Everyone's favorite alcoholic administrator!
Posts: 8,683
Heh. I have an opossum story. Cue flashback effect
It is July of 2002, at night. I'm sitting here clacking away at my computer until I happen to barely notice the sound of the kitchen cabinets being opened. At first I thought dad had come home and was rummaging for food. But the sound persisted. So I go downstairs and I find that dad is not home. Curious and a little perplexed, I look inside the cabinets. Reason why I did that first is because my cat would used to do the same thing. It would crawl into the kitchen cabinets. I've had stray cats come into me home before. Anyway, I'm opening cabinets and I hear foot patter. I open that cabient and lo! I discover that an opossum had invaded. I try to get the critter out but it just crawled deeper in. I just let it be there for I knew that it would just eventually leave.
I return back to my room to resume said keyboard clacking. All of a sudden something catches my eye below my desk. I look down...and it's the same opossum! I scream out HOLY S***! I spend the next 20 minutes trying to get the creature out of my room. I chase it out of my room, it scurries downstairs into the bathroom. I spend another 1/2 hour trying to get it out of the bathroom. I get it out of the bathroom and it hides under the couch. Grrr. Meanwhile I am talking to one of my friends. She (yes she) was quite amused by this.
So by the end I've spent nearly 3 hours trying to get a critter out of my house. I frantically try to get a hold of my dad but as usual he is unavailable. So I just let the opossum roam around. Dad comes home and tells me that it will leave soon to forage. It eventually leaves but it left behind presents in the form of droppings. Naturally I disinfect EVERYTHING it crapped on.
So that's my opossum tale (no pun intended).
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Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.