Mbeggar, being the busy art-dork he is had to drop out of the whole joint ownership thing for Who Pissed You Off.
Now, this kind of has me stuck.
As it was to work, he was going to take care of the technical side of things and I was going to just make sure everything ran smoothly, and manage the community and front page.
So I need someone to help me.
As someone who will be doing me an awesomely large favor you can expect me to possibly no longer dislike you. Hahaha.
No really, anyone other than kirby want to help? (I like not letting him help, because he complained about wanting to be an admin so much)
I need someone that can/will;
Update the forums or show me how
Install mods for the forums to make things easier or show me how
Help me re-design the front page
Move away from blogger.com (Thinking about installing the livejournal software. The site gets so little traffic anyways, and I already have it paid for untill almost this time next year.. And I don't like the idea of being in two places at once. Would rather have everything on ONE server.)
Help stick all of the old frontpage posts into whatever new blogging software I decide to use
Also, I decided I hate the websites name. Too ****ing long.
So I've decided to change it to "We're Pissed Off!" I already have werepissedoff.net registered. (Although, I haven't figured out how to direct it to the site yet..
I hope to attract a much younger (My age) audience.
I'm getting pretty okay at vector art. Found a nice free program called Inkscape, so I'm going to try to put together a new logo.
Now, this kind of has me stuck.
As it was to work, he was going to take care of the technical side of things and I was going to just make sure everything ran smoothly, and manage the community and front page.
So I need someone to help me.
As someone who will be doing me an awesomely large favor you can expect me to possibly no longer dislike you. Hahaha.
No really, anyone other than kirby want to help? (I like not letting him help, because he complained about wanting to be an admin so much)
I need someone that can/will;
Update the forums or show me how
Install mods for the forums to make things easier or show me how
Help me re-design the front page
Move away from blogger.com (Thinking about installing the livejournal software. The site gets so little traffic anyways, and I already have it paid for untill almost this time next year.. And I don't like the idea of being in two places at once. Would rather have everything on ONE server.)
Help stick all of the old frontpage posts into whatever new blogging software I decide to use
Also, I decided I hate the websites name. Too ****ing long.
So I've decided to change it to "We're Pissed Off!" I already have werepissedoff.net registered. (Although, I haven't figured out how to direct it to the site yet..

I hope to attract a much younger (My age) audience.
I'm getting pretty okay at vector art. Found a nice free program called Inkscape, so I'm going to try to put together a new logo.