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ForumsDiscussion Forum → After being decapitated, the average person remains conscious for 15-20 seconds
After being decapitated, the average person remains conscious for 15-20 seconds
2006-11-22, 12:14 AM #1

I wonder if you'd be aware that your head was no longer connected to your body. Remind me never to get decapitated...
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-11-22, 12:44 AM #2
False. :rolleyes:
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-22, 1:08 AM #3
I would have to say that's probably too high, since people go unconscious after that length from strangling, decapitation involves blood loss, strangling allow blood to remain in the head until its oxygen is used up. Decapitation doesn't have that, the brain would quickly use up whatever doesn't bleed out.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-11-22, 1:22 AM #4
Man, that'd be the way I'd wanna go if I could manage to say something like "good idea, bad execution, you bastards" with my head off

Except something wittier than that
2006-11-22, 1:49 AM #5
I would hate to be the guy who volunteered for the scientific study.
2006-11-22, 5:23 AM #6
Eh, I highly doubt it.
2006-11-22, 5:32 AM #7
That's only the average person. Under special circumstances, it's possible to remain conscious much longer!

(I love that movie, free poptart if you know which one [you do not have to ingest the poptart {I wouldn't}])
2006-11-22, 5:48 AM #8
Originally posted by money•bie:
Man, that'd be the way I'd wanna go if I could manage to say something like "good idea, bad execution, you bastards" with my head off

Except something wittier than that

you need your throat intact and your lungs to be connected to speak... maybe you could give them a hateful look

and from the website linked above

7. The last words spoken by Union General John Sedgewick were, “They (the Confederate soldiers) couldn’t hit an elephant from this dis…”

confederate soldier: BOOM HEADSHOT!
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-11-22, 6:18 AM #9
The following report was written by a Dr. Beaurieux, who experimented with the head of a condemned prisoner by the name of Henri Languille, on June 28, 1905:[1]

"Here, then, is what I was able to note immediately after the decapitation: the eyelids and lips of the guillotined man worked in irregularly rhythmic contractions for about five or six seconds. This phenomenon has been remarked by all those finding themselves in the same conditions as myself for observing what happens after the severing of the neck...

"I waited for several seconds. The spasmodic movements ceased. [...] It was then that I called in a strong, sharp voice: 'Languille!' I saw the eyelids slowly lift up, without any spasmodic contractions – I insist advisedly on this peculiarity – but with an even movement, quite distinct and normal, such as happens in everyday life, with people awakened or torn from their thoughts.

"Next Languille's eyes very definitely fixed themselves on mine and the pupils focused themselves. I was not, then, dealing with the sort of vague dull look without any expression, that can be observed any day in dying people to whom one speaks: I was dealing with undeniably living eyes which were looking at me. After several seconds, the eyelids closed again, slowly and evenly, and the head took on the same appearance as it had had before I called out.

"It was at that point that I called out again and, once more, without any spasm, slowly, the eyelids lifted and undeniably living eyes fixed themselves on mine with perhaps even more penetration than the first time. Then there was a further closing of the eyelids, but now less complete. I attempted the effect of a third call; there was no further movement – and the eyes took on the glazed look which they have in the dead.''

taken straight from the guillotine article on wikipeida.
In highschool saw a video about the guillotine which mostly covered the french revolution. Apparently there was some talk back then if decapitation was really a humane way to execute anyone, most thought it was a completely painless procedure where the victim immediately died. Though there was a scientist who was to be executed. He had his best friend count the times he blinked after he had been beheaded. I think it came up to be about 10 times. I cant remember most of the details because, hey, I was only a sophomore and that girl in the front row was really hot. . .
My blawgh.
2006-11-22, 7:36 AM #10
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
you need your throat intact and your lungs to be connected to speak... maybe you could give them a hateful look

All you'd have to do is stare to make most people **** their pants for the rest of their lives.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-11-22, 7:51 AM #11
"Are you dead yet? Blink once for yes, twice for no!"
2006-11-22, 7:57 AM #12
Originally posted by Masq:
That's only the average person. Under special circumstances, it's possible to remain conscious much longer!

(I love that movie, free poptart if you know which one [you do not have to ingest the poptart {I wouldn't}])

Easy. "The Brain That Wouldn't Die".
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-11-22, 8:09 AM #13
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
taken straight from the guillotine article on wikipeida.
In highschool saw a video about the guillotine which mostly covered the french revolution. Apparently there was some talk back then if decapitation was really a humane way to execute anyone, most thought it was a completely painless procedure where the victim immediately died. Though there was a scientist who was to be executed. He had his best friend count the times he blinked after he had been beheaded. I think it came up to be about 10 times. I cant remember most of the details because, hey, I was only a sophomore and that girl in the front row was really hot. . .
This article says that it's unclear whether or not that actually happened. There's sources for that story are shaky. Not that that means heads don't stay conscious.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-11-22, 8:12 AM #14
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-11-22, 8:17 AM #15
Originally posted by Freelancer:
False. :rolleyes:

Oh okay, thank you doctor.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-11-22, 8:39 AM #16
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
This article says that it's unclear whether or not that actually happened. There's sources for that story are shaky. Not that that means heads don't stay conscious.

That experiment does have some good evidence, but it would be hard to confirm without an EEG during beheading. We obviously won't do it to humans, and doing it to animals is pretty pointless since it doesn't yield and useful data.

I wonder about the pain though. Even if you remain conscious, your spine has been severed...would you even feel the pain? Even if you do, 15 seconds of tremendous pain isn't even that bad. It's only 15 seconds. I think I'd rather be beheaded than say, shot in the heart. At least as far as pain goes.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-11-22, 8:48 AM #17
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
confederate soldier: BOOM HEADSHOT!

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2006-11-22, 8:51 AM #18
Originally posted by Emon:
That experiment does have some good evidence, but it would be hard to confirm without an EEG during beheading. We obviously won't do it to humans, and doing it to animals is pretty pointless since it doesn't yield and useful data.

I wonder about the pain though. Even if you remain conscious, your spine has been severed...would you even feel the pain? Even if you do, 15 seconds of tremendous pain isn't even that bad. It's only 15 seconds. I think I'd rather be beheaded than say, shot in the heart. At least as far as pain goes.

I'd think something along the lines of a massive phantom pain throughout where your body should be.

15 seconds of horrific pain surely feels longer than 15 seconds.
2006-11-22, 8:59 AM #19
Originally posted by Rob:
I'd think something along the lines of a massive phantom pain throughout where your body should be.

Yeah that could be. Like I said, it's really tough to tell without bioelectric monitoring.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-11-22, 11:57 AM #20
You'd definately feel some pain, I mean, your nerve endings don't just start at your spine.

And plus, if its 15 seconds of excruciating pain, what about the fact that your life flashes before your eyes or whatever? What if you're there seeing your entire life go by, in excruciating pain? :p
2006-11-22, 12:22 PM #21
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
you need your throat intact and your lungs to be connected to speak... maybe you could give them a hateful look!
I really meant mouth it

I was going to say hurl abuse with aboriginal clicking but that didn't sound as good
2006-11-22, 2:39 PM #22
12. Think your décor is bad? Oscar Wilde’s last words were, "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go" He fought the wallpaper and the wallpaper won.

I bet there are some good electric chair stories too.
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2006-11-22, 5:35 PM #23
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]What if you're there seeing your entire life go by, in excruciating pain? :p[/QUOTE]
The process is called "Living".

Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Though there was a scientist who was to be executed. He had his best friend count the times he blinked after he had been beheaded. I think it came up to be about 10 times.

"Robespierre eats cake"

-That's a lot to fit on an eyelid.
2006-11-22, 5:49 PM #24
Originally posted by MBeggar:
Oh okay, thank you doctor.

You don't have to be a doctor to know a statement that ridiculous is false.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-22, 5:57 PM #25
Originally posted by Freelancer:
You don't have to be a doctor to know a statement that ridiculous is false.

Hold your breath for me, and see if you remain concious after 15-20 seconds.

To be fair, we'll up the time considering there's more blood to go around. I'm sure after a couple minutes you'll still be alive and kicking.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-11-22, 6:45 PM #26
Originally posted by Freelancer:
You don't have to be a doctor to know a statement that ridiculous is false.

Why is it ridiculous? There's still oxygen in your blood. It won't take long for it to be used up, especially when blood is gushing out. Say, maybe, 10-15 seconds? :downs:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-11-22, 6:53 PM #27
That, and the blood will most likely clot quickly in the openings, giving you a bit more time. If not 10-15 seconds normally, it'd probably be 10-15 seconds now. Plus, the brain can live without oxygen for a tiny bit... Maybe 10-15 seconds?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-11-22, 9:39 PM #28
Originally posted by Masq:
That's only the average person. Under special circumstances, it's possible to remain conscious much longer!

(I love that movie, free poptart if you know which one [you do not have to ingest the poptart {I wouldn't}])

The Head/Brain* that Wouldn't Die

(The title switches in the credits. heh)

There was a Mystery Science Theater 3000 with it.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2006-11-22, 10:25 PM #29
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]Plus, the brain can live without oxygen for a tiny bit... Maybe 10-15 seconds?[/QUOTE]
I'd say if you get past 6 seconds with no oxygen to your brain, you're Superman. Superman about to be in a Corky-esque state of mind.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-11-22, 10:30 PM #30
Originally posted by Emon:
Why is it ridiculous? There's still oxygen in your blood. It won't take long for it to be used up, especially when blood is gushing out. Say, maybe, 10-15 seconds? :downs:

You'd be unconcious the moment it happened from shock and blunt-force trauma alone. :downs:
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-11-22, 11:59 PM #31
Blunt force trauma to what? Your neck? It's not a baseball bat to the brain, it's a blade to the neck.

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