Step 1: Install Windows Vista
Step 2: Install Creative Audigy 2 Value drivers
Step 3: Install Nvidia DUALTV drivers
Step 4: Fight with Vista to get Audigy drivers to function properly again.
Step 5: Fight with Vista to get it to stop BSODing after losing the previous fight.
Step 6: Use System Restore point
Step 7: To your horror, watch Windows repeat step 4 for you.
Step 8: Cry, and run Windows Update in hope something changed.
Step 9: Turn your volume down to its minimum level as your speakers oddly begin to emit a little annoying static from the stupid sound card.
Step 10: Watch Windows Update FAIL to update for no apparent reason.
Step 11: Hit "explain error"
Step 12: Listen to the static suddenly, without reason, build to a VERY high level.
Step 13: Turn off the speakers as even at the lowest volume it has reached a VERY scary high level.
Step 14: Smell smoke
Step 15: Watch smoke slowly flow out of the back of your speaker's control unit.
Step 16: Freak out
Step 17: Yank the cables from the sound card and hit the big fat power switch on the power strip.
Step 18: Sneeze from the smell of the smoke.
Step 19: 15 minutes later, after assuring that there is nothing catching on fire, attempt to get sound out of speakers.
Step 20: Everything turns on, you attach something to the unit to hear sound.
Step 21: Despite your best efforts, the control unit will no longer detect any input, and is now fried. Literally.
Step 22: Cry, then search for RMA.
So yeah, that's my story for the day. Sorry it isn't quite as interesting as Steven, but that's an unfair comparison.
Step 2: Install Creative Audigy 2 Value drivers
Step 3: Install Nvidia DUALTV drivers
Step 4: Fight with Vista to get Audigy drivers to function properly again.
Step 5: Fight with Vista to get it to stop BSODing after losing the previous fight.
Step 6: Use System Restore point
Step 7: To your horror, watch Windows repeat step 4 for you.
Step 8: Cry, and run Windows Update in hope something changed.
Step 9: Turn your volume down to its minimum level as your speakers oddly begin to emit a little annoying static from the stupid sound card.
Step 10: Watch Windows Update FAIL to update for no apparent reason.
Step 11: Hit "explain error"
Step 12: Listen to the static suddenly, without reason, build to a VERY high level.
Step 13: Turn off the speakers as even at the lowest volume it has reached a VERY scary high level.
Step 14: Smell smoke
Step 15: Watch smoke slowly flow out of the back of your speaker's control unit.
Step 16: Freak out
Step 17: Yank the cables from the sound card and hit the big fat power switch on the power strip.
Step 18: Sneeze from the smell of the smoke.
Step 19: 15 minutes later, after assuring that there is nothing catching on fire, attempt to get sound out of speakers.
Step 20: Everything turns on, you attach something to the unit to hear sound.
Step 21: Despite your best efforts, the control unit will no longer detect any input, and is now fried. Literally.
Step 22: Cry, then search for RMA.
So yeah, that's my story for the day. Sorry it isn't quite as interesting as Steven, but that's an unfair comparison.