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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sucked them all out..
Sucked them all out..
2006-12-28, 9:07 PM #1
All the games I bought are boring now! Hacking them even squeezed even more juice out of them.

I guess I'm going to study more again. :ninja:

Has this happen to you? and what did you do...
Back again
2006-12-28, 9:34 PM #2
It has happened to me recently. Not only have my old games lost their allure, but I don't desire new games. The last game I bought and thoroughly enjoyed was Half-life 2. Since then, I haven't bought many games.

It's not the end of the world. I spend more time away from the computer now. I spend more time with people. I have conversations with them. I spend more time actually doing things. Now I find I can sit still, in complete silence, just thinking about stuff for a long time. It's great. I still enjoy the occasional game of Counterstrike, but my life is more wholesome now.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-12-28, 9:44 PM #3
It's winter break... everyone is either out of town on their holiday or spending time with families in-town. I haven't talked to any of my friends this whole break.

I think I'm going to take a break for games...for a while...

Ah. CS was a nice game 'till I got IP banned :/.

Don't hack!
Back again
2006-12-29, 6:51 AM #4
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Not only have my old games lost their allure, but I don't desire new games.

Have you tried Oblivion? Either way, here are great games that have been released within the last 12 months:

Xbox 360
Gears of War
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (360 version > PC version)
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Dead Rising

Resident Evil 4 (also on Gamecube)
Final Fantasy XII
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Guitar Hero I/II (seriously)
Kingdom Hearts 2

Plus a whole slew of great portable games (DS, PSP).

Here is a list of great games for PC released this year: Oblivion...uh, Company of Heroes?

What happened to PC gaming anyway?
2006-12-29, 7:33 AM #5
Splinter Cell Double Agent, Hitman: Bloodmoney (both console ports, but still), Neverwinter Nights 2. It's not *that* bad. Also, does anyone know when Resident Evil 4's coming to PC?
2006-12-29, 8:20 AM #6
Wii forever! It's making games fun again! :cool:
2006-12-29, 8:33 AM #7
Rise of Legends was a good release in the past 12 months... >_>
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-12-29, 8:57 AM #8
Lately I've killed gaming time with a borrowed copy of the Sims 2 off a mate.

I feel so dirty.
2006-12-29, 9:04 AM #9
Well, I finally picked up Max Payne. Before that I played through Quake again. I also enjoyed Quake 4 quite a bit, although it seems kind of short.
2006-12-29, 9:37 AM #10
I've just recently discovered Battlefield 2. Buggy as heck, but it's a lot of fun when it does work right.
2006-12-29, 1:50 PM #11
Social life, ftw! :) Games aren't that great. Sure, they are fun every once in a while, but its not worth it for me buying more than maybe one new game every year or so... it costs money, and it DEFINITELY makes you procrastinate on all the work you need to do... haha.
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-12-29, 2:56 PM #12
I bought psychonauts at fry's the other day, and played it basically on and off for 20 hours straight, it's insanely entertaining and fun, and soooo aesthetically pleasing.
2006-12-29, 4:18 PM #13
I have Devil May Cry 1-3 sitting on my TV, 1 sits unplayed due to anger, 2 and 3 are still sealed. I have a half played FFXII Collectors sitting on top of Okami (which was actually good enough to play through) and I have a copy of Company of Heroes that I regret buying because it just lacks good gameplay. Maybe new games just arent as good. I find myself having the most fun playing a $10 Garry's Mod on HL2.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2006-12-30, 7:59 AM #14
Is there much of a change from Gmod9 and is it worth the $10?
2006-12-30, 8:52 AM #15
I used to play Rainbow Six: Raven Shield constantly, but I haven't started that up in a long time. Been attached to San Andreas again.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-12-30, 8:59 AM #16
I've been playing Gears of War for the last week, and trying to get my damn cat5 cables working so I can annihilate Jep, Ag, and SiliconC, but it's slow going.
2006-12-30, 9:19 AM #17
I've been playing a lot of Black and White lately.

I find that my sense of what is "good" is much more attuned than it was when I was 17.
>>untie shoes
2006-12-30, 9:31 AM #18
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Is there much of a change from Gmod9 and is it worth the $10?

There's no funky menu problems, you get updates immediately and regularly from Garry adding some new options/fixing bugs/general stuff, DoD:S content is officially supported so you don't have to download the content pack.

I just bought it because I like making contraptions and stuff, I haven't played it very much though.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-12-30, 12:22 PM #19
Monkey Island games.
Hard to find but worth it.

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