My impression of Thrawn is way better;
The other day my playstation was pissing meo ff because I couldn't win at this game. SO I TOOK MY CONTROLLER OUTSIDE AND SMASHED IT.
The other day the cat knocked over my lager. SO I KILLED HIM WITH A HAMMER.
Hey I talk to girls and you don't. You guys are nerds. Total nerds.
Today was driving 110 mph in a residential neighborhood, how awesome am I? Then my car died so I hit this old lady because I have anger problems.
Also, my mom is a total *****. God! She makes me pay money to live here! And goes through my stuff when she puts my laundry away!
Man, and this cop pulled me over for speeding the other day. What a corrupt ******* cop. I know my rights, and cops aren't allowed to pull me over ever. Becuase I'm a pompous, smug, ******* and I think I'm always right. NO, I KNOW I'm always right.
Man, my boss sucks. He keeps telling people I suck. I mean come on! This multi-national company would FAIL without me working for them. It would literally implode upon itself. I want a better job, and it should just be given to me. I mean, I'm awesome. Maybe I'll go punch the time clock because my payrate pisses me off.
By the way, you guys are nerds and I talk to girls.