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The History of Martial Arts!
Eastern Martial Arts had schools all over the country. Teacher-apprentice disicipline was important to these schools, as the more disciplined your students are, the more they learn, the more your school is respected. The more your school is respected, the more students will join. To learn discipline, you must teach your students to be perfect in everything you do.
With teaching them perfection, they learn patience to deal with how you teach them.
So, Sifu's/Kyoshi's developed a "if you fail this move, you must pay for it" type of attitude. Some were light and only did a flick to the nose, while others started fighting novices one to one. The philosophy of fighting techniques for students to learn is purely based on the master. The master determinds how his school is ran.
This obviously evolved, and now here we are in the 21st century, where some of these philosophies obviously reached an extremist view.
[EDIT:] Minihistory: Hank Slomaski
Hank ran his school of 拳法 to where when you're done with flight training/making your rounds, you enter a tent to learn martial arts.
You come out bloody, no matter what.
You then go to get a drink with whoever tried to kill you 20 minutes ago.