Press ups and sit ups, at least 200 a day.
Also, see #2
Walk and Run a lot. This will make you feel better after a while, and also helps in building the six pack (also, require a tan to show off said muscle mass)
Antibiotics.(attacks acne bacteria) Sun.(dry's skin and creates a vitimen in skin. Also covers up blotches with tan) Witch Hazel.(tightens pores and stops them getting dirty). Nicam (dries skin + stops skin from producing too much oil).
No more chocolate and Tea. no more McDonalds. Improve diet with orange jiuce, full meals, like sandwichs.
Everything above should help, but in general, remember you're a [insert compliments here cos I dont really know you] kind and intelligent male and thats all you should need. Anyone who doesnt wanna be around you, male or female, Fudge em, their loss!!!
I'll post my own stuff later
[This message has been edited by clan ruthervain (edited July 03, 2004).]
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
do other babe}
do a dude}