proc = process
just curious on the average number of running process because when i was at RIT a large majority of the computers that i had to clean up was loaded down with crap. anyway most common complaiment was their computer were slow or laggish on a freaking 3 ghz computer. anyway i checked and i noticed on most machine the average number of process was over 60-100+
here i am running on a 2.8 ghz and my average number of process is about 16-20 on windows xp.
and on linux its about 40-100+ but that's because linux has many more but more efficent processes plus i do more stuff on it such as webhosting, decidadated servers etc..... plus running emerge in background (gentoo linux)
anyway post yer average procs! curious what's the average here.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
just curious on the average number of running process because when i was at RIT a large majority of the computers that i had to clean up was loaded down with crap. anyway most common complaiment was their computer were slow or laggish on a freaking 3 ghz computer. anyway i checked and i noticed on most machine the average number of process was over 60-100+
here i am running on a 2.8 ghz and my average number of process is about 16-20 on windows xp.
and on linux its about 40-100+ but that's because linux has many more but more efficent processes plus i do more stuff on it such as webhosting, decidadated servers etc..... plus running emerge in background (gentoo linux)
anyway post yer average procs! curious what's the average here.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...