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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Lots 'o KOTOR2 questions
Lots 'o KOTOR2 questions
2006-04-22, 9:23 PM #1
I finally finished KOTOR2 earlier today. I still think it is a mere shadow of the first. But anyway, I have lots of unanswered questions that some of you might be able to answer (about the storyline).

1. What was HK's purpose in this? Didn't I see a cutscene near the beginning of the game where he storms out of the ship or something?

2. Why were droids going berzerk and killing people all over the galaxy?

3. What did Revan have to do with any of this?

4. How did the Exile get the Ebon Hawk?

5. Wasn't there supposed to be the availability of romance with other party members? I was a male lightside jedi, and I don't remember seeing any dialogue options that went that way.

6. How/why did Kreia use Darth Nihilist or Nihilate or whatever. He was the coolest looking bad guy, but didn't put up much of a fight.

7. Darth Sion was Kreia apprentice, and that's why he was attacking the Ebon Hawk in the beginning, right? To kill his master?

8. The little T3 droid... why did he voice-lock the navicomputer? What was the deal between him and HK?

9. G0-T0 zaps the little remote droid about mid-game on board the Ebon Hawk. Why?

I'm sure there are more questions, but that's what's on my mind at the moment.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-04-22, 10:03 PM #2
1-9: The devleopers didn't finish the game.
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2006-04-22, 10:25 PM #3
1. the hk that you are thinking of is the hk-50 that you fight at the end of the mining colony place. the lovable hk-47 was broken until you fix him.

2. the hk-50 told them to do it

3. revan and the exile both fought in the mandelorian wars

4. the exile was on some transport ship going to telos. the transport ship found the ebon hawk and took it with them. sith bad guys found transport ship and attacked it. hk50 took exile and whomever else onto the ebon hawk and ran away. [enter the start of the game]

5. romace options are a lot harder. im sure there are a few available but the only one i found was female lightside.

6. unknown to me. but to the fact of Kreia, first off she (for some reason) absolutly hates the force. she uses the exile because she sees in him the end of the force forever. she wants this (because the aforementioned hate for the force).

7. the sith were after the exile because they believed him/her to be the last of the jedi.

8. t3 locked the navicom to keep them from finding revan. also remember that hk was damaged between the two games, he doesn't remember t3 or revan (to an extent)

8. G0-t0 is just a crazy bugger. the dispute between g0-t0 and the little remote is an attempt for humor.

plus everything that veger said
tofu sucks
2006-04-23, 12:41 AM #4
There was alot apparently cut out.

I think Nar Shadaa was supposed to be fleshed out a little better (It kinda just...went one place or another)

Plus there was supposed to be like an HK-47 droid manufacturing facility or something.

That's just off the top of my head.

Go-To was never really fleshed out either. He was kinda purposeless.
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2006-04-23, 3:13 AM #5
I hope some of this helps :o

1. What was HK's purpose in this? Didn't I see a cutscene near the beginning of the game where he storms out of the ship or something?
That was one of the HK-50s. Same one you see standing near the dead tech guy, who disables T3 after he unlocks the door, and who tries to kill you when you're escaping.

2. Why were droids going berzerk and killing people all over the galaxy?
I believe that was Goto's yacht. At some point when you're on board (if you have a high enough Computer Use skill or T3 with you) you recognise one of the large computers as a droid controller. Did you do the Bith technician's courier quest in the docks? The signal he was picking up was what was giving the droids their commands (also the pazaak addicted droid and the swoop champion on the same planet).

3. What did Revan have to do with any of this?
Not a lot. Your choices about him/her just dictated which characters would be alive and what responses you got from Kreia.

4. How did the Exile get the Ebon Hawk?
The Exile started aboard the Harbinger (the ship you see at Peragus). I think Kreia was onboard the Ebon Hawk when it was attacked and damaged and the Harbinger salvaged it. When the Sith attacked the Harbinger, you got bundled aboard the Hawk and escaped. One of the records you can watch whilst in the Harbinger explained this a lot more than I can remember.

5. Wasn't there supposed to be the availability of romance with other party members? I was a male lightside jedi, and I don't remember seeing any dialogue options that went that way.
I think this was one of the unfinished parts of the game, which is a pity. The most romance you can get as a male character is mild flirtation with Mira, and the sparring with Handmaiden. As a female you get a shallow, unresolved love triangle between yourself, Disciple, and Atton.

6. How/why did Kreia use Darth Nihilist or Nihilate or whatever. He was the coolest looking bad guy, but didn't put up much of a fight.
Like landfish said, it was his power to...well, eat the Force :p And he didn't put up much of a fight because he wasn't the last boss. Also, I suspect he wasn't too much of a fighter because his powers relied so much on sucking up other's Force energy. [Edit: It's Nihilus, I think.]

7. Darth Sion was Kreia apprentice, and that's why he was attacking the Ebon Hawk in the beginning, right? To kill his master?
And you.

8. The little T3 droid... why did he voice-lock the navicomputer? What was the deal between him and HK?
Like HK said when he confronted him about it, to hide where the ship had been. They had little scraps in the first game, as I remember.

9. G0-T0 zaps the little remote droid about mid-game on board the Ebon Hawk. Why?
Because he hates him, I guess. This was definately one of the cut features of the game, as it sets up quite a few opportunities for cut scenes and development.
2006-04-23, 1:39 PM #6
Ok, that explains a lot. I didn't pick up on resolution of the crazy droids with the Bith quest, eventhough I did it. I remember his severed arm, but that's about all.

While I'm thinking about it, I remember HK-47 banging on the cargo bay door, so are we to assume that HK-50 toasted him and removed his parts?

I think I'm going to have to play this again.

Was it any more enjoyable playing as a darksider?
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-04-23, 2:27 PM #7
I got about the same level of enjoyment out of the game on either side. Although it is a different experience (if only slightly) due to some of the sneaky, manipulative things you can do as a Dark Sider. Silly, trusting Ithorians :p
2006-04-24, 9:54 PM #8
Am I the only one who had a love story with Visas? It was an accident, too. I wanted the Handmaiden. It's been a while, but I think I actually liked it more than Revan and Bastila's relationship.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-04-25, 4:14 AM #9
I think she always acts like that if you have a high enough Influence with her. You mean how near the end of the game she finds you in the port dorms? I don't think you can get very far with the Handmaiden.
2006-04-25, 10:23 AM #10
We also had a lengthy discussion before boarding Nihilus' ship. There might have been more, too. I can't remember very well. The ending was a huge let down, so I tried to push the whole game out of my memory.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-04-25, 11:33 AM #11
I remember getting to a black screen session with the maiden... and I think her and visas get in a fight over you at one point.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-04-25, 12:33 PM #12
1.) HK-50 was supposed to take you to where he was built, however do to time constraints it was left out of the game. Some of the material is on the CDs though.

2.) G0-T0 actually is Goto, the leader of the crime syndicate. The droids were under his control, and with a high enough influence, he tells you his back story. He was the first droid sent to Telos (remember that protocol droid you escort? He's the second). His job was to try to find a way to save the Republic, but when he realized he was not capable of it, he broke his programming and tried to figure out a way. The Goto guy you see is just a hologram, not a real person.

To learn the truth about G0-T0, nicknamed "This is the droid you are looking for," there are a few things you must do.

1.) Learn that the protocol droid is the 2nd droid.
2.) Study the pod racing droid and discover that his arm piece has a weird chip insalled that like controls it from a distance.
3.) The Bith scientist thing.
4.) The droid at the Pazaak Den, study the chip hidden under his arm. When you fix him, he quitz Pazaak.
5.) Learn the truth about the droids controlling that area T3-M4 breaks into to steel the ship codes.

3.) Reven left the galaxy to fight the Sith, or what remained of them, outside known space.

4.) You were originally on that other ship, the Harbinger, when it was under attack and Kreia saved your life.

5.) You have the option of having sex with Visas. Through the Force. And there is the romance between you and Handmaiden with her constant fawning over you. And as a female Jedi, you...get it on with Visas. Just...don't ask.

6.) She wanted revenge, so she made him think that there was a Jedi academy on Telos, and in order to survive he needed to eat planets with Force users on it. Think Galactus.

7.) He wanted to kill you, as well as Kreia. He was primarily after the Exile.

8.) He wasn't ready to tell you where Revan had gone. You eventually have the ability to learn the truth (after getting uber influence and repairing him completely), he tells you that Revan actually sent HIM to locate you.

9.) He zaps that droid like 3 times.

Originally posted by Jepman:
I remember getting to a black screen session with the maiden... and I think her and visas get in a fight over you at one point.

This only happened to me once, at least with the fight. Afterwards, Handmaiden refused to talk to me. My friend was playing it for a few minuts and screwed it up, she kept saying "I have NOTHING to say to you."
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-25, 12:39 PM #13
i actually remember a cutscene that actually had carth and bastila in it. something along the lines of them still being loyal to revan and doing what he told them to do in his absence.
tofu sucks

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