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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Donnie Darko...
Donnie Darko...
2006-07-14, 1:15 AM #1
For those who have seen it, what does it mean to you?

I just finished watching it again and that movie always touches me. Its such a beautiful movie. I dont know, maybe you all dont see it that way.

The end, when donnie goes back in time I think is so beautiful the montage where they show everyone who's life he effected, and him being on one person always makes me cry and like the fact that he died so that his mom and the girl he loved could live, as well as his little sister, and so that his sister and father wouldnt have to live with the tragedy god its just beautiful

First and foremost I think the movie just makes you think. I love Donnie as a character. how he is so smart and yet so troubled, and yet you love him. I relate, because I've been there, I've felt like him. and its like his getting a second chance to make things right. he gives his life for those he loves. Possibly a metaphor for Jesus Christ? Especially how at the beginning he seems to not really have faith

I dont know. thats just what I take from the movie. I just think its beautiful. I think Donnie Darko rocks, its a beautiful movie, its kind of like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind to me. in the similar sense that what would happen if you were to take a different path, or to do things over again. Would you do it all again knowing what you will lose and others will gain, will you do it again if you knew the future, what choices would you make

I dont know. Im rambling because I just saw it and I just love the movie. Anyways, what do you all take from it?

I know most will just say its a dark movie, that's kind of sad, and its got a messed up kid as the main character, but I guess I just see it for its deeper layers. Or at least that's what I take from it.

What do you all think?


"..what if you could go back in time, and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better?"
2006-07-14, 1:22 AM #2
I half-watched it, I guess I could watch it properly someday.
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2006-07-14, 3:37 AM #3
This is morbid! :P
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2006-07-14, 3:51 AM #4
It's been some years since I've seen the film, but I remember it being very overrated. I would agree with your notion about the idea of him being able to go back in time and reevaluate the choices he made. However, if I am mistaken, please correct me, I don't remember his death being a choice. Didn't it have something to do with some random thing crashing into his bedroom and killing him? If that's the case, then it's more of a "what if" type of deal, and not really a choice.
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2006-07-14, 7:25 AM #5
That's a pretty sad take on the film.

I like it because it's about a kid who's ****ed up in the head.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-14, 8:04 AM #6
I liked it because it screwed with my mind, and made me want to watch it a second time. Not a whole lot of movies beg to be watched again for me.
2006-07-14, 8:50 AM #7
Gary Jules FTW!
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2006-07-14, 9:16 AM #8
I didn't really like it.
2006-07-14, 9:42 AM #9
[QUOTE=Darth J]It's been some years since I've seen the film, but I remember it being very overrated. I would agree with your notion about the idea of him being able to go back in time and reevaluate the choices he made. However, if I am mistaken, please correct me, I don't remember his death being a choice. Didn't it have something to do with some random thing crashing into his bedroom and killing him? If that's the case, then it's more of a "what if" type of deal, and not really a choice.[/QUOTE]

well the plane that falls out of the sky belongs to the plane his mother and sister are on. So at the beginning he sees what happens if he were to live, which is a lot of tragedy, and then at the end, he sees that if he dies, he'd be saving those that he loves. And he's not afraid of dying alone like he was at the beginning because he's dying for them.

I mean its all a twisted concept. But he even mentions in the movie, about how you could change your destiny if you follow the solar plexus on a set path, but change that path. Mentioning predetermined destiny and also deciding your own fate. he has the conversation with the teacher (noah wyle) about this. and I think thats why they also have his gf mention that whole thing about going back and time and replacing the sad things with happy things etc
2006-07-14, 9:45 AM #10
I wanna trip balls and see a big, deformed, evil bunny rabbit.
2006-07-14, 10:09 AM #11
Jimmy Stewart saw one, and he wasn't tripping balls.
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2006-07-14, 10:10 AM #12
it's not a metaphor for jesus christ, though. but i guess everyone just thinks that because when someone sacrifices something in a movie nowdays, instant jesus reference because he's the onlyone who ever sacrificed anything, and anyone else who tries to do the same is obviously being a cheap knockoff of christ. richard kelly has been asked that many times and he denies ever making a connection like that. he's said in interviews that he was trying to go for it being about becoming a man, getting the girl, and saving the world

Originally posted by BoricuaDelight:
well the plane that falls out of the sky belongs to the plane his mother and sister are on. So at the beginning he sees what happens if he were to live, which is a lot of tragedy, and then at the end, he sees that if he dies, he'd be saving those that he loves. And he's not afraid of dying alone like he was at the beginning because he's dying for them.

also, if you saw the director's cut, they show pages of the philosphy of time travel book where it explains that donnie can control things such as water and metal. which makes it seem like he ripped the engine off the plane, and threw it into the portal, through telekenisis. after all, he is a super hero
2006-07-14, 10:12 AM #13
Yeah, I think Kelly was thinking more along the lines of a comic book hero than a savior-type hero.
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2006-07-14, 10:18 AM #14
oh very cool. nah i've never seen the directors cut. i want too! :D
2006-07-14, 10:36 AM #15
Eh... I like the theatrical cut better. The director's cut flowed better, but it lacked something that the first cut had.
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2006-07-14, 1:53 PM #16
Jake Gyllenhaal went to my school.

</unimportant :o >
2006-07-14, 3:17 PM #17
Originally posted by Pommy:
Jake Gyllenhaal went to my school.

</unimportant :o >

Holy ish! What do you mean that's not important?!?!?! He rocks. He's a cool actor (not to mention HOT).

But I like him more then most hollywood types because he's smart, down to earth, travels to see Inuit (sp?) people in Alaska and such, and adopted his dog from the pound (one of them) and named them after characters in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Of course now he's dating natalie portman...whyyy. ok im dumb i'll stop ranting.

pt is he rox
2006-07-14, 3:25 PM #18
why WOULDN'T you date natalie portman?

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