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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Fun with drunk friends on AIM
Fun with drunk friends on AIM
2006-09-22, 12:07 AM #1
I know, i know, i'm a horrible person. My friend Tim IMed me, and was clearly drunk. I decided to have some fun:

Tim: f*** dude hqwta y still dong aayek?
happydud: drink much? :p
Tim: exactly
happydud: thought so. :p
happydud: I'm writing a research paper.
Tim: wtf??
Tim: research the art of drunkeness...sure to get an A
Tim: i swqear
Tim: maybe lol
happydud: This is actually one of the first drunken IM conversations I've ever had.
happydud: What is your view on the hypnothereputic process involving electrostimulai and holographic simulacrum?
Tim: exact,y
Tim: i have no idea
happydud: Postulate!
Tim: hmm
Tim: *pomndering*
Tim: holographic tend to work and they generally stimulate the brain which is why they work so well
Tim: if they are using it for theruputic processes im all for it
happydud: What about autoerotic therapy?
happydud: and to clarify: that word has nothing to do with cars.
Tim: meaning liek stimulation to ones own body??? wtf is wrong weith you?
Tim: u neeed to be stimulated to women
Tim: lots of thems
happydud: Who do you think killed Nixon?
Tim: the briar!!!
happydud: Friar Tuck?
Tim: or the two that hid behind it
Tim: there was two
Tim: and its not nixon
Tim: its kennedy
happydud: No, I'm not talking about Kennedy
Tim: exactly
happydud: everyone knows hitler killed Kennedy
Tim: no he didnt
happydud: i'm talking about the Nixon assassination.
Tim: mixon wasnt assasinated
Tim: kennedy was
happydud: what about Washingmachine?
Tim: u s0read lies
happydud: What is better, bread of lead?
Tim: kryptonite
Tim: bread
Tim: in reverse order
happydud: you can't kill superman with brea
happydud: d
Tim: to your qutestions
happydud: ah, okay.
Tim: gotcha :p
happydud: What would you do if you had a 1967 VW bus, a broadsword, lima beans, and hydrosulfuric acid?
Tim: play WoW!! *****as
Tim: we alrdy had nitroglrycerin
Tim: and a bradword
Tim: and i can ride a ****ing stork
Tim: a bus an lima beans..well ill figure it wout
Tim: ima go pass otu
happydud: have fun
*** Auto-response from Tim: sleep
happydud: thanks for the entertainment.
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2006-09-22, 8:07 AM #2
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-09-22, 8:14 AM #3
He was too coherent for that to be amusing.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2006-09-22, 9:01 AM #4
I shall cleave thee with my mighty bradsword.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-09-22, 10:26 AM #5
If that's the Tim I think it is, he always talks like that.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor

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