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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Anyone ever had a cast?
Anyone ever had a cast?
2004-06-19, 2:21 PM #1
Man they suck! Heres a few reasons.

1. They start to smell.
2. Cant go swimming.
3. You get to itching under them and cant scratch yourself!

Anyone ever had a cast? If so where was it? Mines on my wrist, and comes back a inch or two away from my elbow. How'd you get your cast? I got my rollerblading going down a hill. My skate started to wobble and I pretty much knew I was screwed.
Oberfeldwebel says: ..... You are the epitome of idiocy.
2004-06-19, 2:22 PM #2
Nope, even though I'd broken a bone once.

Genesis 22:2-5 - And God said unto Abraham "You must kill your son, Isaac." And Abraham said "What? I can't hear you! You'll have to speak into the microphone." And God said "Check, check, check, check. Jerry, can you pull the high end out. I'm getting some hiss up here."
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Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-06-19, 2:37 PM #3
Nose, finger? Because they don't cast those []

I broke my arm when I was 10, both bones just above the wrist. It was a clean brake and it had to be set, which sucked, until I got all the morhine [] Had a cast to above the wrist for about 4 weeks, then I got a short cast for another 4 weeks or so. It was the worst summer of my life.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-06-19, 2:47 PM #4
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Nose, finger? Because they don't cast those []</font>
The bone between my middle finger and wrist, on my left hand. They would've had to re-break and cast it, but it had already started healing back together in exactly the right position by the time I had it X-rayed.

I broke it by riding my bike into a parked car and flipping over the handlebars. []
I caught my hand between the handlebar and the handbrake.

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited June 19, 2004).]
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-06-19, 3:01 PM #5
In 7th grade, I broke the bone between my pinky finger and wrist on my right hand when I axe hammered someone in the head with intent to cause serious bodily harm (to them).

I had a cast put on my hand, which was great, because I got out of doing lots of school work. For some reason I was getting lots of sympathy, even though I started the fight. Ain't life grand?

«»The Scratchware Manifesto
thoughts from beyond observance
2004-06-19, 3:10 PM #6
I was swinging from a palm tree when the branch broke and a landed palm down with my forearm 90 degrees to the ground. I broke the radius in two places and the ulna in one. Not only that but the section below the break slipped up and over the upper section so that my arm looked like this:

     (break) |---------- wrist
forearm---------| (break) 

It hurt like hell until they gave me some pethidine, at which point I had to fight to stay awake []. I had a cast from my hand up to my shoulder for about 6 weeks. I have also broken several fingers, some ribs and some toes. I’ve broken a few other peoples fingers too playing cricket, but that’s another story.

This one day I went to change my password, but being the clever chappy that I am, I accidently typed the new pw into the e-mail address bar and clicked submit, hence the slightly modified new user name. Go me and my awesome computer skills.

[This message has been edited by Run- (edited June 19, 2004).]
This one day I went to change my password, but being the clever chappy that I am, I accidently typed the new pw into the e-mail address bar and clicked submit, hence the slightly modified new user name. Go me and my awesome computer skills.
2004-06-19, 3:31 PM #7
Jep. It wasn't for anything major though. Hairline fracture on the upper ulna, where it meets the humerous.

[ Massassiism ] [ Cynicism ] [ Fanaticism ]
Sell your soul for a cookie?
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-06-19, 3:42 PM #8
I had a case on my right arm when I broke the bone between my pinky finger and wrist (anatomy isn't my thing). I punched the ground because daddy wouldn't let me go play kickball. He made me stay in my room for about 24 hours before allowing my mother to take me to the hospital. I deserved it, of course.

I broke the upper knuckle of my wring finger on my left hand and never had it checked out until years later. It's quite crooked these days.

------------------ (status = down :/)
Napalm Death Squad (status = alpha)
2004-06-19, 3:51 PM #9
I was out riding my bike once in the park when I was about 10 and I hit a rough spot in the concrete that was lifted by a tre root and I went flying.

my arm hit a concrete lamp post when i went sailing past it and snapped both bones.

I went back there last week after 10 years and it had only gotten worse. This s***ty city never fixes anything []

I had that arm casted for a month, and during the heat of summer. Major itch time.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
2004-06-19, 4:27 PM #10
I had a cast on my wrist once. Flipped over my handlebars. Didn't get it till like a month after the fact. Luckily it was healing in the right position, so they didn't have to rebreak. As for the itchiness, I reccommend to you you get one of those big wooden spoons, and use the handle. Trust me.

Guess what? Yep, that's right. No, no, really, it's right. Think it's wrong? You're right, it's wrong. Know why? 'Cause it is
Guess what? Yep, that's right. No, no, really, it's right. Think it's wrong? You're right, it's wrong. Know why? 'Cause it is
2004-06-19, 5:08 PM #11
I've never broken anything, just dislocated a lot of junk.

gbk is 50 probably

2004-06-19, 5:08 PM #12
Two casts, both on my either of my wrists. The first time I was three and fell off a bar stool at my aunt and uncle's house. I walked around for about two weeks or so with it broken, my parents had no idea. The second time I was four and fell off from the monkey bars, landed right on my wrist.

The cool thing was the second time they gave me a cast my arm had swollen up, so after a week or two my arm was back to its normal size, and at night I used to slide my arm out of it. I have no idea how it managed to heal right with my doing that...

I have a signature.

[This message has been edited by MadQuack (edited June 19, 2004).]
I have a signature.

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