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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Camp.
2006-07-29, 3:28 PM #1
So, for the last week, I have been at a camp thingy.

Camp was interesting. For one, in real life, people are usually nice to you even if they don't like you. On problem however, is that communication involves lots of noise, and this can give one a headache.

There were a lot of activities, none of which, except male bonding, I currently remember due to lack of sleep. Male bonding consisted of tying about 30 teenage guys together at 2:00 AM and forcing them to walk through a hideous swap-pond and climbing through a tree.

My cabin mates seemed, for the most part, to have about as much maturity as the average attendee on a counter strike pub. Numerous discussions were held on the subject of "gay", a word that seemed to be source of unquenchable novelty to them. At some point during the week the word "tampon" was discovered. This proved to have almost as much novelty as the word "gay".

Then there were worship services held at night. These tended to be unpleasant for me. People stood about singing rather inane songs whilst trying to get as emotional as possible. As the amount of sleep taken decreased, the amount of emotion displayed increased. Because of my many theological differences with them, and an irritation at blatant misuse of emotion, I stood by the sidelines most of the time. On the last night, when we had all were were all incredibly sleep deprived, there was quite a lot of emotion. It was rather strange. Then it happend to me. It was dehydration combined with exhaustion. We'd all done quite a lot of work in the last 48 hours with very little sleep and I doubt a single one of us got enough water. Instead of going bonkers, I made an unsuccessful attempt to sit on a bench and drink water, but had to compromise by sitting on the ground and drinking water. Dehydration and lack of sleep has quite a profound effect on the emotion and the effects on the people who trying very hard to get emotional are very interesting. After every one laughed and cried for a sufficient amount of time, they noticed that camera flashes reflected off dust in the air. They decided that this was angels or something. I chose this moment to play with my green laser which is pretty cool if enough dust was in the air, as was then. This irritated some of them, because apparently lasers are not as holy as camera flashes. So I left them a tad irrate. Then right next to me I found a dust devil. This would have been interesting with the laser and all, but at that moment 40+ people stampeded to the spot, so I went back to the cabins. They spent about 15 minuted chasing around dust bunnies and the like and the came back to the cabin to come to bed. After telling everyone that they "saw angles" they discussed "boobs" and made rather disgusting "yo mama" jokes before finally going to bed. This irritated me a tad. The lousy songs were one thing, but chasing around dust bunnies and "seeing angles in heat lighting" was a bit much. Apparently lack of sleep and water are just as effective, if greatly less efficient that drugs. Silly peoples.

But all in all it was fun, and, um. I'ma kind of loosing coordination again, so I'd better go sleep now k?
2006-07-29, 3:36 PM #2
You're such a ****ing drama queen.
2006-07-29, 3:37 PM #3
I suggest putting that last thing into at least 2 paragraphs, hard to read.

All I have to ask is, where the other people there actually retarded 12 year olds? Or are you just trying to seem superior?
2006-07-29, 3:38 PM #4
I'm guessing, he was the stereotypical, creepy, nerdguy with the scowl on his face that always seems to be one of the guys bunking in your cabin.
2006-07-29, 3:39 PM #5
Ah, the moody holier-than-thou because I spend all day at my computer guy. Ah, the joyous people you used to meet at camp.
2006-07-29, 3:42 PM #6
2006-07-29, 3:42 PM #7
was it a fat-camp?
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-29, 4:00 PM #8
2006-07-29, 4:15 PM #9
You guys are mean.
2006-07-29, 4:31 PM #10
I hope you never go to college and live in a dorm room...
2006-07-29, 5:13 PM #11
Satire, guys, satire...

I'll post a better write up later.
2006-07-29, 5:14 PM #12
Sounds fun. But you do realize that contrary to popular belief, THEY enjoyed it more than you because THEY weren't afraid to look stupid? It's camp for God's sake. Couldn't you have loosened up and acted like an idiot for one week? I know I did.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-07-29, 5:38 PM #13
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Satire, guys, satire...

I'll post a better write up later.

Yeah, but were you satirizing them or yourself?

2006-07-29, 6:16 PM #14
it sounded more like a whine than satire.
2006-07-29, 6:40 PM #15
You went to a really ****ty camp.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-29, 6:51 PM #16
Originally posted by Avenger:
You went to a really ****ty camp.

It'd have to be, to let him in.

2006-07-29, 7:19 PM #17
It looks like the woman in the lower right just sat on a flute.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-07-29, 7:31 PM #18
Yeah, I noticed that too.
2006-07-29, 8:46 PM #19
I know, I'll explain:

I was totally cool with singing and dancing and all, and entered in the best I could. (Never listen to music, so it makes it hard to dance.) However toward the end, the director turned into into a religious experience thing. I had a sneaking suspicion that the director using the lack of sleep and other social engineering methods to create a bunch of religious "experiences" just to advertise his camp. I really hope he's not, but the way he set up activities gave us a lack of sleep and an amount of exhaustion that was critical for all "religious/spiritual experiences" to be pulled off. It wasn't about going crazy and having a good time at all. It was an evangelical spirituality thing, which, I am sorry to say, was entirely based on emotion.

I really enjoyed and respected the staff and most of the campers, with the exception of the retarded 13 and 14 year olds. Who seemed to be just a tad hypocritical. The rest, maybe have has some confused ideas, but were really great folks. It was nice to get used to people who weren't look for every opportunity to mock and deride me.
2006-07-30, 1:22 AM #20
You know, a few of my buddies and I, while watching MST3K and Alien, had a conversation about a guy that reminded me of this thread. A really creepy guy that goes to parties dressed in an overcoat, hangs around where he's not welcome, and offered girls drinks from his full Bacardi Razz with a broken seal. Roofie coladas anybody?

Please don't be that guy.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-07-30, 2:30 AM #21
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I had a sneaking suspicion that the director using the lack of sleep and other social engineering methods to create a bunch of religious "experiences" just to advertise his camp.

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-07-30, 6:24 AM #22
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Because of my many theological differences with them, and an irritation at blatant misuse of emotion, I stood by the sidelines most of the time.

This sounds like church camp. If you had so many theological differences, why were you there in the first place?
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."

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