Well, I've been working out solidly now for about 6-8 weeks over the summer, with periods of a couple of weeks in between here and there. I am really starting to feel the results. I've kept a log of my progress, and I really wanted to share it with you guys:
As of 22nd of May, when I started, I had/could do:
11"/12" arms unflexed/flexed
Could bench maybe 90-100 lbs.
Could barely do 20 pushups
little or no muscle on my chest/arms/abs/shoulders
My Goals for September 1st:
14" arms
Bench 140 lbs
Do 100 pushups
Put on a lot more overall muscle
As of today (August 26th):
12"/13.5" arms unflexed/flexed
I can Bench 6 reps of 180 lbs (on a bowflex, so I don't know what it would be with free weights, maybe 140, maybe not)
Bicep Curl (6 reps of 60 lbs)
~ 20 Diamond Pushups
~ 8 chinups (I don't have a chin-up bar yet though)
Anyway, I look a lot different. My shoulders have broadened, my abs have noticable definition, my chest is larger, and my arms are also significantly improved. Several people have commented to me that they can see a difference. For a formerly 6'2" beanpole, I'm really starting to get larger. I still have a long way to go, but I'm showing great progress. All of this was done with a Bowflex and bodyweight exercises. I'll post some pictures if you like, I just really wanted to let everyone who helped me know that I'm making great progress for only about three months and am very motivated to keep going.
As of 22nd of May, when I started, I had/could do:
11"/12" arms unflexed/flexed
Could bench maybe 90-100 lbs.
Could barely do 20 pushups
little or no muscle on my chest/arms/abs/shoulders
My Goals for September 1st:
14" arms
Bench 140 lbs
Do 100 pushups
Put on a lot more overall muscle
As of today (August 26th):
12"/13.5" arms unflexed/flexed
I can Bench 6 reps of 180 lbs (on a bowflex, so I don't know what it would be with free weights, maybe 140, maybe not)
Bicep Curl (6 reps of 60 lbs)
~ 20 Diamond Pushups
~ 8 chinups (I don't have a chin-up bar yet though)
Anyway, I look a lot different. My shoulders have broadened, my abs have noticable definition, my chest is larger, and my arms are also significantly improved. Several people have commented to me that they can see a difference. For a formerly 6'2" beanpole, I'm really starting to get larger. I still have a long way to go, but I'm showing great progress. All of this was done with a Bowflex and bodyweight exercises. I'll post some pictures if you like, I just really wanted to let everyone who helped me know that I'm making great progress for only about three months and am very motivated to keep going.