I used to be a stocker in the only damn grocery store in this town, so I can relate. For example, a couple years back, the owner decided to sell the store to a small-ish supermarket chain that operated in the area. Naturally, they came in and made a few changes, but for some reason they wanted to re-arrange the stock in the freezers. No big deal, right? Well, apparently it is to some people. Some random old guy tracked me down (I was the only guy on the floor at that point) and proceded to rant and rave about how if we ever moved any of the stock around again, he'd never shop at the store again. This went on a good five minutes, until I was finally able to deduce exactly what he wanted (frozen strawberries) and escort him, still *****ing, up to the register. And then there was some hag who tried to accuse ME of stealing a bag of her groceries just so she could some free food.
Of course, I can't forget about all the *******s who sat in front of the deli HOURS after it's closed, with a sign that says "DELI CLOSED" sitting not five inches from their face, punching the goddamn service bell until someone has to go explain to them that the deli is, in fact, closed, and that they can't go slice some meat for them because A. They are prohibited by law from operating the slicer and B. Everything has been packed away and cleaned up for the night.
So for those of you saying Victor should sympathize with the customers, you've obviously NEVER worked in a retail store of any kind, so kindly **** off.