...no ****. My point is that lacking a political background does not make one a poor candidate, just as having an extensive political background does not make one a good candidtate.
No, we were "against you" because you kept making yourself out to be the victim. You insist on perpetuating the negative stereotypes of black people, then get mad and call us racist for disliking your behaviors.
Here's an example. I'll go ahead and say that, the majority of the time I go to a movie, all the young black people make a ton of noise. I recently saw The Descent. Every five minutes it was "OOOOH SHIIIET RUUN ***** YOU GONNA DIEEE!!" at the top of their lungs. I have never seen people of another race do that. Only blacks. Now, this may be hard for you to accept, but what I've said does NOT make me racist. Get it? Does not. I do not dislike black people. I do not think they are in any way less equal than everyone else. But what I do hate is annoying kids that perpetuate the negative black stereotypes. They don't have to be black! There are white kids that do it too, and they are JUST as annoying.
Get it? We're not racist. Stop trying to be the victim and leave that crap out of the discussion. Rerun's point had nothing to do with race or stereptype, but you constantly seem incapable of realizing that. Instead you just throw up the racist flag and get all pissed off.
I'll sum it up for you: We don't hate you because you're black. We don't hate you because of the way you type. We hate you because you're annoying and stupid.
Ubuu and Rivin were the token black members of these forums for years before you got here. And all the people that hate you, loved them. Get it? Nothing to do with race or stereotypes. NOTHING. DROP IT.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.