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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 12
2006-11-06, 6:03 PM #41
Oh.. it's called materia... right. ;)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-06, 6:05 PM #42
Pandora's Box would have been an enemy skill. It's not a magical spell, per se.

Magicka is what they called 'mana' in the Elder Scrolls. In Final Fantasy games it's called MP, or magic points.
2006-11-07, 8:48 AM #43
Phew, I was about to ask what the hell Magicka was. :P
2006-11-09, 11:57 PM #44
ok, I'm about 22 hours into it, and absolutely nothing has happened yet.. just a bunch of random tasks.. I really hope that it's more then this.. maybe I had been doing a bunch of side quests and stuff to amke it take really long.. I just got the first esper.. does it pick up soon?? (without spoilers please)
2006-11-10, 12:16 AM #45
My favorite is still FF6, I liked FF7, but after that it got old. Got bored of 8 halfway through, and got bored of 9 a hell of a lot earlier.
I'm still willing to give new ones a try though, so what I wanna know is: If I got sick of the ff's in 8 & 9, and I found KOTOR boring as hell... will I still like this one?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-11-10, 4:54 AM #46
Originally posted by Spiral:
ok, I'm about 22 hours into it, and absolutely nothing has happened yet.. just a bunch of random tasks.. I really hope that it's more then this.. maybe I had been doing a bunch of side quests and stuff to amke it take really long.. I just got the first esper.. does it pick up soon?? (without spoilers please)

2006-11-10, 7:15 AM #47
Originally posted by Spiral:
ok, I'm about 22 hours into it, and absolutely nothing has happened yet.. just a bunch of random tasks.. I really hope that it's more then this.. maybe I had been doing a bunch of side quests and stuff to amke it take really long.. I just got the first esper.. does it pick up soon?? (without spoilers please)

If you're talking about FF6 (Esper) then yes, it goes pretty crazy soon.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-11-10, 7:50 AM #48
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]If you're talking about FF6 (Esper) then yes, it goes pretty crazy soon.[/QUOTE]he's talking about FF12.
2006-11-10, 8:34 AM #49
Ah, saw esper so I just assumed. Haven't played 12 yet.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-11-11, 7:13 AM #50
alright, cool.. I was hoping it would get cooler, cause it seems kinda boring so far. Even the charactors are poorly brought across, they have great personalities, but you know nothing of any of the charactor's pasts.

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