Do you perform better tired or wired (like being juiced up with alot of caffeine, energy drinks, etc)? Like if you had a large paper/project that needs to be done and it's dead late in the night, or you need to go to class when you had little or none sleep night before.
Personally, it seems I function better when I'm more tired instead of when I'm wired up with a crapload of coffee and energy drinks. Maybe my body isn't use to being incredibly wired, but atleast I can think easier and concentrate (to a limited degree) when my insides aren't drowned with stimulants and sugar. Although, I tend to fall asleep time to time and moments of inaction makes me feel drowsy, but I loose my train of thought way too often when I'm pepped up by taking way too many of these drinks.
Personally, it seems I function better when I'm more tired instead of when I'm wired up with a crapload of coffee and energy drinks. Maybe my body isn't use to being incredibly wired, but atleast I can think easier and concentrate (to a limited degree) when my insides aren't drowned with stimulants and sugar. Although, I tend to fall asleep time to time and moments of inaction makes me feel drowsy, but I loose my train of thought way too often when I'm pepped up by taking way too many of these drinks.