seagulls are wonderful, their tiny neck is sleek looking, the bodies and top woods are all one piece spruce or cedar, (try out/ask if you prefer spruce or cedar, if the guy selling you the guitar can't tell the difference, go to another store.)
misconception 1:
Classicals are harder to play
classicals have a wider and flatter but fatter neck than acoustics. the strings are good for beginners because they force you to fret almost exactly the same way on all strings since they're roughly the same size, thanks to the nylon.
if you don,t like the tone though, well, acoustic is the way to go. it,s not worth going acoustic electric if you're a beginner. you're paying 200$ and more only for the pickup when you could spend this money on the quality of your guitar.
I don't know if you can get norman's or seagulls where you are, but you owe it to yourself to try them out. Also, stay away from brand names, their entry level models are decent, but overpriced. these companies kick *** at their big expensive models but they usually botch up on the entry levels. smaller companies have a better quality control and usually have a much better "soul to wood" factor on each guitar.
if you want to amplify and change the tone a bit, you could go for a semi-hollow, but you,ll lose the portable factor. the point is there's no such thing as a "guitar who'll do it all for less than 300$" so i'd say the best bet is to go for acoustic.
if you want to carry it around alot, go for a laminated top (multiple wood layers glued over another) instead of a solid top.
Solid tops gain alot of tone over time so that's really the best bang for the buck if you're patient. but they're more susceptible to heat and humidity and might warp faster if you take it outside next to a campfire and on and on. for this kind of guitar i've found out Walden makes some nice not-expensive but really good sounding and good looking acoustics. at my store i sell them for 200$CAD with the gig bag included. and i love the way they sound too, for the price. of course it's nothing compared to a good acoustic. but that's like comparing apples and oranges.
check these out, personally Norman guitars are the way to go. high grade woods with nice prices. at least here in quebec. as a beginner, stay away from fender, ibanez, takamine, tanglewood and crafter. while nice guitars, you pay for the name tag. check out Norman, Seagull, Walden, Epiphone too, to some extent, but i feel they're more plastic and less alive than the previous two.
any questions just directly ask me. it's my living
also, don't buy online. unless you can easily make sure you can honor your warranties.