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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Best Game
Best Game
2006-12-21, 8:24 PM #1
In your words, what is the greatest game created?

For me its World of Warcraft.

Just post your opinions on the game you think is the best created.
Back again
2006-12-21, 8:25 PM #2
Just a question...How old are you?
Right now im inclined to say... X-Wing Alliance.
2006-12-21, 8:36 PM #3
Oh my god. Zully needs to be here with his stovetop allegory.

I'd personally say Rubiks Cube or Backgammon. God knows videogames aren't to the polish level as traditional boardgames.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-12-21, 8:40 PM #4
I don't know, but there's NO WAY it's WoW.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-12-21, 8:42 PM #5
Ah so any game?

CtF with sixty people in a forest.
2006-12-21, 8:46 PM #6
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Oh my god. Zully needs to be here with his stovetop allegory.

I'd personally say Rubiks Cube or Backgammon. God knows videogames aren't to the polish level as traditional boardgames.

And Rubiks Cube isn't a game?
2006-12-21, 10:03 PM #7
2006-12-21, 10:05 PM #8
System Shock 2 or Starcraft
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-12-21, 10:09 PM #9
The usual...Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Thief I and II, Jedi Knight, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts...
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-12-21, 10:13 PM #10
Originally posted by tofu:
And Rubiks Cube isn't a game?

Yes it is. It's definetly a game. It fits the definition. Lots of poeple classify it as a toy, but it's in all technicality a game.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-12-21, 10:48 PM #11
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Yes it is. It's definetly a game. It fits the definition. Lots of poeple classify it as a toy, but it's in all technicality a game.

No, it's a puzzle.
2006-12-21, 11:46 PM #12
The original Leisure Suit Larry. Can't get much better then censored pixellated love.
2006-12-22, 12:05 AM #13
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Ah so any game?

CtF with sixty people in a forest.

expand that to 2 whole cities with a river between the cities play it at night with glow in the dark paintballs
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-12-22, 12:05 AM #14
Deus Ex (PC)
Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)

At least.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-12-22, 4:40 AM #15
TIE Fighter
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-12-22, 5:54 AM #16
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Starcraft.[/QUOTE]
2006-12-22, 6:51 AM #17
Deus Ex, TIE Fighter, XWA, Master of Orion series, the list goes on.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-12-22, 9:44 AM #18
Apples to Apples.

But as far as electronic media is concerned, Civilization II.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-12-22, 10:02 AM #19
Capture the Flag is one of the greatest games ever. It's such an all-pervading, enduring classic, that's undeniable.

In terms of videojuegos, It's apparent that some people are putting their favorite games, and not what they consider the best games. JK may be my favorite game, but it's obviously not the best game.

Anyway, some of my favorite games are: JK/JO, XWA, TIE Fighter, Far Cry, Freelancer, KotOR, Call of Duty *, HL2.

There's lots of games that I either haven't played or don't consider a personal favorite that are quite probably some of the best games.
2006-12-22, 10:24 AM #20
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
expand that to 2 whole cities with a river between the cities play it at night with glow in the dark paintballs

Who, when, where, and what's the entrance fee?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-12-22, 10:35 AM #21
The Curse of Monkey Island. o: Insult swordfighting is the best thing since sliced bread.
Seishun da!
2006-12-22, 10:36 AM #22
Spin the bottle.
2006-12-22, 10:44 AM #23
2006-12-22, 11:12 AM #24

Oh, wait, ANY game? Russian Roulette.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-12-22, 11:27 AM #25
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
For me its World of Warcraft.

2006-12-22, 12:54 PM #26
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]E.T.

Oh, wait, ANY game? Russian Roulette.[/QUOTE]
2006-12-22, 12:59 PM #27
Zelda III
2006-12-22, 1:56 PM #28
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Who, when, where, and what's the entrance fee?

we stopped 2 years ago... some players moved, the guy who owned a piece of property used as a flag base died in a car accident, and we haven't found a decent replacement base

there are some scaled down night games with fewer people and a much smaller area but they always happen on weekends and my nights off are mid week
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-12-22, 2:11 PM #29
I think my favorite video game that I have played is Halo...
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-12-22, 2:20 PM #30
Donkey Kong Country
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-12-22, 2:40 PM #31
TIE Fighter.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-12-22, 3:16 PM #32
It depends. The best game for drawing me back in once every year or two would be Diablo II. The best game in terms of extreme enjoyment over a short period of time would be Rome Total War. I expect Rome will take the pedestal in all respects before too long, since there are some exciting mods coming out for it.
2006-12-22, 5:12 PM #33
Jedi Knight, Rune, and World Of Warcraft.
2006-12-22, 5:15 PM #34
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-12-22, 5:46 PM #35
2006-12-22, 6:00 PM #36
Posting while drunk?
2006-12-22, 6:10 PM #37
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Posting while drunk?

Reading comprehension plx.

2006-12-22, 7:19 PM #38
My opinion of best game ever changes frequently. Right now I'm leaning toward Freelancer or Jedi Knight.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-12-22, 7:35 PM #39
I liked Freelancers story.. but the normal crap missions/trade runs were dull and repetitive.

2006-12-22, 8:02 PM #40
Who does that extra crap anyway. It's just a cheap filler you have to endure every now and then to get on with the story. :D I've run straight through Freelancer's story at least 10 times. I never do anything extra because it's boring.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009

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