And other online retailers (Threadless and Tigerdirect). Why must you be so convenient and offer such tempting products? I can't afford your wares, and yet I choose to not buy food for two weeks so that I may purchase your sweet, sweet nectar that is video games, Seinnheiser HD-485s, and t-shirts. Damn you to hell!
So yeah, I bought CoD2 and Psychonauts from Steam, because they were fairly cheap and convinient to get. I also bought these 4 shirts from Threadless because they were on sale for $10.
Dark Side of the Garden
Ctrl Z
Who ****ing Cares?
Communist Party T-shirts were all sold out in Men's sizes.
So, um, post your recent online purchases, and join me in cursing these retailers for stealing our money with their irresistable goods.
So yeah, I bought CoD2 and Psychonauts from Steam, because they were fairly cheap and convinient to get. I also bought these 4 shirts from Threadless because they were on sale for $10.
Dark Side of the Garden
Ctrl Z
Who ****ing Cares?
Communist Party T-shirts were all sold out in Men's sizes.

So, um, post your recent online purchases, and join me in cursing these retailers for stealing our money with their irresistable goods.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.