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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Why is is still impossible to find a Wii
Why is is still impossible to find a Wii
2007-01-15, 12:43 PM #1
This is ridiculous. More than a few of my friends have reported just walking into a store in the middle of the day and picking one up. Some of these friends live where I live. And yet, there are NO STORES with Wii and whenever shipments come there's still the line in front of the store at 6:30 AM with shortages .. ?!

I'm now the proud owner of Twilight Princess, Red Steel, an extra Wiimote, an extra Nunchuk, and NO WII SYSTEM. :psyduck:
2007-01-15, 12:59 PM #2
Same here pretty much. Wiis are just that popular I guess.

Try this:

2007-01-15, 3:15 PM #3
My guess would be supply and demand. Why would you buy all that crap, err, stuff with no console to use them on?

I'm just being grouchy so forgive my tone. I just never understand people who run right out to buy stuff like that. I'm perfectly content to play the great games from the last gen and buy the newer stuff when the prices drop.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2007-01-15, 3:19 PM #4
Just be patient. They rock, it'll be worth the wait.

Also, I saw an article about how "rumble" features won't work on gamecube games, well that is crap because I just bought Zelda 4 Swords adventures GameCube disk and the rumble works fine playing it on my Wii.
2007-01-15, 3:25 PM #5
blah, I guess virtual console games don't rumble - weak
2007-01-15, 3:41 PM #6
Originally posted by Wookie06:
I just never understand people who run right out to buy stuff like that. I'm perfectly content to play the great games from the last gen and buy the newer stuff when the prices drop.

Same, except I can't afford to buy the new stuff when it comes out so I make do :P
2007-01-15, 5:43 PM #7
Wii is one thing, but I haven't even been able to buy a DS Lite. What's up with that?
2007-01-15, 6:30 PM #8
Today when I got to work at 1:30 we 3 Wiis.

Still no DSes.
2007-01-15, 7:04 PM #9
Weird, seems like there are a lot of DSs around here. But no Wiis.
2007-01-15, 7:09 PM #10
Target is getting Wiis in on the 21st. I'm not sure how many but chances are it'll be over ten. I work for Target in the electronics department and we must get at least 20 calls a day asking for the DS Lite or Wii. LETS GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD NINTENDO!!!
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
2007-01-15, 11:34 PM #11
Originally posted by Aglar:
Wii is one thing, but I haven't even been able to buy a DS Lite. What's up with that?

I got a DS-lite about a week ago at BestBuy.

TOTALLY 100% WORTH THE MONEY. Starfox Command is a blast.
2007-01-15, 11:47 PM #12
Target was getting the largest shipments of Wiis compared to other stores. They'd get them in groups of 60 or 40 whereas Best Buy got 10 and EB Games/Gamestop would get 2 or 3.

I guess I'll have to check out Starfox Command, it looked interesting, but the last star fox I played totally sucked, there were parts where you had to like walk around. Lame.
2007-01-15, 11:53 PM #13
This one plays like all range mode from Starfox64 while you're flying around, and you use the stylus to manuever. The overhead map parts are pretty neat, and really simple too.

It was a little hard to play at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's massive amounts of fun.
2007-01-15, 11:55 PM #14
Originally posted by Brian:
Target was getting the largest shipments of Wiis compared to other stores. They'd get them in groups of 60 or 40 whereas Best Buy got 10 and EB Games/Gamestop would get 2 or 3.

I guess I'll have to check out Starfox Command, it looked interesting, but the last star fox I played totally sucked, there were parts where you had to like walk around. Lame.

No walking around in SF: Command, just arwings, but it IS a different Starfox. There's a strategy element in it now, and the controls take some getting used to. My only complaint is that there wasn't enough variety -- level design/enemy placement in the old games was a significant part of the success as I see it, and the design in Command is shifted into the strategy element instead, which is OK but, like I said, needs more variety.

This is only singleplayer, mind you. It's just straight-up dogfighting fun in Multiplayer :D

Also, I WANNA WII TOO!!! :(
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-01-16, 6:06 AM #15
People still line up outside of stores to get DS Lites in Japan and they have been out for a LONG time. Nintendo is doing really good, and I'm happy for them, especially after the Gamecube slump they went it. (Plus their stock has gone up $10 since I bought it.)
Think while it's still legal.
2007-01-16, 9:38 AM #16
I wouldn't really call the gamecube a slump. They may not have dominated the market but they made more money than their competitors.
2007-01-16, 10:00 AM #17
I guess that's the thing to keep in mind. Even if they aren't the dominant system, they're still making money. That's hard to argue with.
2007-01-16, 10:16 AM #18
Honestly, I've had a PS2 for more years than a GC, but I always had more fun on the GC games. I always have a hard time finding really good PS2 games.
2007-01-16, 12:12 PM #19

I have something like 30 or 40 Gamecube games and only about 6-8 PS2 games.

I sell games that aren't good, so everything I have I like.
2007-01-16, 6:20 PM #20
That depends on what the definition of is is is.
2007-01-16, 8:30 PM #21
Good Game (n)

1. Hella ****ing awesome McCoolbeans
2007-01-16, 10:30 PM #22
It's pretty ridiculous. Even when I was still working seasonal at EB Games on the first week of this month, there were more PS3s available than Wiis.
Nouveau Vintage

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