ya i ment american footbal btw, sorry forgot theirs people over the seas
so far i got this stuff
1 area of field
2 line segments
3 a cylinder
4 perpendicular lines
5 diameter of the football (biggest part of it)
6 lenth of football
7 angles like 180,90, and 45 for my position i play (outside linebacker) and have to run when i read the end man of line.
8 rectangle
9 trying that tangent thing but yea....i lookin in my math book and i get it but i dont think my teacher will buy it ....
10 parabolas- need to look this up but i was thinkin about doing soemthing like this but didnt know what it was but now i know thx
11 would the goal posts make like a square? or is it more of a rectangle?
12 mid point 50 yd line
13 parallel lines
so i got like 13 things to choose from only need 10, thx for the help!