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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's the best PS2 light gun (and game to go therewith?)
What's the best PS2 light gun (and game to go therewith?)
2004-06-28, 9:06 AM #1
So yes, thrown open to the lovely floor here! I'm getting paid on Wednesday and feel like treating myself to a lightgun as my first ever PS2 purchase (it's my sister's PS2 yasee, not mine) and a game to go with it, as it's the one thing a PC (as far as I know) doesn't have.

Thing is there's no shortage of guns to choose from. So I'd need to know your experiences with them and so on, what you found best, is a reload pedal a necessity etc. etc.

Moreover the game I was *thinking* of getting was Time Crisis 3, since my local shop does a good £38 bundle (G-Con 2 + TC3) but if you know any better games (or indeed a better blaster) let me know please! Thanks! []

Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)

The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)

"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...

Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets
2004-06-28, 9:31 AM #2
I've got the G-Com2 and TC3, same deal as you I think, but with my 30% discount! []

Seemed pretty good to me, much the same as playing Time Crisis in the arcades, though I'm not the greatest judge as I kinda suck!

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-06-28, 9:36 AM #3
Hmmm just seen another interesting one... TC2 + 2 scorpion light guns, same price. Does anyone know if you can do the akimbo trick in TC3 as well (i.e. 2 guns for one player)? If so I'll just get that.

Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)

The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)

"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...

Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets
2004-06-28, 9:47 AM #4
Don't waste money on the blasted consoles! BLASPHEMY!

That being said, the two scorps and TC2 sounds like a good deal. Enjoy []

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2004-06-28, 9:48 AM #5
Heh, don't panic, it's the only thing I'm gonna buy for it, it's just there's nowt good on PC and I've just bought Arcanum at a bargain 3.60 (roughly $7) so I'm well busy!

Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)

The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)

"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...

Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets
2004-06-28, 9:59 AM #6
Akimbo probably wouldn't work on TC2, since the two guns are two different people in different positions.
2004-06-28, 10:40 AM #7
The G-Con is solid, there are light guns out there that look (and even feel) like real guns though, I could imagine that improving the immersion factor.

If you can read this, you need better glasses.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2004-06-28, 2:07 PM #8
I would reccomend the guncon since I have heard it to be the most accurate gun. Time Crisis 3 does not have a double gun mode. Another light gun game I would reccomend is Vampire Nights. It's kind of like House of the Dead except with vampires.
2004-06-28, 2:35 PM #9
i'd recommend Resident Evil Dead Aim

it's like any resident evil game but with good controls and first person view for shooting that can be done with the analog stick, a USB mouse, or a lightgun

also if you want you can do 2 player co-op in the starsky and hutch game where the seoncd player shoots with the lightgun while player 1 drives the car

and the PC does have lightguns... but i don't know how easy they are to find and fewer lightgun enabled games for PC exist than for PS2

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-06-28, 3:13 PM #10
Point Blank is still a blast if you have at least one friend to play it with. You could probably find it in a bargain bin for $5 somewhere.

The Massassi-Map
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The Massassi-Map
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2004-06-28, 9:00 PM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
Point Blank is still a blast if you have at least one friend to play it with. You could probably find it in a bargain bin for $5 somewhere.


Yeah I was thinking that too - I remember once upon a time on a ferry back from Ireland that got severely delayed - my Dad had over £20 of Irish money to get rid of (back before the Euro) and so I spent pretty much all of it in the arcade playing Point Blank... *sigh*

You're right, I'll have to pick up a copy - it's a PS1 game isn't it?

Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)

The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)

"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...

Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets
2004-06-29, 6:53 AM #12

*remembers the hell of "shoot the leaf".*

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-06-29, 7:05 AM #13
Heh, my favourite was always the fly one. One bullet, one tiny little fly zipping around the screen. Once I hit the fly in about 0.2 of a second by accidently pressing the trigger while trying to skip the pre-mission screens. That was a laugh.

The Massassi-Map
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The Massassi-Map
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