Ok, this hella sucks. I had five more days of school left. Everything was going well for me, I have a girlfriend and I am getting my license on the 23rd. Yesterday some acquaintances of mine asked me to hook them up with alcoholic beverages. Without much thought or consideration to how serious this offense is, I brought three bottles for them. I don't drink, but I can get the stuff. Well they got caught, and 15 mins before school was out they called me into the dean’s office. The dean questioned me and then some cops questioned me, it was pretty intimidating, having the cops recite that "you have the right to remain silent..." I was very scared, and the breathalyzer me and called my mom. My punishment is basically I am suspended for the rest of the school year, which I am very depressed about, and I have to go to a juvenile court. There is still a possibility that I will be expelled, but highly unlikely regarding my grades and clean record.
So ya, post suspension/expulsion/criminal activity to mage this thread legit.

So ya, post suspension/expulsion/criminal activity to mage this thread legit.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.