A few weeks ago I installed JK on Windows XP (for some reason I didn't think it would work, so I never bothered) and it worked fine. I uninstalled it a while ago, and now I installed it again to create a JKA map.
Now, first off it can't "find" the .exe and it doesn't show an icon, just the Windows default file icon in the start menu shortcut.
I checked where it was pointing, and it is looking in the right place. If I launch JK.exe or JEDI.exe the screen just flickers and thats that. Nothing more. Whats confusing me the most is that I had it running a few weeks ago perfectly.
Any ideas? I need to get it running before the JKA map contest is over.
Reinstalling doesn't help.
EDIT: No compatibility setting works.
Massassian since: March 12, 2001
[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas-=]
[This message has been edited by Sol (edited December 22, 2003).]
Now, first off it can't "find" the .exe and it doesn't show an icon, just the Windows default file icon in the start menu shortcut.
I checked where it was pointing, and it is looking in the right place. If I launch JK.exe or JEDI.exe the screen just flickers and thats that. Nothing more. Whats confusing me the most is that I had it running a few weeks ago perfectly.
Any ideas? I need to get it running before the JKA map contest is over.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif)
EDIT: No compatibility setting works.
Massassian since: March 12, 2001
[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas-=]
[This message has been edited by Sol (edited December 22, 2003).]
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;