Please. Python's are harmless, wonderful pets; if you happen to handle them every day from when their really tiny until they are big enough to kill you. I guess it also depends on what kind of python it is. I don't know what he was doing to that python, but striking prey they can't swallow isn't normal behavior for them.
Everyone should get themselves a snake. Try a ball or bermese python if you're squemish. You can take a ball python, roll it up, and bowl with it (Hence the name). And they are absolutly harmless. They only get about six feet long in captivity, and they don't strike unless you actually hurt them. I had one that could strike a rat out of my hand from four feet away. Never once so much as nicked me. They are escape artists though. We had to pile encyclopedia's on it's tank just to keep it from popping off the top it had already broke.