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ForumsDiscussion Forum → driving + alcohol + porn = CRASH
driving + alcohol + porn = CRASH
2006-06-30, 2:35 PM #1
This morning on the Glenn Beck radio program, a talk show host (some guy was filling in for Beck today) discussed a story about NBA player Eddie Griffin of the Minnesota Timberwolves. Griffin was driving his Cadillac Escalade (that's how he rolls) while drunk and then crashed into another car. Here's that part of the story. On the radio though, the talk show host also said Griffin was also watching porn at the same time and potentially masturbating. In other words, he was driving an SUV drunk while watching porn and masturbating. I thought that was crazy talk, so I decided to find the story on google. I have tried numerous search phrases, but no article confirms what the radio said. Has anyone heard about this?
2006-06-30, 2:42 PM #2
2006-06-30, 3:27 PM #3
Wow, I didn't know drunk people can multi-manage like that!
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-06-30, 9:08 PM #4
ah Minnesota sport teams... you and your lovely sex stories
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-06-30, 9:14 PM #5
Haha, driving while masturbating. Who would ever do something like that.
2006-06-30, 9:27 PM #6
Damn. This would be something kyle90 would do.
2006-06-30, 9:28 PM #7
Yeah, kyle90 is known to do stupid things like that and end up injurying himself.
2006-06-30, 9:47 PM #8
I heard about this on the radio as well. From what I heard, he told someone at the scene, after the accident, that he was watching porn. If it's true, this is pretty damn funny.
Pissed Off?

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