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ForumsDiscussion Forum → what up.
what up.
2006-07-20, 8:07 PM #41
I care if someone's green. That usually implies a serious illness.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-07-20, 8:13 PM #42
Originally posted by eMp:
maybe i should start playin the same game you guys play wit me to see how you like it?
Go ahead, it would be funny to watch you try. ;)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-20, 8:14 PM #43
neat. you make music? don't you think a fmaj7 chord sounds beautiful when you replace the low F root with a low E?
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-07-20, 8:15 PM #44
Originally posted by Seb:
neat. you make music? don't you think a fmaj7 chord sounds beautiful when you replace the low F root with a low E?

It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2006-07-20, 8:21 PM #45
Originally posted by eMp:
um did you not say i am not black?

and by saying that, you didnt mean that only black folks type the way i do? just because YOU dont get pissed doesnt mean other people wont. tell me, does the world revolve around you, emon?

Em, I think he thought you were white. Apparently, there are more whites making idiots out of themselves by typing and speaking this way than there are black people who do so. Stop being a friggin victim. I'm pretty sure that noone on this site actually cares that you're black; so stop trying to make us want to.
2006-07-20, 8:48 PM #46
Originally posted by eMp:
maybe i should start playin the same game you guys play wit me to see how you like it?

You don't understand. WE DON'T CARE. We don't care if people joke around. And neither should you.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-20, 8:49 PM #47
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm pretty sure that noone on this site actually cares that you're black; so stop trying to make us want to.

You epitomized my thoughts with that statement.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-20, 9:10 PM #48
Hello, I don't recall seeing you around any... but anyway, welcome back. :)
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2006-07-20, 9:25 PM #49
I also don't remember seeing you around any but well...I haven't been on too much since I registered last August. Welcome back anyways.
2006-07-20, 9:46 PM #50
this thread will end up locked.
gbk is 50 probably

2006-07-20, 10:14 PM #51
Oh, you. Hi.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-20, 10:21 PM #52
I don't think anyone should get too offended by a few words from somebody they don't even know. Just my thoughts.
2006-07-20, 10:26 PM #53
Originally posted by Seb:
neat. you make music? don't you think a fmaj7 chord sounds beautiful when you replace the low F root with a low E?

I. HATE. 7 CHORDS!! Well that's a lie, I absolutely love how complex they sound, but they made my life as a music theory student absolute hell last semester.

(PS - major major or major minor? And yes, I do understand that you were making a point

Anyway, I remember you, and I'm glad to have you back, though I do happen to completely agree with MentatMM
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-07-21, 3:22 AM #54
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
why? cause he's the whitest black man in America?

i think you'll find thats [I was gonna say Colin Powell, but just pick either black Secretary of State, they're both white].
2006-07-21, 5:21 AM #55
major as in 1 3 5 7. and i still think it sounds nice :( . works pretty well too when you throw in a 9th somewhere. maj9 chords are sweet.

i don't get how chord building theory and living hell are in the same sentence though :confused:
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-07-21, 6:29 AM #56
Originally posted by UltimatePotato:
Speaking of which, does Ubuu still use these forums?

Edit: I guess not. How on earth did we manage to lose our token black man? :gbk:

He left. And you shouldn't be sad, he was a wanker.
2006-07-21, 6:48 AM #57
Originally posted by Baconfish:
He left.

Or rather, decided not to type "" anymore.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-07-21, 7:28 AM #58
Originally posted by Emon:
I don't get pissed when ANYONE of ANY race makes fun my race. Do you even know what race I am? How do you know I'm not black?

I've seen your photo.. humans don't come much whiter :)

Just as a general comment here, I always kind of thought there were heaps of black people in the us, but whenever you find one online, it seems the white americans who happen to be sharing the same internet-space react with "woah! there's a black person here?".

Are there less black people in the us than I've been lead to believe or what?
2006-07-21, 7:36 AM #59
Yeah, when I went to NYC I immediately noticed more black people than here. Guess the Internets are somewhat different.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-21, 8:40 AM #60
Are there less black people in the us than I've been lead to believe or what?

Blacks, or African Americans, if you're looking to be politically correct, represent about 13% of the United States the last time I checked. Whites, or Caucasians represent about 80%. I would guess that these numbers have slightly changed over the past few years, but that should give you a general idea.

Just as a general comment here, I always kind of thought there were heaps of black people in the us, but whenever you find one online, it seems the white americans who happen to be sharing the same internet-space react with "woah! there's a black person here?".

I went to school in the west end of Louisville, KY when I was a child, which is an area that is predominately black. However, I now live in a more rural area that is predominately white. I suspect that much of the world is segregated like this. In the US, the majority of blacks tend to live in poor to lower middle class urban areas. This is the case in most cities throughout the US (I can make this claim because I have traveled, extensively to other cities).

I'm not one to be politically correct, but I do hope that what I'm about to say doesn't offend anyone. The Massassi Temple reeks of middle to upper class white males. There are a few pretend girls, a few actual girls, and maybe even a few people of other colors, but there's no question that the vast majority of people here fall in to the category that I already mentioned. It's definitely not the type of community that you would expect to find many girls or blacks involved in. Let's face it, in the US, a black male is far more likely to be visiting a forum whose subject is more black, such as rap music, pimped out cars, or a million other black subjects that you'd likely find on websites like this. Running in to a black person on Massassi is like running in to a black person on a canoe/camping trip, or on a hike in the woods. Sure, it can happen, but it's certainly rare in most areas in the US, at least.
2006-07-21, 8:47 AM #61
wow. Way to stereotype MentatMM.
2006-07-21, 8:58 AM #62
Pfft, what's wrong with stereotypes.

Soon you tell me Americans aren't burgerboys! And that's just too far! :mad:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-21, 9:15 AM #63
You wanna see racist? FINE. I'll give you racist. Black people SUCK. KTHX.

:rolleyes: i'm sure they suck SOMETHING...
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-21, 9:32 AM #64
Wow, you guys are horrible.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2006-07-21, 9:40 AM #65
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-21, 9:51 AM #66
But... Finns aren't a superior race :?
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2006-07-21, 10:12 AM #67
What about RiVeN? or however he spelled his name. him and his tinkerbell costume. he was black too.

really we dont care if you're black. we just ask you type like an intelligent human being. i.e. - dont shorten words that dont need to be, typing that one extra letter isn't that much of an effort.

i'm going to agree with emon here and say, if you dont want to be stereotyped, stop promoting the stereotype by fitting into it. you may not want to be thought of as an "oreo" or whatever, but seriously, in the faceless world of the internet, its not a big deal.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-07-21, 10:13 AM #68
Let's be friends. :v:
2006-07-21, 10:14 AM #69
wow. Way to stereotype MentatMM.

Thanks. I take pride in my sense of reality. I was certain that my use of phrases such as "the vast majority..." and "far more likely..." would keep people from making such responses, but I guess you can't be truthful and please everyone. Besides, I share many of Dinesh D'Souza's views on racism, and have much respect for "blacks" (and many other "races" for that matter) that rise above the stereotypes and at least attempt to contribute something positive to society other than carrying on the self-defeating mentality that continues to influence "blacks" across this country. Not all "blacks" have thin skin and buy in to the BS that the vast majority of their so-called role-models spew on a daily basis. I once gave a speach in an English class in college regarding my views on Affirmative Action and was actually told by several "intellectual heavyweights" that "white" people can't understand racism, can't be victims of racism, and that only "black" people can determine what is racist and what is not. Sadly, this is the type of attitude/stance that many young people in this country, of all races, take on such issues.

Bah...I'm done explaining myself for now. I shouldn't need to in the first place, but everyone gets so caught up in "ism's" today, and I find it all too frustrating.
2006-07-21, 10:45 AM #70
Hey emplaya, I remember you :). Welcome back, even if you were an idiot, hahaha. We all were at one time or another on here (and some still are :D), so ignore them. I'm listening to "Letter Unfinished" as I type this... it's not exactly my thing, but it sounds pretty good, keep it up. Don't let this thread deter you from sticking around, it'll settle down soon enough.
2006-07-21, 11:08 AM #71
Jesus guys. Give it a break.

Maybe he was annoying before. It's been a while, give him a chance before you shred him to peices. If you don't like him, then don't say anything. If he decides to be an ***, then he'll get banned.

There's no need for what I've read of the first page to be trashing him..

(not trying to minimod, it's just pissing me off.)

Em- Hi. I remember you, welcome back.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2006-07-21, 12:40 PM #72
Originally posted by Seb:
major as in 1 3 5 7. and i still think it sounds nice :( . works pretty well too when you throw in a 9th somewhere. maj9 chords are sweet.

i don't get how chord building theory and living hell are in the same sentence though :confused:

I could never keep what chords should be Major Major, Major minor, or minor minor in what keys with what accidentals, and then how a V 7 chord is always Major minor with no accidentals, but a VII 7 chord is always whatever it is, but if it's a v 7 chord it's different and then she started getting into doing all that while throwing in inversions, which wasn't hard but was much more time consuming, etc...
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-07-21, 1:24 PM #73
This thread rules.

Black people rule.

They rule hard.
2006-07-21, 1:29 PM #74
Originally posted by Rob:
This thread rules.

Black people rule.

They rule hard.

With a ruler.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-21, 1:33 PM #75
Originally posted by CaveDemon:
With a ruler.

Of rules.

2006-07-21, 1:37 PM #76
Originally posted by sugarless5:
I could never keep what chords should be Major Major, Major minor, or minor minor in what keys with what accidentals, and then how a V 7 chord is always Major minor with no accidentals, but a VII 7 chord is always whatever it is, but if it's a v 7 chord it's different and then she started getting into doing all that while throwing in inversions, which wasn't hard but was much more time consuming, etc...

well. the V chord is the dominant seventh chord. it's still a major family chord, but the b7 makes it "dominant". from my view, a proper minor major would be with a minor third and major 7th, and it's the I chord of the harmonic minor scale. (like A- maj7 is A C E G# (1 b3 5 7)

i guess if maths aren't your forte, intervals are gonna **** with you. (and i don't care about the topic, let's derail this into why a tritone sounds awesome in the right context!)
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-07-21, 10:17 PM #77
you're right, it does sound awesome, and I do know that the V chord is the dominant chord (aka Mm) and while it would be easy to keep track of it being a minor 3 with a major 7 if I were only talking about that specific chord, but I could never keep track of the rest of them. That and theory is like a glorified math, and while I can understand it (and theory), I never liked math. If we were only talking about the most common 7 chord (V 7) I would be okay, I'm pretty good with just that chord, but throwing it in there with the rest of them and I get so annoyed I just throw my hands up.

and probably the worst part of it for me wasn't that I couldn't get it, but I got so impatient because it was so tedious and time comsuiming. She would give us like 2-3 pages of sheet music and we would have to go through and label all of the chords, which meant going through and identifying the roots, then the inversion, then the quality, etc... I really just not patient enough for it all.

oh and tritones rock my socks
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-07-22, 7:38 AM #78
So all of a sudden being 'permabanned' = 'forgetting your password'

Think while it's still legal.
2006-07-22, 8:02 AM #79
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Pfft, what's wrong with stereotypes.

Soon you tell me Americans aren't burgerboys! And that's just too far! :mad:

Soon you will tell me that all Finnish people do not live in igloos and hunt polar bears and seals!

2006-07-22, 8:03 AM #80
Don't be ridiculous, you can't question what is true :D
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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