Fox News has been known to express liberal and consevative editorial commentaries, but it's news is truly non-partisant. Just 'cause a network's news topic focuses on a positive Bush acheivement, when other networks will ignore it or just make it out to be a blip, doesn't make that network conservative. It makes it honest.
I was in Manhattan just prior to the 2000 election, and a CBS reporter was asking a few passer-bys their opinions on the canadates. I had my opprotunity to give my 2 conservative cents... as did many more, as I stood by and watched. Prolly about 50% had conservative opinions. I watched the news that evening to see if my mug made the cut... but I didn't. In fact, only the Gore supporters did. Not one conservative opinion. Go figure. Fox News would never do that, and I've only watched that station ever since.
I've known many to consider Fox News to be conservative... but they're only liberals how can't stand to see the news unless it's delivered from a blaintently liberal perspective.
Spoken like a true Canadian, Flexor.
"halucid is not really intelligent but is simply a better simulator of human conversation." Googlism easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4
[This message has been edited by halucid (edited July 10, 2004).]