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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sleep....
2006-06-12, 9:06 PM #1
Yeah, recently I've had sleep-based obsessions, like staying up til 2 every morning and sleeping in till 11 later that morning (well...nevermind..that's just being a lazy teenager without a job), my 36 hour no sleep stint, and something different today.

Last night I got 6 - 7 hours of sleep, since I had to get up and take the trash out. Around 10:15, after I'd been up for 2 1/2 hours, I went back to bed and napped for 1 1/4 hours. I never, EVER take naps, so this was strange. I found the extra hour or so to be refreshing, very refreshing. I also had a "lucid dream" somewhat during this time.

I was in a car, I knew the area, and thought to myself "Hey...I'm sleeping. Let's try and control this." so I turned around and looked out the window to see some familiar houses. Then, right after this, I thought "'re sleeping...what happens if you suddenly open your eyes" and so I tried waking up right then, opened my eyes, looked around, thought "Yay" and closed them, went back to sleep.

Then again, does that count as lucid dreaming? I'm not exactly sure on the definition...

But the point of this thread, let's get to that. Do you take naps when you can, do you nap daily when you get home from work/school wherever for an hour or so then get up, do you just sleep at night, or what? I'll get a poll up in a minute.

(I'm sorry, insomniacs.)
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-06-12, 9:28 PM #2
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Then again, does that count as lucid dreaming?

Yup. Go here, it is all about Lucid Dreaming. It was the forum I went to before I came here.

2006-06-12, 9:31 PM #3
I nap all the time. I pretty much have the ability to fall asleep at will, and usially I start dreaming immedietly, which is awesome.

I have been well known for taking a 15 min. nap on the floor outside a class before it starts just because I got there early.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2006-06-12, 9:32 PM #4
insomnia.... it buuuuurns :psyduck:

.....god i cant beleive i just used that!!1 O_o

I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2006-06-12, 9:38 PM #5
I loveeeeeeeeeeeee to dream.

But I don't take naps.
2006-06-12, 9:53 PM #6
i never nap.

On rare occasions i fall asleep from sheer exhaustion if i've only slept 4 hours, or if i've just had sex.

But it makes me feel worse.

On the occasions i have "napped" for 1-3 hours, its taken me another 1.5-2 hrs to feel awake again.

Overall, atm, i hate sleeping. I dont have a bed, so i sleep on the floor, in a hot room.
I wake up feeling rough, even if i've had perfect sleep hours ,around 7 (9 hrs and over makes me feel ill).

Right now, its

I've stayed up all night, cos i dont wanna sleep. I hope its sunny today, so i can crash in the sun.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-06-12, 9:53 PM #7
A lot of Europeans takes siestas. They eat a big lunch then take a nap. I'd like to be able to do that but with work during the day I end up staying up late, being tired all day, then sleeping when I get home in the afternoon.

Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I also had a "lucid dream" somewhat during this time.

During the week of mid-terms I deprived myself of sleep partly because of all the work and partly because I knew you started seeing things after going long enough without sleep and I wanted to try it out. That Friday after 5 days and getting no more than 3 hours of sleep at a time I crashed in my bed. I must have been really tired because somehow my body fell asleep before my brain was able to shut everything down. I was already half asleep anyway from being so tired, but I remember lying on the top bunk with my eyes closed, and starting to dream while I was still awake. At first I though it was cool because I was still aware the room around me even though I was asleep, but then I hallucinated that the chick from the Ring/Grudge was in the room just standing there not moving. I freaked out and fell off the bunk. After thoroughly checking the room for intruders, I climbed back up into bed and laid down with my eyes open staring at the ceiling, and thirty seconds later I was unconscious and stayed that way for the next 18 hours. It was pretty sweet.
Your skill in reading has increased by 1 point.
2006-06-12, 10:01 PM #8
I rarely ever nap. I sleep a lot better at night when I go to bed really tired.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-12, 10:10 PM #9
I never take naps, mostly because I have a difficult time sleeping. It really takes a concious effort to fall asleep. As for strange sleep behaviors, I've been told that if I fall asleep while listening to music (which I do frequently) I'll sing along in my sleep.
2006-06-12, 10:16 PM #10
If you're really having a good lucid dream, tryo to materialize objects in your hands, or try an npc_spawn of sorts. That's a lot of fun to do. I haven't been able to have a lucid dream in a long time now, and I've recently started a dream journal as well as looked up some other info to start getting them again. If you can lucid dream, it is so much fun. (I actually learned how to fly in my dreams after several weeks of this. Breathing underwater is possible too, that's wierd as hell).

[edit] it's amazing what just keeping the journal does after the first couple days (I've been doing it for only a couple weeks). normally what dissappears during the day without it I can remember vividly even 2-3 weeks later without looking at my notes
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-06-12, 10:26 PM #11
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
Breathing underwater is possible too, that's wierd as hell.

Scary at first :P
2006-06-12, 10:31 PM #12
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
If you're really having a good lucid dream, tryo to materialize objects in your hands, or try an npc_spawn of sorts. That's a lot of fun to do. I haven't been able to have a lucid dream in a long time now, and I've recently started a dream journal as well as looked up some other info to start getting them again. If you can lucid dream, it is so much fun. (I actually learned how to fly in my dreams after several weeks of this. Breathing underwater is possible too, that's wierd as hell).

[edit] it's amazing what just keeping the journal does after the first couple days (I've been doing it for only a couple weeks). normally what dissappears during the day without it I can remember vividly even 2-3 weeks later without looking at my notes

I once wrote down a really cool dream I had right when I woke up. To this day, I can remember that dream like it just happened, and that was 12 years ago. Also, I've had two lucid dreams in my lifetime and I remember both of them vividly without writing them down.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-12, 10:43 PM #13
I can't nap. It's like im incapable of doing it.
2006-06-12, 11:02 PM #14
During the school year, I nap much more frequently than I do in the summer. My problem is I enjoy them so much I tend to stay in bed much longer than I should. There were many times where I said to myself, "Self, set your alarm for 4:30 (p.m) and wake up to get started on whatever work needed to be done. Of course, the alarm would go off, I'd turn it off, and sleep until 8. From what people tell me, the best time for a nap is roughly 45 minutes to an hour, otherwise your body goes into a deep sleep. Still, there is nothing better than taking a nice, long nap. - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2006-06-12, 11:04 PM #15
I do actually have insomnia. I'm supposed to see someone for it, but I don't any more. When I do fall asleep it's wonderful and I have great dreams with dinosaurs. Otherwise...I don't nap, I rest.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2006-06-12, 11:08 PM #16
I never nap unless I'm suffering from jet lag.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-06-13, 12:17 PM #17
I don't nap at home but I do at work :ninja:

I'm one of the drivers for the company I work for and since the other lads don't want to die because I fell asleep at the wheel I'll grab 10-20 mins in between jobs, it's better when there is two of us who can drive, one sleeps in the back while the other drives and then we swap on the way back.

Sometimes it takes me between 1 and 5 hours to get to sleep and sometimes I won't sleep for a few days.
2006-06-13, 12:33 PM #18
I sleep light during the week, usually <6 hours, mainly because I have to get up at 7 for class, and I'm a night owl so I stay up until ~ 0100. If I nap at all during the day, especially in the afternoon, I won't fall asleep at all, and usually lie awake long enough to not even bother trying.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-06-13, 12:34 PM #19
Stupid poll, I voed the wrong option.

I never nap, only sleep at night, I don't pass out from exhaustion either generally. Although I did yesterday. First time in 2ish years.
2006-06-13, 12:44 PM #20
You people are sleeping your lives away.
2006-06-13, 12:55 PM #21
If I sleep during day I get huge headaches... but if I'm really tired, the headaches won't be there but I wake up in insane hallucinations and thoughts. After returning home from a forest trip where I slept for 1 hour at max, I soon took a nap at home but when I woke up I thought a nuclear war had started and I had missed few years just like that. After returning from NYC and sleeping for 15 minutes during the flight I completely forgot the flight back home after taking a nap, believing I had just been in Times Square and suddenly I was home. Odd but cool times. :)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-06-13, 2:09 PM #22
I always feel weird after naps.

I mean, I feel like crap after naps, like it only made me more tired.

As for the dreams, I can also breathe underwater.

I also find it funny how wheneve you "die" in a dream, you wake up.
It's like your body doesn't know what to do so you just wake up.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-06-13, 8:53 PM #23
Originally posted by finity5:
You people are sleeping your lives away.

You sound like my mother. :P

I take naps whenever the occasion suits me. I rarely have trouble falling asleep, even after a long nap. I don't lucid dream, but the dreams I have are mostly very clear.

Today I collapsed when I came home from work. Mainly because I only got about 4 hours of sleep the night before. I was dreaming that a girl I knew was knocking at my door and trying to get my attention. Coincidentally enough, right about that time is when she called me and woke me up to check on bowling times for tomorrow.

I've had some pretty neat dreams in the past. I've been able to fly, though it's more like running in the air. It's a surprise to me every time it happens, but every time I do fly, it happens nearly the same way. I've also had the breathing underwater thing, just not as often. One of my favorite moments, of which I remember happening only once, occured while I was still partly awake. I heard classical music (I don't remember what piece) with more clarity and depth than I ever have before, even at performances. The sound startled me so much that I woke up completely. There wasn't any music playing, so I knew I had been dreaming it. But woe, I've never heard music like that ever since. :(
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-06-13, 8:54 PM #24
I've been able to fly, though it's more like running in the air. It's a surprise to me every time it happens, but every time I do fly, it happens nearly the same way

Was it like in The Big Lebowski?
2006-06-13, 8:59 PM #25
I have been running on 4-5 hours of sleep max a night for the last 5 years. And I never nap.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-06-13, 9:19 PM #26
I sleep way too much. I think i may go to the doctor soon, its getting out of hand. I have become immune to the noise of alarm clocks. So i bought another for reinforcement. Both of them at the same time + 2 phones ringing will not wake me up. Its scary. If i go to bed at like midnight ill wake up at 2pm the next day. I dont like it.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-06-13, 9:31 PM #27
Alarm clocks are rather ineffective for me as well. My preferred way to wake up now is to leave my computer on, turn the speakers up really loud, and set Alarm. It helps with a song that doesn't start off very loud, but grows. My current favorite is a London Philharmonic cover of When the Levee Breaks.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-06-13, 10:04 PM #28
I usually try to grab naps. I love sleep, but if I'm awake and doing something I'll stay awake for hours upon hours and just forget to sleep.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-06-13, 10:08 PM #29
Hey, do you sleep-deprived guys ever get bags under your eyes?

I knew some guys at college who pulled all kinds of crazy hours but you'd never tell by looking at them.

Like this one guy. I spoke to him and he told me that he'd only slept two hours the previous night...he just drank his coffee and went "I'm good to go."
2006-06-13, 10:11 PM #30
Originally posted by Tracer:
Hey, do you sleep-deprived guys ever get bags under your eyes?

I knew some guys at college who pulled all kinds of crazy hours but you'd never tell by looking at them.

Like this one guy. I spoke to him and he told me that he'd only slept two hours the previous night...he just drank his coffee and went "I'm good to go."

I almost always have bags under my eyes unless I sleep for like 10 hours.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-06-14, 1:36 AM #31
Originally posted by Jepman:
I have been running on 4-5 hours of sleep max a night for the last 5 years. And I never nap.

Have you ever considered this is what's wrong with you?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-14, 11:09 AM #32
I don't take naps b/c it messes up my sleep patterns and I can'ty go to sleep later (and it's really hard for me to go to sleep as it is, it takes literally an hour)

Plus, once I'm asleep, I need a full 10 hours or I wake up feeling worse.
2006-06-14, 11:15 AM #33
Originally posted by Schming:
I almost always have bags under my eyes unless I sleep for like 10 hours.

2006-06-14, 11:23 AM #34
Originally posted by Space_Bandit:
Yup. Go here, it is all about Lucid Dreaming. It was the forum I went to before I came here.


OMG, I lurked on that forum and I had a suspicion that someone from Masassi was one of the others from Utah.

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-06-14, 11:42 AM #35
Even though I haven't posted there for well over two years :P
2006-06-14, 1:12 PM #36
You never went there. You were just asleep.
2006-06-14, 1:21 PM #37
I've had a couple lucid dreams, all during naps. Naps are better for it because unless you are legitamatly tired your brain will move into the rem states faster. You have more rem sleep the longer you sleep, which I suppose is why you always seem to dream right before you wake up. Havn't conquered that 'omg I'm dreaming I have to wake up!' reaction yet, so my lucid dreams are really short. :(
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-06-14, 1:47 PM #38
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Havn't conquered that 'omg I'm dreaming I have to wake up!' reaction yet, so my lucid dreams are really short. :(

Try spinning.
2006-06-14, 1:52 PM #39
Or sleeping pillz.
2006-06-14, 1:56 PM #40
I've only had one lucid dream this far, and I made a really huge Jedi knight level in it... damn that was a good dream. Yet I probably couldn't recreate it.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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