How much dirt, hair, and other muck is in your keyboard right now? It's time to find out who has the cleanest keyboard around.
I just sprayed my keyboard with windex, so it's pretty clean right now on the contact areas of the keys, but deep down and on the sides of the keys its absolutely filthy. It's interesting how the keys I don't use too often (like Scroll lock and pause/break) are usually the dirtiest).
I've heard that you can put keyboards in the dishwasher without damage to get them clean, is this true?
I just sprayed my keyboard with windex, so it's pretty clean right now on the contact areas of the keys, but deep down and on the sides of the keys its absolutely filthy. It's interesting how the keys I don't use too often (like Scroll lock and pause/break) are usually the dirtiest).
I've heard that you can put keyboards in the dishwasher without damage to get them clean, is this true?