Here's my post, since everyone's expecting it.
Also, Anovis:
Actually a recent (few years') development has been that of "e-boys," kids who learn breakdancing entirely from clips and website, and post videos of themselves dancing, and have online "battles," and other things.
Anyways Warlock if you're serious about getting into the scene and developing into a respectable bboy, look around your local area for practice/session spots and get to know local crews and dancers. Become a student on the history and culture as you go along, learn correct foundation, stuff like that. Bboying has a really long learning curve and it takes a lot of persistance and hard work to get that flavor out of yourself and really get it.
On the other hand if you just want to learn a few tricks and look impressive .. these are some "famous" guides for moves that everyone associates w/ breakdancing:
on windmills
on flares
there are also online bboy communities, but you can find those for yourself if you really want to. I am present in those communities, but they're full of stupid prepubescent kids (on the internet? what a surprise!) so you won't find me posting very much. Though there are nice, helpful people too.