Create some "Phat Pimpin? Word." images and post them here. (I'll make some in a bit) I'm going to put together a sort of 'All Your Base' animation using the images, so make the PP?W. images in the same way the AYB images were created. I remember my brother had a thread like this a few years ago, but all those images got erased. Let's do it again! (I'm pretty sure all the images he made were taken right from AYB but just re-done to say PP?W....Also, I think the original PP?W. picture used the midgets playing basketball.)
Here's a poll for good measure.
Create some "Phat Pimpin? Word." images and post them here. (I'll make some in a bit) I'm going to put together a sort of 'All Your Base' animation using the images, so make the PP?W. images in the same way the AYB images were created. I remember my brother had a thread like this a few years ago, but all those images got erased. Let's do it again! (I'm pretty sure all the images he made were taken right from AYB but just re-done to say PP?W....Also, I think the original PP?W. picture used the midgets playing basketball.)
Here's a poll for good measure.
Think while it's still legal.