silver arrows, however, are deadly to your new body. Certain nights, as well, will turn the player into a dire wolf, disabling fast-travel and causing all players to become hostile towards you. Killing as a wolf, however, does not put a bounty on your head. Other positives are permanent night-eye, and wolf-comrade. No wolf or dog will attack you, and will instead follow and fight along side you in the wild. A certain wolf in the wilderness will even speak with you, and invite you to take part in the ‘Honor Hunt.’ A wild white magical stag will be hunted by a pack of dire wolves. Killing this horse will grant the player with the “amulet of moons.” Allowing the player to turn into a wolf when worn, rather than only on moon-nights.
Special New Weapons:
A crazed inventor in the library of the Blades Temple will claim he’s working on a “new entertainment,” but he needs a very rare mineral to develop his idea. The inventor will not know where exactly the mineral is found, but promises an amazing new technology to rival all others.
4 grades of this mineral will be available, yielding 4 different products. The mineral can be mined from the same gold/silver deposits. Some obscure merchants will sell the mineral, not knowing what it is. It can also be found in abundance on fire-elemental creatures.
The easiest to find will yield Fireworks. Fireworks can be sold for fantastic amounts of money, lit in cities to raise the overall attitude the town has towards you, and causes enemies and creatures to come to you in the wilderness. The more of the first grade of mineral is used in the making of the firework, the more powerful the effect is.
The second will yield a powder that can be applied to any weapon as if an enchantment, giving the weapon “burning” properties. The amount of the 2nd grade of mineral used determines the length of burning damage inflicted.
The third yields an explosive potion that can be thrown, applied to an arrow for an explosive impact, or tossed via sling. Different amounts of the 3rd grade mineral make the explosive potion more powerful.
The final grade of mineral can be forged into a large round casing. This can be used as an explosive detonator, requiring a torch. Different amounts of the mineral create more powerful detonators. The grade of detonator determines the grade of locks that can be blown.
Once all types of the mineral are found, the inventor will suggest that the technology can be advanced even further. He recalls a certain ancient book describing a thing called a “Cannon.” Such devices have been created by the Akavair using powerful magic, a trade long lost. The inventor believes that this new non-magical mineral will be able to replicate the lost magical devices, and even improve upon them, making a portable cannon. But, of course, this coot doesn’t have any clue where the book is. All book merchants won’t have any clue what you’re talking about, except one. He will, no matter your disposition, claim he doesn’t know what you’re talking about, but the question will remain gold, as if he knows more. You will have to sneak into his shop at night and retrieve the book from behind a bookshelf in his shop. Bringing it back to the inventor gives the coot a crazy idea. He wants to create a black-powder firearm! He requires 25 gold nuggets, and 20 silver nuggets to build his creation at that! If these items are retrieved, the inventor will fashion you your very own hand-cannon.
The firearm has 5 major uses depending upon the type of ammunition used. Very slow reload, making this a one-time-use in battle, reloaded between major-fights. The low abundance of ammunition also lends to the balance of this weapon in the game. To add to the balance of the game, while degrading slowly, the gun cannot be repaired. A new firearm will need to be forged by the inventor if the original reaches zero. The damage and range of the weapon also degrades with the weapon’s health.
Fireworks of the highest grade can be fired for a bit of damage with a confusion and burn effect.
Powder of the highest grade can be fired for a wide-spread short range damage and burn effect.
Potions/poisons can be lobbed for an area-of-effect damage at a much greater distance.
Casings can be lobbed for a mortar effect with high damage.
The inventor will fashion a new ammunition that uses very little of the highest grade mineral. This ammunition also requires silver or gold to craft. A single nugget of gold along with one of the highest grade mineral will yield a box of golden slugs. These take the same long amount of time to load as other ammunition, but are far more abundant. A single long-range projectile with high damage, burning, and confusion fires from the weapon. The gun itself can also be used as a medium level melee weapon.
Weapon Change:
Dual wielding one handed weapons.
New Weapons:
More damage and range, slower reload. Melee attacks are available with the weapon, including spiked-variations.
Throwing stars/daggers/axes
Fast Attack, Fast Reload, Lower damage, low distance.
very Slow Attack, high range, high damage, slow projectile.
Very long attack, high range. Poisons and rocks are ammunition.
Very high range, Very High Damage, slow projectile.
For horse-to-horse combat.
Armor Change:
Cloth can be worn over armor. To avoid clipping, armor is visually unequipped.
3 rings, and 1 necklace can be worn at a time. 7 non-enchanted rings and 2 non-enchanted necklaces are also able to be equipped.
Bracelets and anklets will be added.
Vampirism is an icon in the upper right corner.
Indication when time-based quests are available, including champion arena matches.
Thieves Guild members will pick pocket high-profile items from you. If you're a part of the Thieves Guild, this isn't a problem. If you sleep/wait in a public place, or 10 gold inn, you can be pick pocketed while you sleep. The next time your inventory is accessed, a message will appear, warning you of a missing item.
If you are pick pocketed in public, guards will attempt to kill the thieves. Once they are slain, your item can be retrieved from them.
Thieves will also steal from other players.
If you are not a part of the dark brotherhood, you may be assassinated! The amount of fame you generate will determine the likelihood of being attacked. sleeping or resting in public places, or 10 gold inns may put you at risk. The more fame you have, the more powerful the assassin will be. Killing that assassin will result in an immediate appearance of the black cloaked man who will ask you to join the guild by killing Rufio.
New Skills:
The awareness skill will aware you of a pickpocket, or cheat. Your awareness skill will be put up against the pickpocket's sneak skill, and the cheat’s ability. Cheats are indicated by a popup message. Your awareness skill also determines the distance at which you will notice a trap. Normally, thieves will glow red after they have stolen from you, and an indicator will warn players that a trap is near. An apprentice of awareness will see a faded glow around a trap, and are notified when a thief has stolen from them via popup. Journeymen of awareness show all sneaking enemies as glowing-red, and grants a very close-distance detection.
The firearm skill will determine how fast you reload your firearm, and how likely it is to backfire when being loaded. This skill is quickly leveled the more the firearm is successfully loaded, and lowered the more the gun backfires. An apprentice of firearm will take half damage when the firearm backfires. A journeyman of firearm will not have the firearm backfire.
The slavery compassion skill indicates how well you treat your slave. The higher this value, the less likely your slave will run away while you sleep, or cry for help while in the cities. The skill quickly leveled by the health items you give him, armor you equip him, and accessories you give him. Damaging the slave will lower this skill. An apprentice of slavery compassion will deter the slave from crying out in public. A Journeyman of slavery compassion will be able to sleep soundly knowing that there is no chance that the slave will escape.
Cheating allows a player to change the tides of a game. Cheating compares your skill level to the other player’s awareness skill. This skill is leveled the more you successfully cheat. Normally, a player can pocket and place a card. An apprentice of cheating can miscount a stone, and a journeyman of cheat can use weighted dice.
The music skill allows you to craft songs and play greater songs. This skill is improved with each song played. The higher the skill, the better the enchantments available to the player for sheet-music. An apprentice in music can use two or more enchantments per song. A journeyman in music can play multiple different songs, allowing the different attributes to stack.
Own a Shop:
The warehouse in the Imperial City is replaced by a "Shop for Sale." Purchasing the shop also introduces you to your NPC shop salesperson. This person takes a certain commission of your sales while in turn running your shop for you. You then have a number of decisions to make. Which items will be sold at your store? Each month, a merchant visits your shop. Your salesperson will purchase a certain amount of goods that will be available for purchase at your shop. Your mercantile skill determines the price at which the merchant sells at. The sales of your goods will depend on their availability in the market district. Crafted/Alchemic items sell based upon the level they were crafted at. Rare enchanted items found on your travels sell at great amounts. Your store can be broken into if you are not a member of the thieves’ guild.
You have the option of joining the market guild, giving you small trading quests. A horse and carriage would be required to move a large amount of goods through a very dangerous trade-rout.
Black Horse Currier Jobs:
The black horse currier will offer a set of commissioned jobs that require you to distribute a certain number of a black horse newspapers. Other small tasks such as materials gathering, investigation, and inelegance gathering will be rewarding quests for the player to accomplish.
Horse Fighting:
You will be able to attack while on horseback. Lances and horse-armor will allow you to fight other mounted characters.
More Beggars:
More street beggars will be found in the game, accommodating new quests and such. They will also accommodate the game's original quests, providing the same general information.
Some inns may double as a brothel, with a lady or two standing by the stairs. Male brothels will be rare, or specific to a certain town. Personality bonus' as well as disease chances are possible. The amount of money paid determines the "quality" of effects. Prostitutes also double as Beggar informants. There will be randomized quests involving prostitutes.
A small shack near Morrowind will house an old man who still believes in slavery. A barbarian, bard, or archer slave-cat will be available for purchase. They will have an option to “receive” things when talked to. Potions, armor, and weapons will be equipped or used, and can be taken away. The likelihood of the slave running away while you sleep or cry for help in the city is based upon your slavery compassion skill. Cat-people will refuse to speak to you when your slave is around, and will call for the guards on site. Slaves can be told to “wait,” or can even be “let go.” A freed slave may decide to remain with the player depending upon their opinion of the player, as well as his slavery compassion skill. Only one slave is available at a time.
Some players will play a game with you, allowing you to bet an item or cash. Games are somewhat based on your luck attribute.
Stones [Backgammon], Tiles [Checkers], Cups [Find the ball], Dice, and Cards [5 Card Poker] are all games that players will play.
A gambler’s guild is located in the Imperial city, in the park area. Tournaments and titles will be available from this guild, giving you a chance at fame, and raising your luck attribute. Being caught cheating will result in your banishment from the guild.
A new guild will be available to the player by speaking with one of the many traveling bards scattered randomly throughout the continent. Joining the guild of bards gives you access to the traveling guilds network of music-trading. Quests will yield new amazing pieces for you to play, instruments for you to use, and mediums. Mediums are schools of music that are comparable to the schools of magic.
The player can create sheet music by obtaining a quill, parchment, and ink-well. With these 3 items, different enchantments can be applied to a piece of music. The different schools of enchantments are accessible based upon the mediums the player has obtained through the guild. Confusion, charm, hate, and actual physical pain are all capable through the music enchanting. A sheet of music can be copied and traded with other bards for cash, improving the guild’s library and network.
Music must be played like a magical scroll, only the scroll is infinite, and only usable while an instrument is equipped. Different instruments have different ranges, effect different races, and have different weights and proficiencies. Musical instruments that are enchanted can only be obtained through the bard guild.
A book will be found in a camp entitled “The Honor of a Hunter.” Reading the book will begin a quest with the same title. A number of “Dire” creatures will be listed in the book with instructions on how to track them. Certain plants the animal eats, the preferred climate of the creature, and the best method of disposing of the creature is all that the player is given. With this information, the player will track and kill 26 different dire animals. Each will have fantastical body parts that grant the player certain abilities by equipping them. Bears, boars, lions, and other dire creatures will be found throughout the world. Killing the creature also gives the player a “Trophy-part” that can be sold to the 3 brothers in the imperial city. When a trophy is sold, a deliverable trophy for your home or store is available for a small price. Trophy heads, stuffed statues, and bed-coverings will all be types of trophies. Killing these dire animals greatly improves your fame.
Traveling Circus:
A traveling band of musicians, performers, and strange animals will be happy to invite a player into their circus. If joined, messages telling the player that the circus is performing in certain cities will pop up. If the player decides to perform, several small mini-games will either gain the approval of the audience, or have them refute the player. The amount of interest the audience shows determines how much gold they throw at the circus. You’re paid after each performance based on how much the circus made. Smaller cities may not even be worth the attempt. Each year, however, the circus visits the “Arena” for a famous harvest festival with dances and music outside the arena, and amazing stories and events inside. There are 5 main circus events that can be practiced any time the circus is camped. Each professional at their job will be happy to teach you how to participate in their particular field:
Knife Throwing
Throw knives or shoot arrows at a very brave girl without actually hitting her. Other objects are also positioned for accuracy shooting/throwing. Killing the girl results in an automatic banishment from the circus. The amount of successful knives thrown accurately determines the amount of gold received.
Juggling [SKILL]
Any and all objects can be juggled. Torches, potions, and apples are commonly juggled items. A mini-game of timed-clicking will allow the player to juggle a decided amount of objects. The more objects, the faster the player must click. An apprentice of juggling must only click once for each round the objects make. A journeyman of juggling no longer needs to keep the rotation going, but must instead fire objects far into the air with a click of a button, making sure that they are under the falling object on it’s descent down. Successful juggling clicks will level this skill quickly. The level in juggling and the length of time juggling determines the gold received.
Acting [SKILL]
A few of the circus-performers tend to put on a play for their show. There are several different plays that the player can memorize, making sure to keep the lines in order. Successfully completing a play without any incorrectly stated lines will quickly level this skill. An apprentice of acting will only have to choose from 3 lines on his turn, rather than the entire list of that play’s lines. A journeyman in acting has only one line to choose. The level in acting determines how much gold is received.
Fencing [SKILL]
A part of acting, as well as a separate attraction all together, fencing requires the player to fight another actor with fake swords. Attacking only when the enemy blocks, and blocking when the enemy attacks will level this skill. Depending on the play, “killing” or “dying” should be timed depending upon the crowd’s disposition. When the crowd is cheering it’s most, the player should either take the fall and not block an attack and “die” or attack the enemy while not defending to “kill” him. An apprentice of fencing will be able to move at the same rate while blocking as they do while attacking. A journeyman of fencing automatically blocks all attacks unless the crowd is at it’s fullest cheer. The level of fencing determines the multiplier to the play’s gold received.
Reliant on music skill and song selection. The appropriate use of the song determines the amount of gold received.
The circus travels a good deal of the time, with body-guards that protect them along roads. Merchants in the circus sell some amazingly rare wears for a low price, and purchase questionable items as well. A particular animal-keeper in the circus will pay amazingly high prices if you can capture certain animals for the show.
Capture/Trapping [SKILL]
Similar to hunting, the animal-keeper requires you hunt down 10 rare and strange creatures. She provides certain traps for certain creatures, as well as their logical location. Placing traps and checking up on them frequently will ensure that the animal snared is living. Smaller animals can be trapped, drugged, and retrieved. Other, larger animals must be lured, tamed, and ridden to the circus. The final animal is the unicorn, tamed and ridden to the circus. All animals, however, can be trapped and kept as pets at the player’s home or shop. An apprentice in trapping will receive notifications when an animal is trapped in a trap, and will also be able to use an Elven whistle-tune to calm enraged animals from attacking. A journeyman in trapping will be given indicators of animal locations, and animals won’t attack the player.
The hourglass obtained on the dark brotherhood quest can be held on to and over a period of time, transform the player into a liche. The slow transformation will give different attributes at a very slow rate. Until full lichdom is achieved, the player will be entirely effected by the smallest disease, instantaneously killing him. Water also has this effect on the liche. Light also causes a problem for the liche. In the latest stages of lichdom, any damage at all means death for the player. As these negative effects take place, the player looks older and older. Once the oldest stage is met, the player turns into a skeleton, but can still wear armor. With the deterioration of the body, the player’s ability to carry large amounts on his person greatly drops. Despite these negative effects on the path to becoming a liche, the positives are numerous. Dramatically improved strength aids the player, making a single fist from the liche a soul-trapping kill. Soul stones appear in the user’s inventory with each kill. Speed and athletics are maximized, allowing the player to run any lengths and jump amazing distances. Heavy or light armor aside, the player can sneak without a sound, as his body is no longer heavy enough to cause sound. Magic is quadrupled in strength, as is the player’s MP. Once the player turns completely into a liche, he is truly invincible. The 2 years of negative effects have been worth the amazing power the player now possesses. The only negative? Entire towns will attack the player, no questions asked. It is impossible to exist in the civilized world as a liche. There really isn’t a reason to, either.
The final dire creature to be hunted, a half-man half-wolf creature is the last of his kind, left over from the episode in Morrowind. He lives alone in an empty mansion in the outskirts of the continent. In his human form, he’s a timid fellow who wishes he could stop hurting the ones he loves. Lying in her place of death, his wife’s remains rot, her wedding ring among the bones. His child’s bones are found in the woods behind his home, left there to rot with his father’s silver dagger lying there. On certain nights, however, when the two moons are visible in the sky, he turns into a dire wolf. His yellow eyes deceive him as a human, for now he hunts for blood. Killing him in this form grants the player his trophy, but could also grant a curse. Being bitten by the wolf turns the player into a werewolf. Speed, strength, and athletics are simple and permanent bonus’ granted by the form. Silver arrows, however, are deadly to your new body. Certain nights, as well, will turn the player into a dire wolf, disabling fast-travel and causing all players to become hostile towards you. Killing as a wolf, however, does not put a bounty on your head. Other positives are permanent night-eye, and wolf-comrade. No wolf or dog will attack you, and will instead follow and fight along side you in the wild. A certain wolf in the wilderness will even speak with you, and invite you to take part in the ‘Honor Hunt.’ A wild white magical stag will be hunted by a pack of dire wolves. Killing this horse will grant the player with the “amulet of moons.” Allowing the player to turn into a wolf when worn, rather than only on moon-nights.
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