TheRuleOfThirds - Intelligence in Kentucky, who woulda thought
Schming - Future Rockstar...look out Bono
Monoxide - Future Ashton Kutcher...many older females (sugar mama's) in his future
MFalse3 - Unforgetable, and a true friend
JediKirby - "Man, he should rule everything. Except the UN. He doesn't wanna go there." hehe
Kieran Horn - THE man! Noone gets me better
Nitropenguin - Fellow Pie Lover in Budapest
Xanatos - P.I.M.P. macking the ladies! All hail...he's living THE life. lets just call him The Graduate, and Pimp Daddy hehe
JediGandalf - The Jedi Wizard...dont mess with him he can do magic! also he rox
Shintock - has purtyful eyes, and a sick set up with the mics and all that at his place
Vinny - Lub a dub! A guy with good taste (we both think similar fellas are hot )
Cazor- Cazor on Cazor on Cazor rox my sox! trebuchet...homemade goodness..oh and this year he now comes in the new flavor "legal" lol
More to come later!
Your Turn! hehe
Schming - Future Rockstar...look out Bono
Monoxide - Future Ashton Kutcher...many older females (sugar mama's) in his future
MFalse3 - Unforgetable, and a true friend
JediKirby - "Man, he should rule everything. Except the UN. He doesn't wanna go there." hehe
Kieran Horn - THE man! Noone gets me better
Nitropenguin - Fellow Pie Lover in Budapest
Xanatos - P.I.M.P. macking the ladies! All hail...he's living THE life. lets just call him The Graduate, and Pimp Daddy hehe
JediGandalf - The Jedi Wizard...dont mess with him he can do magic! also he rox
Shintock - has purtyful eyes, and a sick set up with the mics and all that at his place
Vinny - Lub a dub! A guy with good taste (we both think similar fellas are hot )
Cazor- Cazor on Cazor on Cazor rox my sox! trebuchet...homemade goodness..oh and this year he now comes in the new flavor "legal" lol
More to come later!
Your Turn! hehe