In your contrat with the government there is a statement that the individual shal do what the government tells them too as long as it's legal. That's their supposed way out. Canadian immigration and lawyers have to look at this seriously. There are millions of people, including millions of Americans in that selfish capatalist country (i had to throw that in there 'cause it's the opposite of socialist
), that believe what the US did and is doing, is illegal.
The point is, they have a real case. A case that not only many socialist and other capitalist country's are willing to hear, but a case that millions of US citizens are willing to hear because they agree with them.
Let's see what the allegations and verdicts are before we start building a great wall made of igloos on our side and howitzers on your side.
If 50% (I believe it's more) of the worlds countries and population feel that the attack on Iraq was illegal, these soldiers must be heard. Just as Sadaam gets three squares a day until and during his trial.
Pissed off?