I keep wondering what Moore plans to do once Bush is out of office. It seems he's devoted so much of his work and life in recent years to trying to destroy him, that once he's no longer an issue.. what then?
I feel he has somewhat over-stepped himself with this movie. Not having seen it, but the whole impetus and point behind it. Don't get me wrong, i /like/ Moore, but that doesn't mean i'm drivelingly sycophantic and believe everything he says and does. I agree with Mort, in that he makes people ask a lot of questions, even if those are just why the hell did he make another movie sort of things. Yes, he's an *** , nobody is denying that at all, but i tend to like that actually, i obviously don't see eye to eye with him on everything, but at least he's not so worried about being political correct and diplomatic that he just never says anything at all or whatever.
It seems the whole point of this movie, is almost a sort of political chest-butting and mutual high-fiving, the people who already hate Bush or whatever will feel much more affirmed and smug or whatever, however the people who support Bush or at least aren't vitriolicly against him seem by and large to think the claims and so forth are absurd, and it isn't going to convince them of anything. I would be /very/ interested to see polls about how many fewer people are planning to vote for Bush after this movie has been diseminated for a while.
Moreover, i find the principle distasteful and retroactive, namely trying to chop the president's legs out from under him while he is still in office. I do not agree with all of Bush' methods policies actions words, whatever, however i do think it is very plain that he is trying /really/ hard, whether that to be to secure peace or make the world a better place or whatever ulteriour motive you want to assign, i think it would be a great dis-service to claim he's utterly evil selfish corrupt whatever. Now some things he obviously needs to damn well work on, like health care and such.
And, no matter how hardcore you are against him, i don't find it unbelievable that somehow, amidst all his apparent bungling bufoonary incoherency or whatever, he might [accidentally?] wind up doing some good and improvement and so forth.
I also do not believe it to be utterly contradictory to support the president and disagree with his actions and such. And then to try to destroy his public image, ruin people's opinions of him [thuogh that may not take much, with some things], and chops his legs off, only to point at how many people disagree with him or how few people support his presidency, i find a bit repugnant and foolish. He has a job to do, don't damn well cripple and sabotage his ability to do it, disagree with him, suggest alternatives, that sort of thing, damn straight, but don't cut him off at the knee then complain about how poor a job he does.
I am not entirely certain what Moore is hoping for, he may expound on it in his movie, i do not know. Is it simply that he's trying to swing votes away from Bush [considering all the numbers i see are like 48/52% 51/49% and so on for Bush/Kerry prospective voters], or does he somehow think that it's going to come to a head and Bush will be impeached?? That would seem like a pretty poor idea in my mind, and probably Moore's mind as well, given that it would leave Cheney in office, and it's not as though there is that much longer of Bush' term left.
Sometimes i half-wonder if he's trying to incite some sort of popular uprising and people will storm the Oval Office and guillotine him.. and then just for good measure throw chunks of ice and vegetables at him and his cabinet and later his limousine as they did during the presidential procession last election..
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Capite Terram]
"If all those usefull inventions that are lyable to abuse, should therefore be concealed, there is not any Art or Science, which might be lawfully profest."
-John Wilkins, Mercury, or the Secret and Swift messenger, shewing how a man may with privacy and speed Communicate his thoughts to a Friend at any distance (London, 1641)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.