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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Winamp or iTunes?
Winamp or iTunes?
2006-05-20, 8:24 PM #1
Which program do you recommend for playing mp3s on a regular basis?
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-20, 8:30 PM #2
I prefer Winamp, not sure why I'm using iTunes. Converted so I could use my "iPod" and ripped all my songs to it (IT RIPS TO MP3, UNLIKE WINAMP) and never went back.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-05-20, 8:30 PM #3
iTunes is great for the databasing and ease of use.
Winamp is good for the playlisting and playing random files.
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-20, 8:30 PM #4
iTunes. Been using it as my default player since the day it was released for PC. It owns Winamp as far as I'm concerned.
Originally posted by genk:
iTunes is great for the databasing and ease of use.
Winamp is good for the playlisting and playing random files.

Awesome... I'm not the only one that uses Winamp that way now. :o I shove everything randomly downloaded or obtained through other means in Winamp before integrating it into iTunes.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-20, 8:38 PM #5
All I use now for music is Pandora, thanks to a thread on Massassi about it. No more illegal or legal d/ling for me.
2006-05-20, 8:41 PM #6
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I prefer Winamp, not sure why I'm using iTunes. Converted so I could use my "iPod" and ripped all my songs to it (IT RIPS TO MP3, UNLIKE WINAMP) and never went back.

You can get Winamp to rip to anything...either way I wouldn't use iTunes either. I'd go for something like dbpoweramp. A lot more options.

Winamp. But why don't you have options for XMMS, Foobar, or other alternative music players?
2006-05-20, 8:42 PM #7
I find Winamp easy to use, so I never bothered downloading iTunes.
Wes Darklighter
2006-05-20, 8:45 PM #8
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi] But why don't you have options for XMMS, Foobar, or other alternative music players?[/QUOTE]
because its iTunes vs Winamp, nothing else
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-20, 9:08 PM #9
This is a Winamp vs iTunes poll because I only have winamp and itunes installed and was wondering which one people would recommend over the other.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-20, 9:17 PM #10
I use Winamp. Never had a reason to get iTunes. My GF has it on her computer because she has an iPod, so I can use it if I need to.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-20, 9:43 PM #11
Never had a need for iTunes, and haven't found anything that I've liked better than Winamp.
2006-05-20, 9:49 PM #12
I'm an iTunes fan, mostly for database features. And although it may be bloated, I have a powerful enough computer to run it with no lagging or such.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-05-20, 10:17 PM #13
Winamp. One program to play them all, and in the darkness, find them.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-20, 10:30 PM #14
I use iTunes for CD Burning, Winamp for playing. I hate actually listening to music on iTunes.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2006-05-20, 10:44 PM #15
iTunes plays music out all my speakers, whereas winamp only seems to recognize the two fronts.

Therefore, iTunes.

Seriously though, it's not like I just use one program to play everything. For example, earlier I was listening to an audio file using VLC and right now I'm listening to some music in WMP11.
2006-05-20, 10:50 PM #16
Originally posted by kyle90:
iTunes plays music out all my speakers, whereas winamp only seems to recognize the two fronts.

Therefore, iTunes.

Seriously though, it's not like I just use one program to play everything. For example, earlier I was listening to an audio file using VLC and right now I'm listening to some music in WMP11.

That sounds like a driver issue, personally. I've never seen winamp have a problem with 5.1 systems.
2006-05-20, 10:55 PM #17
iTunes is incredibly sluggish on all the computers I've used it on. Winamp is quick and excellent. Global Hotkeys rules.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2006-05-20, 11:23 PM #18
I use iTunes for purchasing of music and dragging music to my iPod - mainly because it allows me to drag from my Windows Explorer window to the drive itself in iTunes, whereas WinAmp forces me to import the songs first and THEN allows me to put them on my iPod.

When it comes to playing the music itself, I use WinAmp. It has a nice little GUI that fits over the titlebar of my apps, so it's mostly unobtrusive.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-05-21, 1:50 AM #19

It really kicks the llama's arse.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-05-21, 2:53 AM #20
Winamp on windows, iTunes on a mac.

(Apart from I've got Izzy using iTunes for syncing with her nano - if it was me I'd probably use winamp and a syncing plugin)

Voted for iTunes
2006-05-21, 2:56 AM #21
Originally posted by Acharjay:
iTunes is incredibly sluggish on all the computers I've used it on. Winamp is quick and excellent. Global Hotkeys rules.

I know it's not that useful for you to know, but it runs smoother than a baby's bum on OSX. I use global hotkeys via Butler now (but they were the dog's fanglies when I was on XP).

Actually, on second thoughts when I last used XP I had Litestep running that had a teeny tiny winamp controller on the taskbar too. That was shibby.
2006-05-21, 3:47 AM #22
Media Player Classic.

Or foobar2k, even though I mostly use that when I have playlists.

VLC Media player also tends to save from tricky situations.

When they fail, BSplayer, which mostly tends to be BS player so I don't use it that much.

But from those two, Winamp.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-21, 4:36 AM #23
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-05-21, 6:04 AM #24
WINAMP, it really whips the llama's ***!

BTW, about the 2-speaker winamp thing, that's actually the way its SUPPOSED to work. iTunes is actually working incorrectly if by default it is playing out of all speakers. The setting is supposed to be in the drivers, which winamp respects. If you want it on all speakers, you gotta tell your drivers to remix it for all speakers.

And I love Winamp's media library far too much to ever use anything else, period.
2006-05-21, 6:18 AM #25
iTunes is worse than Linkin Park.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-21, 6:25 AM #26
I use both, iTunes to download podcasts / manage my iPod, but winamp to actually listen to music.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-05-21, 6:43 AM #27

I hate iTunes.
2006-05-21, 6:45 AM #28
Winamp, although this player is showing promise:

2006-05-21, 7:27 AM #29
Winamp. I don't really have a reason to use iTunes. I don't have an iPod, and I'm not an audiophile so I don't care about AAC vs. MP3 or whatever.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus

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