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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Caution! Religion in this thread.
Caution! Religion in this thread.
2007-01-12, 7:44 PM #1
I just did a google of "Koran Muslims Kill Infidels" and it turned up some certain links, which quoted from the Koran.

Now, I don't have my Koran on hand to check this, but in a few minutes I'll go check. This link seems to say pretty straight forward that Muslims should kill non-believers.

Now, please educate me. Am I correct to assume that all the crap I've given my teachers and considered myself more open minded than them about their dissing Muslims, is wrong?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-01-12, 7:57 PM #2
The big three religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim) consider any other member of the big three to be a "believer". The fanatics don't. Furthermore, there are plenty of passages that would contradict those in that link.
Pissed Off?
2007-01-12, 8:05 PM #3
Originally posted by Avenger:
The big three religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim) consider any other member of the big three to be a "believer". The fanatics don't.

Are you sure about that? I'd say quite the opposite. Christians believe that Christ is the only way to heaven, and Muslims and Jews don't really get along very well these days.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-12, 8:09 PM #4
Did they ever?
No really, In recent history have they EVER gotten along?
2007-01-12, 8:11 PM #5
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Did they ever?
No really, In recent history have they EVER gotten along?

Not recent history, but at the start of the Islamic movement they concidered Jews and Christians to be "people of the book" and would protect them as long as they would pay taxes to the Islamic Caliphate.

That kind of went sour after a while.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-12, 8:12 PM #6
Originally posted by Avenger:
Furthermore, there are plenty of passages that would contradict those in that link.

Sounds like the Bible, hah hah hah.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-12, 8:15 PM #7
Originally posted by Avenger:
The big three religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim) consider any other member of the big three to be a "believer". The fanatics don't.

Just to clarify, as a christian, I'll say that the bible is pretty clear that noone is a "believer" without EXPLICIT faith in Jesus Christ as the only God and savior.
While I'm not going to kill or harm those of other religions, I won't call them believers.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-01-12, 8:17 PM #8
I think he meant believers in god. In any case I can bet you most Christians would like Jews more than atheists.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-12, 9:01 PM #9
When my dad was in the Navy they thought them how to say "I am of the faith / one of the faithful" in Arabic in case it came to that.
2007-01-12, 9:13 PM #10
Nothing more needs to be said on this issue than this:

2007-01-12, 9:17 PM #11
That's funny coming from someone named RastaMon. Rastafarians? Yeah, basically drugged up Christians.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-01-12, 9:54 PM #12
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I just did a google of "Koran Muslims Kill Infidels" and it turned up some certain links, which quoted from the Koran.

Now, I don't have my Koran on hand to check this, but in a few minutes I'll go check. This link seems to say pretty straight forward that Muslims should kill non-believers.

Now, please educate me. Am I correct to assume that all the crap I've given my teachers and considered myself more open minded than them about their dissing Muslims, is wrong?

Look, I think Islam is a false and wrong religion, but you've got to do better than selective proof testing to prove a point. Context is everything. You could take little snippets out of one of Stalin's speeches and make it sound like he was a capitalist.
2007-01-12, 9:59 PM #13
All aboard the bigotry train!
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-12, 10:06 PM #14
Choo Choo! Here comes the flame-war train!
Im hightailing out of this thread!
2007-01-13, 1:48 AM #15
I believe the bible tells you to cut off a womans hand if she interrupts a fight between two men by grabbing one of them by the genitals. Also god supposedly murdered every man woman and child on earth except Noah and his ark right? Every religion is full of **** in its own unique way.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2007-01-13, 1:53 AM #16
Originally posted by Emon:
All aboard the bigotry train!

All aboard the Godbothering train!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-01-13, 2:23 AM #17
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
All aboard the Godbothering train!

"bother bother bother bother"
2007-01-13, 3:00 AM #18
I hate the internet so much.
2007-01-13, 4:45 AM #19
Originally posted by Zojombize:
Also god supposedly murdered every man woman and child on earth except Noah and his ark right?

There is a HUGE difference between an almighty God snuffing out people and a God who tells humans to go and murder other humans. Seriously.

What all these verses give you is the basis of Jihad. Perhaps it's a context thing, perhaps not. While I think that they do mean what they say, I haven't actually read most of the Koran, and I could be completely wrong on that point.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-13, 4:46 AM #20
Originally posted by Zojombize:
I believe the bible tells you to cut off a womans hand if she interrupts a fight between two men by grabbing one of them by the genitals.

As you should. Women shouldn't be grabbing peoples' nuts when they're trying to settle something.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-13, 6:38 AM #21
The Bible also tells you that stoning is expected and mandated in many cases :P

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Look, I think Islam is a false and wrong religion...

I'm just going to say this once, for religion-hating in general; stfu, you close-minded *******.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-13, 6:45 AM #22
Originally posted by UltimatePotato:
There is a HUGE difference between an almighty God snuffing out people and a God who tells humans to go and murder other humans. Seriously.

Meh, God tells his people to go a-murdering on several occasions throughout the Old Testament. Joshua's repeated slaughtering of entire cities at God's request comes to mind.
I'm with Zojombize; every religion has this sort of crazy **** in it.
2007-01-13, 6:48 AM #23
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
I'm just going to say this once, for religion-hating in general; stfu, you close-minded *******.
Whoah, whoah, whoah. There's nothing wrong with believing that other religions are wrong (though it does help to realize that most religions preach some of the same general ideas). There is something wrong with hating members of a religion immediately because you believe the religion is wrong, but I don't think that's what Obi was saying.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-01-13, 7:42 AM #24
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
There is something wrong with hating members of a religion immediately because you believe the religion is wrong

That's the part I have a problem with.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-13, 8:03 AM #25
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
The Bible also tells you that stoning is expected and mandated in many cases :P

Well, Jews are the only one held by those laws, so, technically, it's the Jews you have to watch out for. :P
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-13, 8:14 AM #26
Actually Islam is a pretty peaceful religion. But I can understand why that fact's not particularly popular in the US.
2007-01-13, 8:22 AM #27
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
That's the part I have a problem with.
... but I don't think that's what Obi was saying.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-01-13, 8:23 AM #28

"Your belief system based on faith alone, having absolutely no basis in reality or proven fact, is incorrect and wrong. Jesus walked on water, you foolish arabs."

You are hilarious.

What I mean by that, is that if you're going to believe in God and the Bible, you have that right. I honestly, at this point, can't claim that there is no God. (I'm still an atheist. Long story.) You, however, can't POSSIBLY try to tell me that a different religion than yours, one that has nearly identical morals and ideas, and believes in just as fantastic and impossible things, is "incorrect" and "wrong."

That's inhumanly stupid.

FAITH is the key concept in your religion, obi. If you can't recognize that faith is your only source of belief, and that the Muslim faith is no different, than you're brain washed. Whole and true: Brainwashed. You have a poor concept of reality if you think one unbelievable story is more valid than another.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-13, 8:26 AM #29
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-01-13, 9:29 AM #30
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:

I'm just going to say this once, for religion-hating in general; stfu, you close-minded *******.

Ok, so basically you tolerate all religions, you just hate the people who really believe in them. Way to go, jerk. :rolleyes:

EDIT: And don't I hate members of a religion. The Bible says that's wrong.

Honestly I'd have more respect for a Muslim who actually believed in his false religion, than one who thought they were all equal. Or a "Christian" who says they are all equal, for that matter.

EDIT2: Ha ha! I forgot the "don't". That makes a huge difference! Fixed.
2007-01-13, 9:35 AM #31
Originally posted by Roach:
That's funny coming from someone named RastaMon. Rastafarians? Yeah, basically drugged up Christians.

Not quite.

Rastas believe that Haile Selassie (who they refer to as Jah) was an incarnation of God. This is a radical departure from mainstream Christianity.

In fact, it has more in common with Judiasm in that Rastas follow (to some extent) the Hebraic law. Christianity emphasizes salvation by faith alone and freedom from the law.
2007-01-13, 9:49 AM #32
I'm loving this thread already.
>>untie shoes
2007-01-13, 9:53 AM #33
People believe that their religion is the right religion, and that other religions are false. That's just the thing, however. It's a belief. You cannot truly prove that one religion is right and another is wrong. I don't think we'd have so many different religions if that was the case. You just have to choose to believe what makes the most sense in your mind or choose to believe what was beaten into you by others. That's why it's faith. You have faith that what you believe is right. Just as others have faith in what they believe. Just chill out and realize that different people have, well, different thoughts.
2007-01-13, 10:28 AM #34
Originally posted by Recusant:
Meh, God tells his people to go a-murdering on several occasions throughout the Old Testament. Joshua's repeated slaughtering of entire cities at God's request comes to mind.
I'm with Zojombize; every religion has this sort of crazy **** in it.

But that's God's command for a nation to destroy another, not saying that it's alright to kill non-believers on an individual level. Though, the verses in the Koran might very well be/probably are the same kind of thing.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-13, 10:31 AM #35
Originally posted by Koobie:
Actually Islam is a pretty peaceful religion. But I can understand why that fact's not particularly popular in the US.

Are you serious? The first thing that Mohammid did was take over Mecca by force. The religion started out with violence.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-13, 10:39 AM #36
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Ok, so basically you tolerate all religions, you just hate the people who really believe in them. Way to go, jerk. :rolleyes:

No, I tolerate all religions, and I respect the people who believe them. It's when people start believing that because someone else doesn't believe in their version of a completely un-provable idea that they should be condemned and treated as a lesser person.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-13, 11:27 AM #37
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Christianity emphasizes salvation by faith alone and freedom from the law.

Many Protestant faiths believe in salvation by faith alone. Catholic, Orthodox, and many other Protestant faiths believe that 'faith alone' is a load.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2007-01-13, 11:44 AM #38
Originally posted by UltimatePotato:
Are you serious? The first thing that Mohammid did was take over Mecca by force. The religion started out with violence.

No. If memory serves me, according to Islam, Mohammed was first thrown out with his believers by the Meccans. Mohammed & Co. fled to Medina/Yathrib, and were pursued by the Meccans. Mohammed beat the Meccans, and they went back to nurse their wounds. They attacked him again, and lost - a truce was formed that they were to evacuate the city. The Meccans who had persecuted Mohammed then returned to the city once he left. He took the city "by force" without a fight; he declared a general amnesty for the Meccans when he conquered the city.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-13, 11:45 AM #39
Just as the Torah should not be studied without the Talmud, the Qu'ran should not be studied without the Hadith and the Sunnah. And even with that, interpretations vary greatly. And then you have people who interpret texts to suit their own ends.

That's all I'm going to say on this thread. Trying to defend Islam and the Prophet of Islam on the internet is a great way to have hate flung your way.
2007-01-13, 12:01 PM #40
I was raised as a Pentecostal (Protestant) and we were taught to believe that everyone outside of our denomination was going to hell (they were known as "The World"). When we would ask about children dying in Africa of starvation or AIDS, we were told that they were being punished for the sins of their parents and that their lives and deaths were an example. There are insane people leading insane people in virtually every religion on this planet. There are many violent groups that attempt to justify their violent acts with religion. The skinheads in the U.S.A. would be a good example of a group using Christianity to justify their violent behavior.

I make no distinction between "faith" and "blind faith". To me, they are the exact same thing. "Faith" is simply a word that people use to attempt to justify why they pretend to know that a creator exists or why they belong to a religion. I'm not claiming that a creator doesn't exist, I'm just stating that "faith" seems to be more of an excuse than a reason, in my opinion.

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