Your school accompanist is a world class... well you get the idea.
to give some background, I am forsaking all modesty and humility. That's right, watch me be a conceited little wench. I am not a bad singer. I know this because I've gone to state level solo competitions and done well, because I've gotten an honorable mention for a scholarship for talent in the arts across Maryland, I have a vocal scholarship, I've gotten completely unsolicited praise from more advanced students and from the head of the department, the two a capella groups on campus actually fought over me, a senior listed me as one of the top 3 voice students in the school, and I wasn't even there, I heard about it later. I'm only a sophomore and I've only been in my a capella group (Charm) for not quite a semester and I'm already assistant director, and most recently, I've been one out of only 4 voice students on campus to be asked to sing at the "Highlights of the music department" recital. Right right, I know, enough stroking my own ego.
But I've been having major issues with my school's accompanist. I have never done ANYTHING to this lady but she still seems to have it out for me! the worst time was when she pretty much told me, in almost exactly these words, that my voice is unpleasant to listen to and no one will want to hear me sing. I've been taking voice lessons at this school for over a year now and I should demand answers! and she pretty much went on the vein for a while.
Now I called my moom, who told my voice teacher back home, who called me back and screeched in my ear how absolutely rediculous that is, and if something isn't done about it, she will march her own self with up to school and say under no uncertain terms that as someone who has worked with me for 3 years and someone who is "PROBABLY A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT MORE QUALIFIED THAN THAT WOMAN AND ANYONE ELSE ON THAT DAMN CAMPUS!" and do something about it herself. someone else screeched WHAT?! in my ear, and she was supposed to be on vocal rest, but I tihnk I digress here. She was quite literally insulting me. And it wasn't constructive criticism ("I don't think I could even help you with this" well duh, lady, you play the piano, that's it) for a while, long enough to really upset me. So I told my voice teacher, but by then I played it down pretty majorly because I didn't really want to deal with the lady, and I think she passed it along to the head of the department.
She also has a habit of contradicting what my voice teacher says and then insist that what she says be followed through. My voice teacher will tell me to brighten my vowles, because the darkers ones bring the pitch down, she'll tell me to darken my vowels, my voice teacher will try to get me to have consistent vibrato (just control it) and she'll say to almost straight tone it.
That little run in isn't my only issue with her though. Three times now, she had told my voice teacher that I haven't shown up for rehearsals when I have, or haven't turned in my music to her, when I had even asked her if she'd gotten them. And for example, the last time that happened, wedndesday I got an agry e-mail from my voice teacher asking why I missed my rehearsal, yet my rehearsal was on thursday. Thursday I show up to my rehearsal and she was expecting me and didn't say a word about it. I pointed this pattern out to my voice teacher, who said that she was a busy lady, she might have mixed it up (she didn't seem mixed up ll three times) but okay
Then I get a speech in Charm about how certain charm members are not showing up to rehearsals with the accompanist (Ms Heuer) and that ms heuer said that if certain people can't manage charm, choir and voice lessons, maybe they should drop charm, and really trying to drag my group's name through the proverbial mud with the music department (Charm and the music dept. butt heads sometimes) And she was really trying to get my charm director into trouble! (I went to her after class and told her that I did show up to the rehearsals and she said "yeah, thanks for telling me because that letter was primarily about you")
I've put up with a whole host of more subtle insults with her, and after my performance tonight (which I actually nailed, she was the one who had problems playing it!) she told me "Yeah, I don't think your voice teacher knew that this song was hard when she assigned it to you" Umm, lady, my voice teacher sang this song for her masters recital. I tihnk she's pretty well aware. And if she hadn't - it's Strauss! That might be a clue that it's not quite a cakewalk.
So you guys are aware, I have no issue taking criticism. I'm a freaking voice major, if I couldn't, there would be issues. I wouldn't be able to sing in masterclasses, since they have someone give you a voice lesson in front of all of the voice students, and hell, I wouldn't be able to have had any of my voice teachers since they're all extremely blunt people. I actually like voice teachers to be like "Steph, that sucked, what the hell are you doing. Do it again, but this time..." And I like getting feedback. But this time it's different. It's pretty much like where I can take constructive criticism (aka coaching!) and even reviews of performances, this was outright insulting.
Though I guess this is part of the reason why I'm glad I'm going into marketing for a my career, not vocal performance. But it still is one of my majors, so I do kind of still have to deal with her.
Anyway. I've mentioned the first incident to my voice teacher and I've also told her about the three "mistakes" as well as my charm director, but I'm going to have to deal with this lady for 2 1/2 more years. What the hell do I do?!
to give some background, I am forsaking all modesty and humility. That's right, watch me be a conceited little wench. I am not a bad singer. I know this because I've gone to state level solo competitions and done well, because I've gotten an honorable mention for a scholarship for talent in the arts across Maryland, I have a vocal scholarship, I've gotten completely unsolicited praise from more advanced students and from the head of the department, the two a capella groups on campus actually fought over me, a senior listed me as one of the top 3 voice students in the school, and I wasn't even there, I heard about it later. I'm only a sophomore and I've only been in my a capella group (Charm) for not quite a semester and I'm already assistant director, and most recently, I've been one out of only 4 voice students on campus to be asked to sing at the "Highlights of the music department" recital. Right right, I know, enough stroking my own ego.
But I've been having major issues with my school's accompanist. I have never done ANYTHING to this lady but she still seems to have it out for me! the worst time was when she pretty much told me, in almost exactly these words, that my voice is unpleasant to listen to and no one will want to hear me sing. I've been taking voice lessons at this school for over a year now and I should demand answers! and she pretty much went on the vein for a while.
Now I called my moom, who told my voice teacher back home, who called me back and screeched in my ear how absolutely rediculous that is, and if something isn't done about it, she will march her own self with up to school and say under no uncertain terms that as someone who has worked with me for 3 years and someone who is "PROBABLY A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT MORE QUALIFIED THAN THAT WOMAN AND ANYONE ELSE ON THAT DAMN CAMPUS!" and do something about it herself. someone else screeched WHAT?! in my ear, and she was supposed to be on vocal rest, but I tihnk I digress here. She was quite literally insulting me. And it wasn't constructive criticism ("I don't think I could even help you with this" well duh, lady, you play the piano, that's it) for a while, long enough to really upset me. So I told my voice teacher, but by then I played it down pretty majorly because I didn't really want to deal with the lady, and I think she passed it along to the head of the department.
She also has a habit of contradicting what my voice teacher says and then insist that what she says be followed through. My voice teacher will tell me to brighten my vowles, because the darkers ones bring the pitch down, she'll tell me to darken my vowels, my voice teacher will try to get me to have consistent vibrato (just control it) and she'll say to almost straight tone it.
That little run in isn't my only issue with her though. Three times now, she had told my voice teacher that I haven't shown up for rehearsals when I have, or haven't turned in my music to her, when I had even asked her if she'd gotten them. And for example, the last time that happened, wedndesday I got an agry e-mail from my voice teacher asking why I missed my rehearsal, yet my rehearsal was on thursday. Thursday I show up to my rehearsal and she was expecting me and didn't say a word about it. I pointed this pattern out to my voice teacher, who said that she was a busy lady, she might have mixed it up (she didn't seem mixed up ll three times) but okay
Then I get a speech in Charm about how certain charm members are not showing up to rehearsals with the accompanist (Ms Heuer) and that ms heuer said that if certain people can't manage charm, choir and voice lessons, maybe they should drop charm, and really trying to drag my group's name through the proverbial mud with the music department (Charm and the music dept. butt heads sometimes) And she was really trying to get my charm director into trouble! (I went to her after class and told her that I did show up to the rehearsals and she said "yeah, thanks for telling me because that letter was primarily about you")
I've put up with a whole host of more subtle insults with her, and after my performance tonight (which I actually nailed, she was the one who had problems playing it!) she told me "Yeah, I don't think your voice teacher knew that this song was hard when she assigned it to you" Umm, lady, my voice teacher sang this song for her masters recital. I tihnk she's pretty well aware. And if she hadn't - it's Strauss! That might be a clue that it's not quite a cakewalk.
So you guys are aware, I have no issue taking criticism. I'm a freaking voice major, if I couldn't, there would be issues. I wouldn't be able to sing in masterclasses, since they have someone give you a voice lesson in front of all of the voice students, and hell, I wouldn't be able to have had any of my voice teachers since they're all extremely blunt people. I actually like voice teachers to be like "Steph, that sucked, what the hell are you doing. Do it again, but this time..." And I like getting feedback. But this time it's different. It's pretty much like where I can take constructive criticism (aka coaching!) and even reviews of performances, this was outright insulting.
Though I guess this is part of the reason why I'm glad I'm going into marketing for a my career, not vocal performance. But it still is one of my majors, so I do kind of still have to deal with her.
Anyway. I've mentioned the first incident to my voice teacher and I've also told her about the three "mistakes" as well as my charm director, but I'm going to have to deal with this lady for 2 1/2 more years. What the hell do I do?!
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.