I got 1825. ("
Nintendo Geek" :o)
I had to use all three hints to remember the one involving all those things that looked like air ducts, as I'd never heard of the game. Also, for the one game involving the funny-looking hat, it didn't like that I forgot the approstraphe...
Still, most were pretty easy. I kinda froze for some, especially the first, as that took me a while. Also, I couldn't tell, for the
one, whether it was the first or third of the series.
Also, WTF was with listing Ninja Gaiden in the "impossible" section?! Seriously, if you've merely SEEN any NES games, you'd practically have to be "NES retarded" not to know what that is. Esepcially when they're doing sequels for the Xbox, that are being noted for managing to retain about 10% of the originals' difficulty, in this age of save-and-reload and lowest-common-denomenator challenge design.
As for that game, it's also one of my favorites. (obviously) I've gotten it to the point that I can easily do MOST of the levels and bosses, and even actually beat the last boss pretty consistently. Still can't stand much of a chance against the Jacquio, though...